blob: 5bade09677f5b105df3c4ad4aaea997811faa1d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "crypto/crypto_export.h"
// Forward declaration, from <pk11pub.h>
typedef struct PK11SlotInfoStr PK11SlotInfo;
namespace crypto {
class ScopedTestNSSDB;
// Helper object to override the behavior of `crypto::GetSystemNSSKeySlot()`
// to return a slot from a temporary directory (i.e. bypassing the TPM).
// This object MUST be created before any call to
// `crypto::InitializeTPMTokenAndSystemSlot()`. Note: As noted in
// `crypto::ResetSystemSlotForTesting()`, once a fake slot has been configured
// for a process, it cannot be undone. As such, only one instance of this object
// must be created for a process.
class CRYPTO_EXPORT ScopedTestSystemNSSKeySlot {
// If `simulate_token_loader` is false, this class only prepares a software
// system slot, which will be made available through `GetSystemNSSKeySlot`
// when something else (presumably the TpmTokenLoader) calls
// `crypto::FinishInitializingTPMTokenAndSystemSlot`. Setting
// `simulate_token_loader` to true emulates the "initialization finished"
// signal immediately (e.g. in unit tests).
ScopedTestSystemNSSKeySlot(bool simulate_token_loader);
ScopedTestSystemNSSKeySlot(const ScopedTestSystemNSSKeySlot&) = delete;
ScopedTestSystemNSSKeySlot& operator=(const ScopedTestSystemNSSKeySlot&) =
bool ConstructedSuccessfully() const;
PK11SlotInfo* slot() const;
std::unique_ptr<ScopedTestNSSDB> test_db_;
} // namespace crypto