blob: d84783a7d5122bc265f068a19d7478ef1fff17d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "ui/events/events_export.h"
namespace ui {
class GestureEvent;
class TouchEvent;
// TransferTouchesBehavior customizes the behavior of
// GestureRecognizer::TransferEventsTo.
enum class TransferTouchesBehavior {
// Dispatches the cancel events to the current consumer on transfer to ensure
// its touch stream remains valid.
// Do not dispatch cancel events.
// An abstract type for consumers of gesture-events created by the
// gesture-recognizer.
class EVENTS_EXPORT GestureConsumer {
virtual ~GestureConsumer() {}
// Supporting double tap events requires adding some extra delay before
// sending single-tap events in order to determine whether its a potential
// double tap or not. This delay may be undesirable in many UI components and
// should be avoided if not needed.
// Returns true if the consumer wants to receive double tap gesture events.
// Defaults to false.
virtual bool RequiresDoubleTapGestureEvents() const;
virtual const std::string& GetName() const;
// GestureEventHelper creates implementation-specific gesture events and
// can dispatch them.
class EVENTS_EXPORT GestureEventHelper {
virtual ~GestureEventHelper() {
// Returns true if this helper can dispatch events to |consumer|.
virtual bool CanDispatchToConsumer(GestureConsumer* consumer) = 0;
virtual void DispatchGestureEvent(GestureConsumer* raw_input_consumer,
GestureEvent* event) = 0;
virtual void DispatchSyntheticTouchEvent(TouchEvent* event) = 0;
} // namespace ui