blob: 91b083b1921ab906dcb4e9b74253570bba5fc53c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/events/ozone/events_ozone.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
namespace ui {
namespace {
bool dispatch_disabled = false;
bool DispatchEventFromNativeUiEvent(
const PlatformEvent& event,
base::OnceCallback<void(ui::Event*)> callback) {
// If it's disabled for test, just return as if it's handled.
if (dispatch_disabled)
return true;
// NB: ui::Events are constructed here using the overload that takes a
// const PlatformEvent& (here ui::Event* const&) rather than the copy
// constructor. This has side effects and cannot be changed to use the
// copy constructor or Event::Clone.
bool handled = false;
if (event->IsKeyEvent()) {
ui::KeyEvent key_event(event);
handled = key_event.handled();
} else if (event->IsMouseWheelEvent()) {
ui::MouseWheelEvent wheel_event(event);
handled = wheel_event.handled();
} else if (event->IsMouseEvent()) {
ui::MouseEvent mouse_event(event);
handled = mouse_event.handled();
} else if (event->IsTouchEvent()) {
ui::TouchEvent touch_event(event);
handled = touch_event.handled();
} else if (event->IsScrollEvent()) {
ui::ScrollEvent scroll_event(event);
handled = scroll_event.handled();
} else if (event->IsGestureEvent()) {
// TODO( Missing ui::GestureEvent(const
// PlatformEvent&) ctor).
auto gesture_event = *(event->AsGestureEvent());
handled = gesture_event.handled();
// TODO(mohsen): Use the same pattern for scroll/touch/wheel events.
// Apparently, there is no need for them to wrap the |event|.
} else {
return handled;
EVENTS_EXPORT void DisableNativeUiEventDispatchForTest() {
dispatch_disabled = true;
} // namespace ui