blob: c5d53eba585a14cc309b337acd463bc8a8b14884 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/events/gesture_detection/gesture_detection_export.h"
#include "ui/events/gesture_detection/velocity_tracker.h"
namespace ui {
class GESTURE_DETECTION_EXPORT GestureConfiguration {
// Returns the singleton GestureConfiguration.
static GestureConfiguration* GetInstance();
GestureConfiguration(const GestureConfiguration&) = delete;
GestureConfiguration& operator=(const GestureConfiguration&) = delete;
// Ordered alphabetically ignoring underscores.
float default_radius() const { return default_radius_; }
void set_default_radius(float radius) {
default_radius_ = radius;
min_gesture_bounds_length_ = default_radius_;
bool double_tap_enabled() const { return double_tap_enabled_; }
void set_double_tap_enabled(bool enabled) { double_tap_enabled_ = enabled; }
int double_tap_timeout_in_ms() const { return double_tap_timeout_in_ms_; }
void set_double_tap_timeout_in_ms(int val) {
double_tap_timeout_in_ms_ = val;
bool fling_touchpad_tap_suppression_enabled() const {
return fling_touchpad_tap_suppression_enabled_;
void set_fling_touchpad_tap_suppression_enabled(bool enabled) {
fling_touchpad_tap_suppression_enabled_ = enabled;
bool fling_touchscreen_tap_suppression_enabled() const {
return fling_touchscreen_tap_suppression_enabled_;
void set_fling_touchscreen_tap_suppression_enabled(bool enabled) {
fling_touchscreen_tap_suppression_enabled_ = enabled;
int fling_max_cancel_to_down_time_in_ms() const {
return fling_max_cancel_to_down_time_in_ms_;
void set_fling_max_cancel_to_down_time_in_ms(int val) {
fling_max_cancel_to_down_time_in_ms_ = val;
int fling_max_tap_gap_time_in_ms() const {
return fling_max_tap_gap_time_in_ms_;
void set_fling_max_tap_gap_time_in_ms(int val) {
fling_max_tap_gap_time_in_ms_ = val;
bool stylus_scale_enabled() const { return stylus_scale_enabled_; }
void set_stylus_scale_enabled(bool enabled) {
stylus_scale_enabled_ = enabled;
bool gesture_begin_end_types_enabled() const {
return gesture_begin_end_types_enabled_;
void set_gesture_begin_end_types_enabled(bool val) {
gesture_begin_end_types_enabled_ = val;
base::TimeDelta short_press_time() const { return short_press_time_; }
void set_short_press_time(base::TimeDelta val) { short_press_time_ = val; }
int long_press_time_in_ms() const { return long_press_time_in_ms_; }
void set_long_press_time_in_ms(int val) { long_press_time_in_ms_ = val; }
float max_distance_between_taps_for_double_tap() const {
return max_distance_between_taps_for_double_tap_;
void set_max_distance_between_taps_for_double_tap(float val) {
max_distance_between_taps_for_double_tap_ = val;
float max_distance_for_two_finger_tap_in_pixels() const {
return max_distance_for_two_finger_tap_in_pixels_;
void set_max_distance_for_two_finger_tap_in_pixels(float val) {
max_distance_for_two_finger_tap_in_pixels_ = val;
int max_tap_count() const { return max_tap_count_; }
void set_max_tap_count(int count) { max_tap_count_ = count; }
float max_fling_velocity() const { return max_fling_velocity_; }
void set_max_fling_velocity(float val) { max_fling_velocity_ = val; }
float max_gesture_bounds_length() const {
return max_gesture_bounds_length_;
void set_max_gesture_bounds_length(float val) {
max_gesture_bounds_length_ = val;
float max_separation_for_gesture_touches_in_pixels() const {
return max_separation_for_gesture_touches_in_pixels_;
void set_max_separation_for_gesture_touches_in_pixels(float val) {
max_separation_for_gesture_touches_in_pixels_ = val;
float max_swipe_deviation_angle() const {
return max_swipe_deviation_angle_;
void set_max_swipe_deviation_angle(float val) {
max_swipe_deviation_angle_ = val;
int max_time_between_double_click_in_ms() const {
return max_time_between_double_click_in_ms_;
void set_max_time_between_double_click_in_ms(int val) {
max_time_between_double_click_in_ms_ = val;
int max_touch_down_duration_for_click_in_ms() const {
return max_touch_down_duration_for_click_in_ms_;
void set_max_touch_down_duration_for_click_in_ms(int val) {
max_touch_down_duration_for_click_in_ms_ = val;
float max_stylus_move_in_pixels_for_click() const {
return max_stylus_move_in_pixels_for_click_;
void set_max_stylus_move_in_pixels_for_click(float val) {
max_stylus_move_in_pixels_for_click_ = val;
float max_touch_move_in_pixels_for_click() const {
return max_touch_move_in_pixels_for_click_;
void set_max_touch_move_in_pixels_for_click(float val) {
max_touch_move_in_pixels_for_click_ = val;
span_slop_ = max_touch_move_in_pixels_for_click_ * 2;
float min_distance_for_pinch_scroll_in_pixels() const {
return min_distance_for_pinch_scroll_in_pixels_;
void set_min_distance_for_pinch_scroll_in_pixels(float val) {
min_distance_for_pinch_scroll_in_pixels_ = val;
float min_fling_velocity() const { return min_fling_velocity_; }
void set_min_fling_velocity(float val) { min_fling_velocity_ = val; }
float min_gesture_bounds_length() const {
