blob: 1242e1dc1b23389df02f14a4f9d0f48830417594 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/view_targeter.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPath.h"
#include "ui/events/event_targeter.h"
#include "ui/events/event_utils.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/dom_code.h"
#include "ui/views/masked_targeter_delegate.h"
#include "ui/views/test/views_test_base.h"
#include "ui/views/view_targeter_delegate.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/root_view.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/unique_widget_ptr.h"
namespace views {
// A derived class of View used for testing purposes.
class TestingView : public View, public ViewTargeterDelegate {
TestingView() = default;
TestingView(const TestingView&) = delete;
TestingView& operator=(const TestingView&) = delete;
~TestingView() override = default;
// Reset all test state.
void Reset() { SetCanProcessEventsWithinSubtree(true); }
// A call-through function to ViewTargeterDelegate::DoesIntersectRect().
bool TestDoesIntersectRect(const View* target, const gfx::Rect& rect) const {
return DoesIntersectRect(target, rect);
// A derived class of View having a triangular-shaped hit test mask.
class TestMaskedView : public View, public MaskedTargeterDelegate {
TestMaskedView() = default;
TestMaskedView(const TestMaskedView&) = delete;
TestMaskedView& operator=(const TestMaskedView&) = delete;
~TestMaskedView() override = default;
// A call-through function to MaskedTargeterDelegate::DoesIntersectRect().
bool TestDoesIntersectRect(const View* target, const gfx::Rect& rect) const {
return DoesIntersectRect(target, rect);
// MaskedTargeterDelegate:
bool GetHitTestMask(SkPath* mask) const override {
SkScalar w = SkIntToScalar(width());
SkScalar h = SkIntToScalar(height());
// Create a triangular mask within the bounds of this View.
mask->moveTo(w / 2, 0);
mask->lineTo(w, h);
mask->lineTo(0, h);
return true;
namespace test {
// TODO(tdanderson): Clean up this test suite by moving common code/state into
// ViewTargeterTest and overriding SetUp(), TearDown(), etc.
// See
class ViewTargeterTest : public ViewsTestBase {
ViewTargeterTest() = default;
ViewTargeterTest(const ViewTargeterTest&) = delete;
ViewTargeterTest& operator=(const ViewTargeterTest&) = delete;
~ViewTargeterTest() override = default;
void SetGestureHandler(internal::RootView* root_view, View* handler) {
root_view->gesture_handler_ = handler;
void SetGestureHandlerSetBeforeProcessing(internal::RootView* root_view,
bool set) {
root_view->gesture_handler_set_before_processing_ = set;
namespace {
gfx::Point ConvertPointFromWidgetToView(View* view, const gfx::Point& p) {
gfx::Point tmp(p);
View::ConvertPointToTarget(view->GetWidget()->GetRootView(), view, &tmp);
return tmp;
gfx::Rect ConvertRectFromWidgetToView(View* view, const gfx::Rect& r) {
gfx::Rect tmp(r);
tmp.set_origin(ConvertPointFromWidgetToView(view, r.origin()));
return tmp;
} // namespace
// Verifies that the the functions ViewTargeter::FindTargetForEvent()
// and ViewTargeter::FindNextBestTarget() are implemented correctly
// for key events.
TEST_F(ViewTargeterTest, ViewTargeterForKeyEvents) {
UniqueWidgetPtr widget = std::make_unique<Widget>();
Widget::InitParams init_params =
View* content = widget->SetContentsView(std::make_unique<View>());
View* child = content->AddChildView(std::make_unique<View>());
View* grandchild = child->AddChildView(std::make_unique<View>());
internal::RootView* root_view =
ui::EventTargeter* targeter = root_view->targeter();
ui::KeyEvent key_event('a', ui::VKEY_A, ui::DomCode::NONE, ui::EF_NONE);
// The focused view should be the initial target of the event.
ui::EventTarget* current_target =
targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &key_event);
EXPECT_EQ(grandchild, static_cast<View*>(current_target));
// Verify that FindNextBestTarget() will return the parent view of the
// argument (and NULL if the argument has no parent view).
current_target = targeter->FindNextBestTarget(grandchild, &key_event);
EXPECT_EQ(child, static_cast<View*>(current_target));
current_target = targeter->FindNextBestTarget(child, &key_event);
EXPECT_EQ(content, static_cast<View*>(current_target));
current_target = targeter->FindNextBestTarget(content, &key_event);
EXPECT_EQ(widget->GetRootView(), static_cast<View*>(current_target));
current_target =
targeter->FindNextBestTarget(widget->GetRootView(), &key_event);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, static_cast<View*>(current_target));
// Verifies that the the functions ViewTargeter::FindTargetForEvent()
// and ViewTargeter::FindNextBestTarget() are implemented correctly
// for scroll events.
