blob: b839390ac4264e3da28b8629801c3041865638e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/commit_and_get_updates_types.h"
#include "components/sync/model/entity_change.h"
#include "components/sync/model/model_type_change_processor.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace syncer {
enum class ConflictResolution;
class DataBatch;
struct DataTypeActivationRequest;
struct EntityData;
class MetadataChangeList;
class ModelError;
// Interface implemented by model types to receive updates from sync via a
// ModelTypeChangeProcessor. Provides a way for sync to update the data and
// metadata for entities, as well as the model type state. Sync bridge
// implementations must provide their change_processor() with metadata through
// ModelReadyToSync() as soon as possible. Once this is called, sync will
// immediately begin locally tracking changes and can start syncing with the
// server soon afterward. If an error occurs during startup, the processor's
// ReportError() method should be called instead of ModelReadyToSync().
class ModelTypeSyncBridge {
using DataCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<DataBatch>)>;
using StorageKeyList = std::vector<std::string>;
// When commit fails, all entities from the commit request are in transient
// state. This state is normally (by default) kept until the next successful
// commit of the data type or until the change processor is disconnected.
// However, the bridge can return the preferred option to reset state of all
// entities from the last failed commit.
enum class CommitAttemptFailedBehavior {
// Keep transient state of entities from the last commit request.
// The processor should reset the transient state and include all entities
// into the next sync cycle.
explicit ModelTypeSyncBridge(
std::unique_ptr<ModelTypeChangeProcessor> change_processor);
virtual ~ModelTypeSyncBridge();
// Called by the processor as a notification that sync has been started by the
// ModelTypeController.
virtual void OnSyncStarting(const DataTypeActivationRequest& request);
// Creates an object used to communicate changes in the sync metadata to the
// model type store.
virtual std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> CreateMetadataChangeList() = 0;
// Perform the initial merge between local and sync data.
// If the bridge supports incremental updates, this is only called when a data
// type is first enabled to start syncing, and there is no sync metadata.
// In this case, best effort should be made to match local and sync data.
// For datatypes that do not support incremental updates, the processor will
// call this method every time it gets new sync data from the server. It is
// then the responsibility of the bridge to clear all existing sync data, and
// replace it with the passed in |entity_data|.
// Storage key in entity_data elements will be set to result of
// GetStorageKey() call if the bridge supports it. Otherwise it will be left
// empty, bridge is responsible for updating storage keys of new entities with
// change_processor()->UpdateStorageKey() in this case.
// If a local and sync data should match/merge but disagree on storage key,
// the bridge should delete one of the records (preferably local). Any local
// pieces of data that are not present in sync should immediately be Put(...)
// to the processor before returning. The same MetadataChangeList that was
// passed into this function can be passed to Put(...) calls. Delete(...) can
// also be called but should not be needed for most model types. Durable
// storage writes, if not able to combine all change atomically, should save
// the metadata after the data changes, so that this merge will be re-driven
// by sync if is not completely saved during the current run.
virtual absl::optional<ModelError> MergeSyncData(
std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> metadata_change_list,
EntityChangeList entity_data) = 0;
// Apply changes from the sync server locally.
// Please note that |entity_changes| might have fewer entries than
// |metadata_change_list| in case when some of the data changes are filtered
// out, or even be empty in case when a commit confirmation is processed and
// only the metadata needs to persisted.
virtual absl::optional<ModelError> ApplySyncChanges(
std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> metadata_change_list,
EntityChangeList entity_changes) = 0;
// Asynchronously retrieve the corresponding sync data for |storage_keys|.
// |callback| should be invoked if the operation is successful, otherwise
// the processor's ReportError method should be called.
virtual void GetData(StorageKeyList storage_keys, DataCallback callback) = 0;
// Asynchronously retrieve all of the local sync data. |callback| should be
// invoked if the operation is successful, otherwise the processor's
// ReportError method should be called.
// Used for getting all data in Sync Node Browser of chrome://sync-internals.
virtual void GetAllDataForDebugging(DataCallback callback) = 0;
// Must not be called unless SupportsGetClientTag() returns true.
// Get or generate a client tag for |entity_data|. This must be the same tag
// that was/would have been generated in the SyncableService/Directory world
// for backward compatibility with pre-USS clients. The only time this
// theoretically needs to be called is on the creation of local data.
// If a model type was never launched pre-USS, then method does not need to be
// different from GetStorageKey(). Only the hash of this value is kept.
// IsEntityDataValid() is guaranteed to hold for the |entity_data|.
virtual std::string GetClientTag(const EntityData& entity_data) = 0;
// Must not be called unless SupportsGetStorageKey() returns true.
