blob: 59942b64257cffca2a31f71ff7ef7bbfc8786088 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains some useful utilities for the ui/gl classes.
#ifndef UI_GL_GL_UTILS_H_
#define UI_GL_GL_UTILS_H_
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_export.h"
#include "ui/gl/gpu_preference.h"
#include <dxgi1_6.h>
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
namespace gl {
class GLApi;
#if defined(USE_EGL)
class GLDisplayEGL;
#endif // USE_EGL
#if defined(USE_GLX)
class GLDisplayX11;
#endif // USE_GLX
class GLDisplay;
GL_EXPORT void Crash();
GL_EXPORT void Hang();
GL_EXPORT base::ScopedFD MergeFDs(base::ScopedFD a, base::ScopedFD b);
GL_EXPORT bool UsePassthroughCommandDecoder(
const base::CommandLine* command_line);
GL_EXPORT bool PassthroughCommandDecoderSupported();
// Defines a set of workarounds that can be passed to ui/gl using the
// SetGlWorkarounds function below.
struct GlWorkarounds {
bool disable_d3d11 = false;
bool disable_es3gl_context = false;
bool disable_es3gl_context_for_testing = false;
bool disable_direct_composition = false;
bool disable_direct_composition_video_overlays = false;
// Obtains the global GlWorkarounds. For use by ui/gl code to determine which
// workarounds have been set by a call to SetGlWorkarounds.
GL_EXPORT const GlWorkarounds& GetGlWorkarounds();
// Sets the GlWorkarounds. This should be called from the code hosting ui/gl.
GL_EXPORT void SetGlWorkarounds(const GlWorkarounds& workarounds);
// Calculates present during in 100 ns from number of frames per second.
GL_EXPORT unsigned int FrameRateToPresentDuration(float frame_rate);
// BufferCount for the root surface swap chain.
GL_EXPORT unsigned int DirectCompositionRootSurfaceBufferCount();
// Labels swapchain with the name_prefix and ts buffers buffers with the string
// name_prefix + _Buffer_ + <buffer_number>.
GL_EXPORT void LabelSwapChainAndBuffers(IDXGISwapChain* swap_chain,
const char* name_prefix);
// Same as LabelSwapChainAndBuffers, but only does the buffers. Used for resize
// operations.
GL_EXPORT void LabelSwapChainBuffers(IDXGISwapChain* swap_chain,
const char* name_prefix);
// The following functions expose functionalities from GLDisplayManagerEGL
// and GLDisplayManagerX11 for access outside the ui/gl module. This is because
// the two GLDisplayManager classes are singletons and in component build,
// calling GetInstance() directly returns different instances in different
// components.
#if defined(USE_EGL)
// Add an entry <preference, system_device_id> to GLDisplayManagerEGL.
GL_EXPORT void SetGpuPreferenceEGL(GpuPreference preference,
uint64_t system_device_id);
// Remove the entry at <preference> from GLDisplayManagerEGL.
GL_EXPORT void RemoveGpuPreferenceEGL(GpuPreference preference);
// Query the default GLDisplay. May return either a GLDisplayEGL or
// GLDisplayX11.
GL_EXPORT GLDisplay* GetDefaultDisplay();
// Query the GLDisplay by |gpu_preference|. May return either a GLDisplayEGL or
// GLDisplayX11.
GL_EXPORT GLDisplay* GetDisplay(GpuPreference gpu_preference);
// Query the GLDisplay by |gpu_preference| and |display_key|. May return either
// a GLDisplayEGL or GLDisplayX11.
GL_EXPORT GLDisplay* GetDisplay(GpuPreference gpu_preference,
gl::DisplayKey display_key);
// Query the default GLDisplayEGL.
GL_EXPORT GLDisplayEGL* GetDefaultDisplayEGL();
// Query the GLDisplayEGL by |gpu_preference|.
GL_EXPORT GLDisplayEGL* GetDisplayEGL(GpuPreference gpu_preference);
#endif // USE_EGL
// Temporarily allows compilation of shaders that use the
// ARB_texture_rectangle/ANGLE_texture_rectangle extension. We don't want to
// expose the extension to WebGL user shaders but we still need to use it for
// parts of the implementation on macOS. Note that the extension is always
// enabled on macOS and this only controls shader compilation.
class GL_EXPORT ScopedEnableTextureRectangleInShaderCompiler {
const ScopedEnableTextureRectangleInShaderCompiler&) = delete;
ScopedEnableTextureRectangleInShaderCompiler& operator=(
const ScopedEnableTextureRectangleInShaderCompiler&) = delete;
// This class is a no-op except on macOS.
explicit ScopedEnableTextureRectangleInShaderCompiler(gl::GLApi* gl_api) {}
explicit ScopedEnableTextureRectangleInShaderCompiler(gl::GLApi* gl_api);
raw_ptr<gl::GLApi> gl_api_;
class GL_EXPORT ScopedPixelStore {
ScopedPixelStore(unsigned int name, int value);
ScopedPixelStore(ScopedPixelStore&) = delete;
ScopedPixelStore& operator=(ScopedPixelStore&) = delete;
const unsigned int name_;
const int old_value_;
const int value_;
} // namespace gl
#endif // UI_GL_GL_UTILS_H_