blob: 72f4b05092752061ef90e2945a3ad37bc0336381 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/commit.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/model_type_registry.h"
namespace syncer {
class CommitContributor;
// This class manages the set of per-type committer objects.
// It owns these types and hides the details of iterating over all of them.
// It is a logic error if the supplied set of types contains a type which was
// not previously registered.
class CommitProcessor {
// |commit_types| must contain NIGORI. |commit_contributor_map| must be not
// null and must outlive this object.
CommitProcessor(ModelTypeSet commit_types,
CommitContributorMap* commit_contributor_map);
CommitProcessor(const CommitProcessor&) = delete;
CommitProcessor& operator=(const CommitProcessor&) = delete;
// Gathers a set of contributions to be used to populate a commit message.
// For each of the |commit_types| in this CommitProcessor's CommitContributor
// map, gather any entries queued for commit into CommitContributions. The
// total number of entries in all the returned CommitContributions shall not
// exceed |max_entries|.
// Returns no contribution if previous call collected them from all datatypes
// and total number of collected entries was less than |max_entries|.
Commit::ContributionMap GatherCommitContributions(size_t max_entries);
// Gathering is split into phases for 2 reasons: 1) to provide prioritization,
// and 2) to avoid infinite commit cycles when some data type generates
// updates at very high speed.
enum class GatheringPhase { kHighPriority, kRegular, kLowPriority, kDone };
// Increments |phase| (in the order given above in GatheringPhase).
static GatheringPhase IncrementGatheringPhase(GatheringPhase phase);
// Returns user data types that should be gathered for committing in the
// current phase.
ModelTypeSet GetUserTypesForCurrentCommitPhase() const;
// Gathers commit contributions for an individual datatype and populates
// |*contributions|. Returns the number of entries added.
size_t GatherCommitContributionsForType(
ModelType type,
size_t max_entries,
Commit::ContributionMap* contributions);
// Gathers commit contributions for |types| and populates |*contributions|.
// Returns the number of entries added.
size_t GatherCommitContributionsForTypes(
ModelTypeSet types,
size_t max_entries,
Commit::ContributionMap* contributions);
const ModelTypeSet commit_types_;
// A map of 'commit contributors', one for each enabled type.
raw_ptr<CommitContributorMap> commit_contributor_map_;
GatheringPhase phase_;
} // namespace syncer