// Get or generate a storage key for |entity_data|. This will only ever be
// called once when first encountering a remote entity. Local changes will
// provide their storage keys directly to Put instead of using this method.
// Theoretically this function doesn't need to be stable across multiple calls
// on the same or different clients, but to keep things simple, it probably
// should be. Storage keys are kept in memory at steady state, so each model
// type should strive to keep these keys as small as possible.
// Returning an empty string means the remote creation should be ignored (i.e.
// it contains invalid data).
// IsEntityDataValid() is guaranteed to hold for the |entity_data|.
virtual std::string GetStorageKey(const EntityData& entity_data) = 0;
// Whether or not the bridge is capable of producing a client tag from
// |EntityData| (usually remote changes), via GetClientTag(). Most bridges do,
// but in rare cases including commit-only types and read-only types, it may
// not.
virtual bool SupportsGetClientTag() const;
// By returning true in this function datatype indicates that it can generate
// storage key from EntityData. In this case for all new entities received
// from server, change processor will call GetStorageKey and update
// EntityChange structures before passing them to MergeSyncData and
// ApplySyncChanges.
// This function should return false when datatype's native storage is not
// indexed by some combination of values from EntityData, when key into the
// storage is obtained at the time the record is inserted into it (e.g. ROWID
// in SQLite). In this case entity changes for new entities passed to
// MergeSyncData and ApplySyncChanges will have empty storage_key. It is
// datatype's responsibility to call UpdateStorageKey for such entities.
virtual bool SupportsGetStorageKey() const;
// By returning true in this function, the datatype indicates that it supports
// receiving partial (incremental) updates. If it returns false, the type
// indicates that it requires the full data set to be sent to it through
// MergeSyncData for any change to the data set.
virtual bool SupportsIncrementalUpdates() const;
// Resolve a conflict between the client and server versions of data. They are
// guaranteed not to match (both be deleted or have identical specifics). A
// default implementation chooses the server data unless it is a deletion.
virtual ConflictResolution ResolveConflict(
const std::string& storage_key,
const EntityData& remote_data) const;
// Similar to ApplySyncChanges() but called by the processor when sync
// is in the process of being stopped, or if metadata needs to cleared. If
// |delete_metadata_change_list| is not null, it indicates that sync metadata
// must be deleted (i.e. the datatype was disabled), and
// |*delete_metadata_change_list| contains a change list to remove all
// metadata that the processor knows about (the bridge may decide to implement
// deletion by other means).
virtual void ApplyStopSyncChanges(
std::unique_ptr<MetadataChangeList> delete_metadata_change_list);
// Called only when some items in a commit haven't been committed due to an
// error.
virtual void OnCommitAttemptErrors(
const syncer::FailedCommitResponseDataList& error_response_list);
// Called only when a commit failed due to server error.
virtual CommitAttemptFailedBehavior OnCommitAttemptFailed(
SyncCommitError commit_error);
// Returns an estimate of memory usage attributed to sync (that is, excludes
// the actual model). Because the resulting UMA metrics are often used to
// compare with the non-USS equivalent implementations (SyncableService), it's
// a good idea to account for overhead that would also get accounted for the
// SyncableService by other means.
virtual size_t EstimateSyncOverheadMemoryUsage() const;
// Returns a copy of |entity_specifics| with fields that need to be preserved,
// resulting in caching them in EntityMetadata and allowing to use them on
// commits to the Sync server in order to prevent the data loss.
// This means that a data-specific bridge must override this function with the
// implementation that clears all supported proto fields (i.e. fields that are
// actively used by the implementation and fully launched).
// Fields that should not be marked as supported (cleared) include:
// * Unknown fields in the current browser version
// * Known fields that are just defined in the proto and not actively used
// (e.g. a partially-implemented functionality or a functionality guarded by a
// feature toggle).
// TODO( Consider changing the default to preserve unknown
// fields at least.
// By default, empty EntitySpecifics is returned.
virtual sync_pb::EntitySpecifics TrimAllSupportedFieldsFromRemoteSpecifics(
const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& entity_specifics) const;
// Returns true if the provided `entity_data` is valid. This method should be
// implemented by the bridges and can be used to validate the incoming remote
// updates.
// TODO( Mark this method as pure virtual to force all the
// bridges to implement this.
virtual bool IsEntityDataValid(const EntityData& entity_data) const;
// Needs to be informed about any model change occurring via Delete() and
// Put(). The changing metadata should be stored to persistent storage
// before or atomically with the model changes.
ModelTypeChangeProcessor* change_processor();
const ModelTypeChangeProcessor* change_processor() const;
std::unique_ptr<ModelTypeChangeProcessor> change_processor_;
} // namespace syncer