TEST_F(ViewTargeterTest, ViewTargeterForScrollEvents) {
UniqueWidgetPtr widget = std::make_unique<Widget>();
Widget::InitParams init_params = CreateParams(Widget::InitParams::TYPE_POPUP);
init_params.ownership = Widget::InitParams::WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET;
init_params.bounds = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 200, 200);
// The coordinates used for SetBounds() are in the parent coordinate space.
auto owning_content = std::make_unique<View>();
owning_content->SetBounds(0, 0, 100, 100);
View* content = widget->SetContentsView(std::move(owning_content));
View* child = content->AddChildView(std::make_unique<View>());
child->SetBounds(50, 50, 20, 20);
View* grandchild = child->AddChildView(std::make_unique<View>());
grandchild->SetBounds(0, 0, 5, 5);
internal::RootView* root_view =
ui::EventTargeter* targeter = root_view->targeter();
// The event falls within the bounds of |child| and |content| but not
// |grandchild|, so |child| should be the initial target for the event.
ui::ScrollEvent scroll(ui::ET_SCROLL, gfx::Point(60, 60),
ui::EventTimeForNow(), 0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 2);
ui::EventTarget* current_target =
targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &scroll);
EXPECT_EQ(child, static_cast<View*>(current_target));
// Verify that FindNextBestTarget() will return the parent view of the
// argument (and NULL if the argument has no parent view).
current_target = targeter->FindNextBestTarget(child, &scroll);
EXPECT_EQ(content, static_cast<View*>(current_target));
current_target = targeter->FindNextBestTarget(content, &scroll);
EXPECT_EQ(widget->GetRootView(), static_cast<View*>(current_target));
current_target = targeter->FindNextBestTarget(widget->GetRootView(), &scroll);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, static_cast<View*>(current_target));
// The event falls outside of the original specified bounds of |content|,
// |child|, and |grandchild|. But since |content| is the contents view,
// and contents views are resized to fill the entire area of the root
// view, the event's initial target should still be |content|.
scroll = ui::ScrollEvent(ui::ET_SCROLL, gfx::Point(150, 150),
ui::EventTimeForNow(), 0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 2);
current_target = targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &scroll);
EXPECT_EQ(content, static_cast<View*>(current_target));
// Convenience to make constructing a GestureEvent simpler.
ui::GestureEvent CreateTestGestureEvent(
const ui::GestureEventDetails& details) {
return ui::GestureEvent(details.bounding_box().CenterPoint().x(),
details.bounding_box().CenterPoint().y(), 0,
base::TimeTicks(), details);
// Verifies that the the functions ViewTargeter::FindTargetForEvent()
// and ViewTargeter::FindNextBestTarget() are implemented correctly
// for gesture events.
TEST_F(ViewTargeterTest, ViewTargeterForGestureEvents) {
UniqueWidgetPtr widget = std::make_unique<Widget>();
Widget::InitParams init_params = CreateParams(Widget::InitParams::TYPE_POPUP);
init_params.bounds = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 200, 200);
View* content = widget->SetContentsView(std::make_unique<View>());
content->SetBounds(0, 0, 100, 100);
// The coordinates used for SetBounds() are in the parent coordinate space.
View* child = content->AddChildView(std::make_unique<View>());
child->SetBounds(50, 50, 20, 20);
View* grandchild = child->AddChildView(std::make_unique<View>());
grandchild->SetBounds(0, 0, 5, 5);
internal::RootView* root_view =
ui::EventTargeter* targeter = root_view->targeter();
// Define some gesture events for testing.
gfx::RectF bounding_box(gfx::PointF(46.f, 46.f), gfx::SizeF(8.f, 8.f));
ui::GestureEventDetails details(ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP);
ui::GestureEvent tap = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
details = ui::GestureEventDetails(ui::ET_GESTURE_SCROLL_BEGIN);
ui::GestureEvent scroll_begin = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
details = ui::GestureEventDetails(ui::ET_GESTURE_END);
ui::GestureEvent end = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
// Assume that the view currently handling gestures has been set as
// |grandchild| by a previous gesture event. Thus subsequent TAP and
// SCROLL_BEGIN events should be initially targeted to |grandchild|, and
// re-targeting should be prohibited for TAP but permitted for
// GESTURE_SCROLL_BEGIN (which should be re-targeted to the parent of
// |grandchild|).