return min_gesture_bounds_length_;
float min_pinch_update_span_delta() const {
return min_pinch_update_span_delta_;
void set_min_pinch_update_span_delta(float val) {
min_pinch_update_span_delta_ = val;
float min_scaling_span_in_pixels() const {
return min_scaling_span_in_pixels_;
void set_min_scaling_span_in_pixels(float val) {
min_scaling_span_in_pixels_ = val;
float min_swipe_velocity() const { return min_swipe_velocity_; }
void set_min_swipe_velocity(float val) { min_swipe_velocity_ = val; }
int scroll_debounce_interval_in_ms() const {
return scroll_debounce_interval_in_ms_;
int set_scroll_debounce_interval_in_ms(int val) {
return scroll_debounce_interval_in_ms_ = val;
int show_press_delay_in_ms() const { return show_press_delay_in_ms_; }
int set_show_press_delay_in_ms(int val) {
return show_press_delay_in_ms_ = val;
bool single_pointer_cancel_enabled() const {
return single_pointer_cancel_enabled_;
void set_single_pointer_cancel_enabled(bool enabled) {
single_pointer_cancel_enabled_ = enabled;
float span_slop() const { return span_slop_; }
bool swipe_enabled() const { return swipe_enabled_; }
void set_swipe_enabled(bool val) { swipe_enabled_ = val; }
bool two_finger_tap_enabled() const { return two_finger_tap_enabled_; }
void set_two_finger_tap_enabled(bool val) { two_finger_tap_enabled_ = val; }
VelocityTracker::Strategy velocity_tracker_strategy() const {
return velocity_tracker_strategy_;
void set_velocity_tracker_strategy(VelocityTracker::Strategy val) {
velocity_tracker_strategy_ = val;
virtual ~GestureConfiguration();
void set_min_gesture_bounds_length(float val) {
min_gesture_bounds_length_ = val;
void set_span_slop(float val) { span_slop_ = val; }
// Returns the platform specific instance. This is invoked if a specific
// instance has not been set.
static GestureConfiguration* GetPlatformSpecificInstance();
// These are listed in alphabetical order ignoring underscores.
// NOTE: Adding new configuration parameters requires initializing
// corresponding entries in's SetUp().
// The default touch radius length used when the only information given
// by the device is the touch center.
float default_radius_ = 25;
bool double_tap_enabled_ = false;
int double_tap_timeout_in_ms_ = 400;
// Whether to suppress touchscreen/touchpad taps that occur during a fling (
// in particular, when such taps cancel the active fling).
bool fling_touchpad_tap_suppression_enabled_ = false;
bool fling_touchscreen_tap_suppression_enabled_ = false;
// Maximum time between a GestureFlingCancel and a mousedown such that the
// mousedown is considered associated with the cancel event.
int fling_max_cancel_to_down_time_in_ms_ = 400;
// Maxium time between a mousedown/mouseup pair that is considered to be a
// suppressable tap.
int fling_max_tap_gap_time_in_ms_ = 200;
bool stylus_scale_enabled_ = false;
bool gesture_begin_end_types_enabled_ = false;
base::TimeDelta short_press_time_ = base::Milliseconds(400);
// TODO( All time fields here should be of type
// |base::TimeDiff| instead of |int|.
int long_press_time_in_ms_ = 500;
float max_distance_between_taps_for_double_tap_ = 20;
// The max length of a repeated tap sequence, e.g., to support double-click
// only this is 2, to support triple-click it's 3.
int max_tap_count_ = 3;
// The maximum allowed distance between two fingers for a two finger tap. If
// the distance between two fingers is greater than this value, we will not
// recognize a two finger tap.
float max_distance_for_two_finger_tap_in_pixels_ = 300;
float max_fling_velocity_ = 17000;
float max_gesture_bounds_length_ = 0;
float max_separation_for_gesture_touches_in_pixels_ = 150;
float max_swipe_deviation_angle_ = 20;
int max_time_between_double_click_in_ms_ = 700;
int max_touch_down_duration_for_click_in_ms_ = 800;
float max_stylus_move_in_pixels_for_click_ = 20;
float max_touch_move_in_pixels_for_click_ = 15;
float min_distance_for_pinch_scroll_in_pixels_ = 20;
float min_fling_velocity_ = 30;
float min_gesture_bounds_length_ = 0;
// Only used with --compensate-for-unstable-pinch-zoom.
float min_pinch_update_span_delta_ = 0;
// If this is too small, we currently can get single finger pinch zoom. See
// for details.
float min_scaling_span_in_pixels_ = 125;
float min_swipe_velocity_ = 20;
// TODO( Disable and remove entirely when issues
// with intermittent scroll end detection on the Pixel are resolved.
int scroll_debounce_interval_in_ms_ = 30;
int scroll_debounce_interval_in_ms_ = 0;
int show_press_delay_in_ms_ = 150;
// When enabled, a cancel action affects only the corresponding pointer (vs
// all pointers active at that time).
bool single_pointer_cancel_enabled_ = true;
bool single_pointer_cancel_enabled_ = false;
// The default value of span_slop_ is 2 * max_touch_move_in_pixels_for_click_.
float span_slop_ = 30;
bool swipe_enabled_ = false;
bool two_finger_tap_enabled_ = false;
VelocityTracker::Strategy velocity_tracker_strategy_ =
} // namespace ui