blob: bec8a065c35e967114ff07432565573cd4bd5117 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/browsing_topics/common/common_types.h"
#include "components/privacy_sandbox/privacy_sandbox_attestations/privacy_sandbox_attestations.h"
#include "components/privacy_sandbox/privacy_sandbox_settings.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
class HostContentSettingsMap;
class PrefService;
namespace content_settings {
class CookieSettings;
namespace privacy_sandbox {
class PrivacySandboxSettingsImpl : public PrivacySandboxSettings {
// Ideally the only external locations that call this constructor are the
// factory, and dedicated tests.
// TODO( Currently tests dedicated to other components rely
// on this interface, they should be migrated to something better (such as a
// dedicated test builder)
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate,
HostContentSettingsMap* host_content_settings_map,
scoped_refptr<content_settings::CookieSettings> cookie_settings,
PrefService* pref_service);
~PrivacySandboxSettingsImpl() override;
// PrivacySandboxSettings:
bool IsTopicsAllowed() const override;
bool IsTopicsAllowedForContext(const url::Origin& top_frame_origin,
const GURL& url) const override;
bool IsTopicAllowed(const CanonicalTopic& topic) override;
void SetTopicAllowed(const CanonicalTopic& topic, bool allowed) override;
void ClearTopicSettings(base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time) override;
base::Time TopicsDataAccessibleSince() const override;
bool IsAttributionReportingEverAllowed() const override;
bool IsAttributionReportingAllowed(
const url::Origin& top_frame_origin,
const url::Origin& reporting_origin) const override;
bool MaySendAttributionReport(
const url::Origin& source_origin,
const url::Origin& destination_origin,
const url::Origin& reporting_origin) const override;
void SetFledgeJoiningAllowed(const std::string& top_frame_etld_plus1,
bool allowed) override;
void ClearFledgeJoiningAllowedSettings(base::Time start_time,
base::Time end_time) override;
bool IsFledgeJoiningAllowed(
const url::Origin& top_frame_origin) const override;
bool IsFledgeAllowed(const url::Origin& top_frame_origin,
const url::Origin& auction_party) const override;
bool IsSharedStorageAllowed(
const url::Origin& top_frame_origin,
const url::Origin& accessing_origin) const override;
bool IsSharedStorageSelectURLAllowed(
const url::Origin& top_frame_origin,
const url::Origin& accessing_origin) const override;
bool IsPrivateAggregationAllowed(
const url::Origin& top_frame_origin,
const url::Origin& reporting_origin) const override;
bool IsPrivacySandboxEnabled() const override;
void SetAllPrivacySandboxAllowedForTesting() override;
void SetTopicsBlockedForTesting() override;
void SetPrivacySandboxEnabled(bool enabled) override;
bool IsPrivacySandboxRestricted() const override;
bool IsPrivacySandboxCurrentlyUnrestricted() const override;
bool IsSubjectToM1NoticeRestricted() const override;
bool IsRestrictedNoticeEnabled() const override;
void OnCookiesCleared() override;
void AddObserver(Observer* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) override;
void SetDelegateForTesting(std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate) override;
void SetPrivacySandboxAttestationsMapForTesting(
const PrivacySandboxAttestationsMap& attestations_map) override;
void AddPrivacySandboxAttestationOverride(const GURL& url) override;
const std::vector<net::SchemefulSite> GetAttestationOverridesForTesting()
const override;
friend class PrivacySandboxSettingsTest;
// Called when the First-Party Sets enabled preference is changed.
void OnFirstPartySetsEnabledPrefChanged();
// Determines based on the current features, preferences and provided
// |cookie_settings| whether Privacy Sandbox APIs are generally allowable for
// |url| on |top_frame_origin|. Individual APIs may perform additional checks
// for allowability (such as incognito) on top of this. |cookie_settings| is
// provided as a parameter to allow callers to cache it between calls.
bool IsPrivacySandboxEnabledForContext(
const absl::optional<url::Origin>& top_frame_origin,
const GURL& url) const;
void SetTopicsDataAccessibleFromNow() const;
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class Status {
kAllowed = 0,
kRestricted = 1,
kIncognitoProfile = 2,
kApisDisabled = 3,
kSiteDataAccessBlocked = 4,
kMismatchedConsent = 5,
kAttestationFailed = 6,
kMaxValue = kAttestationFailed,
static bool IsAllowed(Status status);
static void JoinHistogram(const char* name, Status status);
// Get the Topics that are disabled by Finch.
const std::vector<browsing_topics::Topic>& GetFinchDisabledTopics();
// Whether the site associated with the URL is allowed to access privacy
// sandbox APIs within the context of |top_frame_origin|.
Status GetSiteAccessAllowedStatus(const url::Origin& top_frame_origin,
const GURL& url) const;
// Whether the privacy sandbox APIs can be allowed given the current
// environment. For example, the privacy sandbox is always disabled in
// Incognito and for restricted accounts.
Status GetPrivacySandboxAllowedStatus() const;
// Whether the privacy sandbox associated with the |pref_name| is enabled.
// For individual sites, check as well with GetSiteAccessAllowedStatus.
Status GetM1PrivacySandboxApiEnabledStatus(
const std::string& pref_name) const;
// Whether the Topics API can be allowed given the current
// environment or the reason why it is not allowed.
Status GetM1TopicAllowedStatus() const;
// Whether Attribution Reporting API can be allowed given the current
// environment or the reason why it is not allowed.
Status GetM1AttributionReportingAllowedStatus(
const url::Origin& top_frame_origin,
const url::Origin& reporting_origin) const;
// Whether Fledge can be allowed given the current environment or the reason
// why it is not allowed.
Status GetM1FledgeAllowedStatus(const url::Origin& top_frame_origin,
const url::Origin& accessing_origin) const;
base::ObserverList<Observer>::Unchecked observers_;
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
raw_ptr<HostContentSettingsMap, DanglingUntriaged> host_content_settings_map_;
scoped_refptr<content_settings::CookieSettings> cookie_settings_;
raw_ptr<PrefService, DanglingUntriaged> pref_service_;
PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;
// Which topics are disabled by Finch; This is set and read by
// GetFinchDisabledTopics.
std::vector<browsing_topics::Topic> finch_disabled_topics_;
// A data structure for storing and checking Privacy Sandbox attestations,
// i.e. whether particular sites have opted in to using particular Privacy
// Sandbox APIs.
PrivacySandboxAttestations attestations_;
} // namespace privacy_sandbox