SetGestureHandlerSetBeforeProcessing(root_view, true);
SetGestureHandler(root_view, grandchild);
EXPECT_EQ(grandchild, targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &tap));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(grandchild, &tap));
EXPECT_EQ(grandchild, targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &scroll_begin));
EXPECT_EQ(child, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(grandchild, &scroll_begin));
// GESTURE_END events should be targeted to the existing gesture handler,
// but re-targeting should be prohibited.
EXPECT_EQ(grandchild, targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &end));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(grandchild, &end));
// Assume that the view currently handling gestures is still set as
// |grandchild|, but this was not done by a previous gesture. Thus we are
// in the process of finding the View to which subsequent gestures will be
// dispatched, so TAP and SCROLL_BEGIN events should be re-targeted up
// the ancestor chain.
SetGestureHandlerSetBeforeProcessing(root_view, false);
EXPECT_EQ(child, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(grandchild, &tap));
EXPECT_EQ(child, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(grandchild, &scroll_begin));
// GESTURE_END events are not permitted to be re-targeted up the ancestor
// chain; they are only ever targeted in the case where the gesture handler
// was established by a previous gesture.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(grandchild, &end));
// Assume that the default gesture handler was set by the previous gesture,
// but that this handler is currently NULL. No gesture events should be
// re-targeted in this case (regardless of the view that is passed in to
// FindNextBestTarget() as the previous target).
SetGestureHandler(root_view, nullptr);
SetGestureHandlerSetBeforeProcessing(root_view, true);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(child, &tap));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(nullptr, &tap));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(content, &scroll_begin));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(content, &end));
// Reset the locations of the gesture events to be in the root view
// coordinate space since we are about to call FindTargetForEvent()
// again (calls to FindTargetForEvent() and FindNextBestTarget()
// mutate the location of the gesture events to be in the coordinate
// space of the returned view).
details = ui::GestureEventDetails(ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP);
tap = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
details = ui::GestureEventDetails(ui::ET_GESTURE_SCROLL_BEGIN);
scroll_begin = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
details = ui::GestureEventDetails(ui::ET_GESTURE_END);
end = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
// If no default gesture handler is currently set, targeting should be
// performed using the location of the gesture event for a TAP and a
SetGestureHandlerSetBeforeProcessing(root_view, false);
EXPECT_EQ(grandchild, targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &tap));
EXPECT_EQ(grandchild, targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &scroll_begin));
// If no default gesture handler is currently set, GESTURE_END events
// should never be re-targeted to any View.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(nullptr, &end));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(child, &end));
// Tests that the contents view is targeted instead of the root view for
// gesture events that should be targeted to the contents view. Also
// tests that the root view is targeted for gesture events which should
// not be targeted to any other view in the views tree.
TEST_F(ViewTargeterTest, TargetContentsAndRootView) {
UniqueWidgetPtr widget = std::make_unique<Widget>();
Widget::InitParams init_params = CreateParams(Widget::InitParams::TYPE_POPUP);
init_params.bounds = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 200, 200);
// The coordinates used for SetBounds() are in the parent coordinate space.
auto owning_content = std::make_unique<View>();
owning_content->SetBounds(0, 0, 100, 100);
View* content = widget->SetContentsView(std::move(owning_content));
internal::RootView* root_view =
ui::EventTargeter* targeter = root_view->targeter();
// A gesture event located entirely within the contents view should
// target the contents view.
gfx::RectF bounding_box(gfx::PointF(96.f, 96.f), gfx::SizeF(8.f, 8.f));
ui::GestureEventDetails details(ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP);
ui::GestureEvent tap = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
EXPECT_EQ(content, targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &tap));
// A gesture event not located entirely within the contents view but
// having its center within the contents view should target
// the contents view.
bounding_box = gfx::RectF(gfx::PointF(194.f, 100.f), gfx::SizeF(8.f, 8.f));
tap = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
EXPECT_EQ(content, targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &tap));
// A gesture event with its center not located within the contents
// view but that overlaps the contents view by at least 60% should
// target the contents view.
