blob: 622d38bc2fcea0df08347993e6b50ee283bfb5a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Sync protocol datatype extension for segmentations.
// If you change or add any fields in this file, update proto_visitors.h and
// potentially proto_enum_conversions.{h, cc}.
syntax = "proto2";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package sync_pb;
// Sync data proto for storing segmentation data. Keyed by the combination of
// cache_guid (a Sync client id) and segmentation key.
// The segmentation platform is a platform that uses intelligence and machine
// learning to guide developers for building purpose-built user experience for
// specific segments of users. See go/chrome-segmentation for more details.
message SegmentationSpecifics {
// The selected segment by the segmentation scheme.
message SegmentSelectionResult {
// The string ID that refers to the segment the user was assigned to, e.g.,
// 'highly_engaged_user'.
optional string selected_segment = 1;
// Expiry time of selection result. Represents time from windows epoch in
// seconds. Expired results are ignored by clients.
optional int64 expiry_time_windows_epoch_seconds = 2;
// Time when the segmentation data is updated. Used to weigh results by
// recency. Represents time from windows epoch in seconds.
optional int64 last_updated_time_windows_epoch_seconds = 3;
// Metadata about the client device as used by the segmentation platform.
message DeviceMetadata {
// The cache_guid created to identify a sync client on this device.
// Reuses the same Sync guid.
optional string cache_guid = 1;
enum PlatformType {
// The OS platform of the device.
optional PlatformType platform_type = 2;
// Model execution data including segment scores and related metadata, e.g.,
// model version.
message ModelExecutionData {
// Output of model.
message ModelOutput {
// When outputting multiple scores from a single model, this is the
// segment label for each output.
optional string label = 1;
// Raw segment scores provided by the ML model or the heuristic model.
// The score is derived based on a combination of UMA histograms,
// user actions or UKM and URLs visited. The score can be treated as a
// probability of the user liking a feature, like feed, or NTP.
optional float score = 2;
// A rank defined by the segmentation scheme.
optional int32 rank = 3;
// A string ID that identifies a model.
optional string model_id = 1;
// A model may output one or multiple scores, one score for each segment
// label.
repeated ModelOutput model_outputs = 2;
// Timestamp when the ML model was executed.
// Represents time from windows epoch in seconds.
optional int64 execution_time_windows_epoch_seconds = 3;
// Expiry timestamp for the model scores.
// Represents time from windows epoch in seconds.
optional int64 score_expiry_time_windows_epoch_seconds = 4;
// The version of the ML model that was run.
optional int32 model_version = 5;
// The key used to identify the type of segmentation associated with a
// feature, e.g. 'user_engagement'.
optional string segmentation_key = 1;
optional SegmentSelectionResult segment_selection_result = 2;
optional DeviceMetadata device_metadata = 3;
// One or more model execution data associated with each segment for the
// segmentation key.
repeated ModelExecutionData model_execution_data = 4;