blob: b4409c907b60f02671d8ca4f678120552fc1c200 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace blink::scheduler {
class MainThreadSchedulerImpl;
} // namespace blink::scheduler
namespace base {
class ScopedDisallowRunningRunLoop;
// A SingleThreadTaskRunner is a SequencedTaskRunner with one more
// guarantee; namely, that all tasks are run on a single dedicated
// thread. Most use cases require only a SequencedTaskRunner, unless
// there is a specific need to run tasks on only a single thread.
// SingleThreadTaskRunner implementations might:
// - Post tasks to an existing thread's MessageLoop (see
// MessageLoop::task_runner()).
// - Create their own worker thread and MessageLoop to post tasks to.
// - Add tasks to a FIFO and signal to a non-MessageLoop thread for them to
// be processed. This allows TaskRunner-oriented code run on threads
// running other kinds of message loop, e.g. Jingle threads.
class BASE_EXPORT SingleThreadTaskRunner : public SequencedTaskRunner {
// A more explicit alias to RunsTasksInCurrentSequence().
bool BelongsToCurrentThread() const { return RunsTasksInCurrentSequence(); }
// Returns the default SingleThreadTaskRunner for the current thread.
// On threads that service multiple task queues, the default task queue is
// preferred to inheriting the current task queue (otherwise, everything would
// implicitly be "input priority"...). If the caller knows which task queue it
// should be running on, it should post to that SingleThreadTaskRunner
// directly instead of GetCurrentDefault(). This is critical in some
// cases, e.g. DeleteSoon or RefCountedDeleteOnSequence should delete the
// object on the same task queue it's used from (or on a lower priority).
// DCHECKs if the current thread isn't servicing a SingleThreadTaskRunner.
// See
// for details
[[nodiscard]] static const scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner>&
// Returns true if the SingleThreadTaskRunner is already created for
// the current thread.
[[nodiscard]] static bool HasCurrentDefault();
class CurrentHandleOverride;
class CurrentHandleOverrideForTesting;
class BASE_EXPORT CurrentDefaultHandle {
// Binds |task_runner| to the current thread. |task_runner| must belong
// to the current thread.
explicit CurrentDefaultHandle(
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner);
CurrentDefaultHandle(const CurrentDefaultHandle&) = delete;
CurrentDefaultHandle& operator=(const CurrentDefaultHandle&) = delete;
friend class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
friend class CurrentHandleOverride;
const AutoReset<CurrentDefaultHandle*> resetter_;
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// Registers |task_runner_|'s SequencedTaskRunner interface as the
// SequencedTaskRunner::CurrentDefaultHandle on this thread.
// CurrentHandleOverride overrides the task runner returned by
// |SingleThreadTaskRunner::GetCurrentDefault()| to point at
// |overriding_task_runner| until the |CurrentHandleOverride| goes out of
// scope. CurrentHandleOverride instantiates a new SingleThreadTaskRunner if
// SingleThreadTaskRunner is not instantiated on the current thread. Nested
// overrides are allowed but callers must ensure the |CurrentHandleOverride|s
// expire in LIFO (stack) order.
// Note: nesting SingleThreadTaskRunner is subtle and should be done with
// care, hence the need to friend and request a //base/OWNERS review for usage
// outside of tests. Use CurrentHandleOverrideForTesting to bypass the friend
// requirement in tests.
class BASE_EXPORT CurrentHandleOverride {
CurrentHandleOverride(const CurrentHandleOverride&) = delete;
CurrentHandleOverride& operator=(const CurrentHandleOverride&) = delete;
friend class CurrentHandleOverrideForTesting;
// We expect SingleThreadTaskRunner::CurrentHandleOverride to be only needed
// under special circumstances. Require them to be enumerated as friends to
// require //base/OWNERS review. Use
// SingleTaskRunner::CurrentHandleOverrideForTesting in unit tests to avoid
// the friend requirement.
friend class blink::scheduler::MainThreadSchedulerImpl;
// Constructs a SingleThreadTaskRunner::CurrentHandleOverride which will
// make SingleThreadTaskRunner::GetCurrentDefault() return
// |overriding_task_runner| for its lifetime. |allow_nested_loop| specifies
// whether RunLoop::Run() is allowed during this override's lifetime. It's
// not recommended to allow this unless the current thread's scheduler
// guarantees that only tasks which pertain to |overriding_task_runner|'s
// context will be run by nested RunLoops.
explicit CurrentHandleOverride(
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> overriding_task_runner,
bool allow_nested_runloop = false);
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_to_restore_;
// This field is not a raw_ptr<> because it was filtered by the rewriter
// for: #union
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION SingleThreadTaskRunner*
std::unique_ptr<ScopedDisallowRunningRunLoop> no_running_during_override_;
// Note: nesting CurrentHandleOverrides isn't generally desired but it's
// useful in some unit tests where multiple task runners share the main thread
// for simplicity and determinism. Only use this when no other constructs will
// work (see base/test/task_environment.h and
// base/test/test_mock_time_task_runner.h for preferred alternatives).
class BASE_EXPORT CurrentHandleOverrideForTesting {
explicit CurrentHandleOverrideForTesting(
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> overriding_task_runner)
: thread_task_runner_current_override_(
std::move(overriding_task_runner)) {}
CurrentHandleOverride thread_task_runner_current_override_;
~SingleThreadTaskRunner() override = default;
} // namespace base