bounding_box = gfx::RectF(gfx::PointF(50.f, 0.f), gfx::SizeF(400.f, 200.f));
tap = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
EXPECT_EQ(content, targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &tap));
// A gesture event not overlapping the contents view by at least
// 60% and not having its center within the contents view should
// be targeted to the root view.
bounding_box = gfx::RectF(gfx::PointF(196.f, 100.f), gfx::SizeF(8.f, 8.f));
tap = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &tap));
// A gesture event completely outside the contents view should be targeted
// to the root view.
bounding_box = gfx::RectF(gfx::PointF(205.f, 100.f), gfx::SizeF(8.f, 8.f));
tap = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &tap));
// A gesture event with dimensions 1x1 located entirely within the
// contents view should target the contents view.
bounding_box = gfx::RectF(gfx::PointF(175.f, 100.f), gfx::SizeF(1.f, 1.f));
tap = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
EXPECT_EQ(content, targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &tap));
// A gesture event with dimensions 1x1 located entirely outside the
// contents view should be targeted to the root view.
bounding_box = gfx::RectF(gfx::PointF(205.f, 100.f), gfx::SizeF(1.f, 1.f));
tap = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &tap));
// Tests that calls to FindTargetForEvent() and FindNextBestTarget() change
// the location of a gesture event to be in the correct coordinate space.
TEST_F(ViewTargeterTest, GestureEventCoordinateConversion) {
UniqueWidgetPtr widget = std::make_unique<Widget>();
Widget::InitParams init_params = CreateParams(Widget::InitParams::TYPE_POPUP);
init_params.bounds = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 200, 200);
// The coordinates used for SetBounds() are in the parent coordinate space.
View* content = widget->SetContentsView(std::make_unique<View>());
content->SetBounds(0, 0, 100, 100);
View* child = content->AddChildView(std::make_unique<View>());
child->SetBounds(50, 50, 20, 20);
View* grandchild = child->AddChildView(std::make_unique<View>());
grandchild->SetBounds(5, 5, 10, 10);
View* great_grandchild = grandchild->AddChildView(std::make_unique<View>());
great_grandchild->SetBounds(3, 3, 4, 4);
internal::RootView* root_view =
ui::EventTargeter* targeter = root_view->targeter();
// Define a GESTURE_TAP event with a bounding box centered at (60, 60)
// in root view coordinates with width and height of 4.
gfx::RectF bounding_box(gfx::PointF(58.f, 58.f), gfx::SizeF(4.f, 4.f));
gfx::PointF center_point(bounding_box.CenterPoint());
ui::GestureEventDetails details(ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP);
ui::GestureEvent tap = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
// Calculate the location of the gesture in each of the different
// coordinate spaces.
gfx::Point location_in_root(gfx::ToFlooredPoint(center_point));
EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point(60, 60), location_in_root);
gfx::Point location_in_great_grandchild(
ConvertPointFromWidgetToView(great_grandchild, location_in_root));
EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point(2, 2), location_in_great_grandchild);
gfx::Point location_in_grandchild(
ConvertPointFromWidgetToView(grandchild, location_in_root));
EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point(5, 5), location_in_grandchild);
gfx::Point location_in_child(
ConvertPointFromWidgetToView(child, location_in_root));
EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point(10, 10), location_in_child);
gfx::Point location_in_content(
ConvertPointFromWidgetToView(content, location_in_root));
EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point(60, 60), location_in_content);
// Verify the location of |tap| is in screen coordinates.
EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point(60, 60), tap.location());
// The initial target should be |great_grandchild| and the location of
// the event should be changed into the coordinate space of the target.
EXPECT_EQ(great_grandchild, targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &tap));
EXPECT_EQ(location_in_great_grandchild, tap.location());
SetGestureHandler(root_view, great_grandchild);
// The next target should be |grandchild| and the location of
// the event should be changed into the coordinate space of the target.
EXPECT_EQ(grandchild, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(great_grandchild, &tap));
EXPECT_EQ(location_in_grandchild, tap.location());
SetGestureHandler(root_view, grandchild);
// The next target should be |child| and the location of
// the event should be changed into the coordinate space of the target.
EXPECT_EQ(child, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(grandchild, &tap));
EXPECT_EQ(location_in_child, tap.location());
SetGestureHandler(root_view, child);
// The next target should be |content| and the location of
// the event should be changed into the coordinate space of the target.
EXPECT_EQ(content, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(child, &tap));
EXPECT_EQ(location_in_content, tap.location());
SetGestureHandler(root_view, content);
// The next target should be |root_view| and the location of
// the event should be changed into the coordinate space of the target.
EXPECT_EQ(widget->GetRootView(), targeter->FindNextBestTarget(content, &tap));
EXPECT_EQ(location_in_root, tap.location());
SetGestureHandler(root_view, widget->GetRootView());
// The next target should be NULL and the location of the event should
// remain unchanged.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, targeter->FindNextBestTarget(widget->GetRootView(), &tap));
EXPECT_EQ(location_in_root, tap.location());
// Tests that the functions ViewTargeterDelegate::DoesIntersectRect()
// and MaskedTargeterDelegate::DoesIntersectRect() work as intended when
// called on views which are derived from ViewTargeterDelegate.
// Also verifies that ViewTargeterDelegate::DoesIntersectRect() can
// be called from the ViewTargeter installed on RootView.
TEST_F(ViewTargeterTest, DoesIntersectRect) {
UniqueWidgetPtr widget = std::make_unique<Widget>();
Widget::InitParams params = CreateParams(Widget::InitParams::TYPE_POPUP);
params.bounds = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 650, 650);
internal::RootView* root_view =
ViewTargeter* view_targeter = root_view->targeter();
// The coordinates used for SetBounds() are in the parent coordinate space.
auto* v1 = root_view->AddChildView(std::make_unique<TestMaskedView>());
v1->SetBounds(0, 0, 200, 200);
auto* v2 = root_view->AddChildView(std::make_unique<TestingView>());
v2->SetBounds(300, 0, 300, 300);
auto* v3 = v2->AddChildView(std::make_unique<TestMaskedView>());
v3->SetBounds(0, 0, 100, 100);
// The coordinates used below are in the local coordinate space of the
// view that is passed in as an argument.
// Hit tests against |v1|, which has a hit test mask.
EXPECT_TRUE(v1->TestDoesIntersectRect(v1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 200, 200)));
EXPECT_TRUE(v1->TestDoesIntersectRect(v1, gfx::Rect(-10, -10, 110, 12)));
EXPECT_TRUE(v1->TestDoesIntersectRect(v1, gfx::Rect(112, 142, 1, 1)));
EXPECT_FALSE(v1->TestDoesIntersectRect(v1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 20, 20)));
EXPECT_FALSE(v1->TestDoesIntersectRect(v1, gfx::Rect(-10, -10, 90, 12)));
EXPECT_FALSE(v1->TestDoesIntersectRect(v1, gfx::Rect(150, 49, 1, 1)));
// Hit tests against |v2|, which does not have a hit test mask.
EXPECT_TRUE(v2->TestDoesIntersectRect(v2, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 200, 200)));
EXPECT_TRUE(v2->TestDoesIntersectRect(v2, gfx::Rect(-10, 250, 60, 60)));
EXPECT_TRUE(v2->TestDoesIntersectRect(v2, gfx::Rect(250, 250, 1, 1)));
EXPECT_FALSE(v2->TestDoesIntersectRect(v2, gfx::Rect(-10, 250, 7, 7)));
EXPECT_FALSE(v2->TestDoesIntersectRect(v2, gfx::Rect(-1, -1, 1, 1)));
// Hit tests against |v3|, which has a hit test mask and is a child of |v2|.
EXPECT_TRUE(v3->TestDoesIntersectRect(v3, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50)));
EXPECT_TRUE(v3->TestDoesIntersectRect(v3, gfx::Rect(90, 90, 1, 1)));
EXPECT_FALSE(v3->TestDoesIntersectRect(v3, gfx::Rect(10, 125, 50, 50)));
EXPECT_FALSE(v3->TestDoesIntersectRect(v3, gfx::Rect(110, 110, 1, 1)));
// Verify that hit-testing is performed correctly when using the
// call-through function ViewTargeter::DoesIntersectRect().
view_targeter->DoesIntersectRect(root_view, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50)));
view_targeter->DoesIntersectRect(root_view, gfx::Rect(-20, -20, 10, 10)));
// Tests that calls made directly on the hit-testing methods in View
// (HitTestPoint(), HitTestRect(), etc.) return the correct values.
TEST_F(ViewTargeterTest, HitTestCallsOnView) {
// The coordinates in this test are in the coordinate space of the root view.
UniqueWidgetPtr widget = std::make_unique<Widget>();
Widget::InitParams params = CreateParams(Widget::InitParams::TYPE_POPUP);
View* root_view = widget->GetRootView();
root_view->SetBoundsRect(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 500, 500));
// |v1| has no hit test mask. No ViewTargeter is installed on |v1|, which
// means that View::HitTestRect() will call into the targeter installed on
// the root view instead when we hit test against |v1|.
gfx::Rect v1_bounds = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
TestingView* v1 = root_view->AddChildView(std::make_unique<TestingView>());
// |v2| has a triangular hit test mask. Install a ViewTargeter on |v2| which
// will be called into by View::HitTestRect().
gfx::Rect v2_bounds = gfx::Rect(105, 0, 100, 100);
TestMaskedView* v2 =
gfx::Point v1_centerpoint = v1_bounds.CenterPoint();
gfx::Point v2_centerpoint = v2_bounds.CenterPoint();
gfx::Point v1_origin = v1_bounds.origin();
gfx::Point v2_origin = v2_bounds.origin();
gfx::Rect r1(10, 10, 110, 15);
gfx::Rect r2(106, 1, 98, 98);
gfx::Rect r3(0, 0, 300, 300);
gfx::Rect r4(115, 342, 200, 10);
// Test calls into View::HitTestPoint().
v1->HitTestPoint(ConvertPointFromWidgetToView(v1, v1_centerpoint)));
v2->HitTestPoint(ConvertPointFromWidgetToView(v2, v2_centerpoint)));
EXPECT_TRUE(v1->HitTestPoint(ConvertPointFromWidgetToView(v1, v1_origin)));
EXPECT_FALSE(v2->HitTestPoint(ConvertPointFromWidgetToView(v2, v2_origin)));
// Test calls into View::HitTestRect().
EXPECT_TRUE(v1->HitTestRect(ConvertRectFromWidgetToView(v1, r1)));
EXPECT_FALSE(v2->HitTestRect(ConvertRectFromWidgetToView(v2, r1)));
EXPECT_FALSE(v1->HitTestRect(ConvertRectFromWidgetToView(v1, r2)));
EXPECT_TRUE(v2->HitTestRect(ConvertRectFromWidgetToView(v2, r2)));
EXPECT_TRUE(v1->HitTestRect(ConvertRectFromWidgetToView(v1, r3)));
EXPECT_TRUE(v2->HitTestRect(ConvertRectFromWidgetToView(v2, r3)));
EXPECT_FALSE(v1->HitTestRect(ConvertRectFromWidgetToView(v1, r4)));
EXPECT_FALSE(v2->HitTestRect(ConvertRectFromWidgetToView(v2, r4)));
// Test calls into View::GetEventHandlerForPoint().
EXPECT_EQ(v1, root_view->GetEventHandlerForPoint(v1_centerpoint));
EXPECT_EQ(v2, root_view->GetEventHandlerForPoint(v2_centerpoint));
EXPECT_EQ(v1, root_view->GetEventHandlerForPoint(v1_origin));
EXPECT_EQ(root_view, root_view->GetEventHandlerForPoint(v2_origin));
// Test calls into View::GetTooltipHandlerForPoint().
EXPECT_EQ(v1, root_view->GetTooltipHandlerForPoint(v1_centerpoint));
EXPECT_EQ(v2, root_view->GetTooltipHandlerForPoint(v2_centerpoint));
EXPECT_EQ(v1, root_view->GetTooltipHandlerForPoint(v1_origin));
EXPECT_EQ(root_view, root_view->GetTooltipHandlerForPoint(v2_origin));
TEST_F(ViewTargeterTest, FavorChildContainingHitBounds) {
UniqueWidgetPtr widget = std::make_unique<Widget>();
Widget::InitParams init_params = CreateParams(Widget::InitParams::TYPE_POPUP);
init_params.bounds = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 200, 200);
View* content = widget->SetContentsView(std::make_unique<View>());
content->SetBounds(0, 0, 50, 50);
View* child = content->AddChildView(std::make_unique<View>());
child->SetBounds(2, 2, 50, 50);
internal::RootView* root_view =
ui::EventTargeter* targeter = root_view->targeter();
gfx::RectF bounding_box(gfx::PointF(4.f, 4.f), gfx::SizeF(42.f, 42.f));
ui::GestureEventDetails details(ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP);
ui::GestureEvent tap = CreateTestGestureEvent(details);
EXPECT_EQ(child, targeter->FindTargetForEvent(root_view, &tap));
} // namespace test
} // namespace views