blob: b5dc01f3009df2d92acbf22c945a34403918b78f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "extensions/browser/process_map.h"
#include <tuple>
#include "content/public/browser/child_process_security_policy.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "extensions/browser/content_script_tracker.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h"
#include "extensions/browser/guest_view/web_view/web_view_renderer_state.h"
#include "extensions/browser/process_map_factory.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
#include "extensions/common/features/feature.h"
namespace extensions {
namespace {
// Returns true if `process_id` is associated with a WebUI process.
bool ProcessHasWebUIBindings(int process_id) {
// TODO( HasWebUIBindings does not always return true for
// WebUIs. This should be changed to use something else.
return content::ChildProcessSecurityPolicy::GetInstance()->HasWebUIBindings(
// Returns true if `process_id` is associated with a webview owned by the
// extension with the specified `extension_id`.
bool IsWebViewProcessForExtension(int process_id,
const ExtensionId& extension_id) {
WebViewRendererState* web_view_state = WebViewRendererState::GetInstance();
if (!web_view_state->IsGuest(process_id)) {
return false;
std::string webview_owner;
int owner_process_id = -1;
bool found_info = web_view_state->GetOwnerInfo(process_id, &owner_process_id,
return found_info && webview_owner == extension_id;
} // namespace
// Item
struct ProcessMap::Item {
Item(const std::string& extension_id, int process_id)
: extension_id(extension_id), process_id(process_id) {}
Item(const Item&) = delete;
Item& operator=(const Item&) = delete;
~Item() = default;
Item(ProcessMap::Item&&) = default;
Item& operator=(ProcessMap::Item&&) = default;
bool operator<(const ProcessMap::Item& other) const {
return std::tie(extension_id, process_id) <
std::tie(other.extension_id, other.process_id);
std::string extension_id;
int process_id = 0;
// ProcessMap
ProcessMap::ProcessMap() = default;
ProcessMap::~ProcessMap() = default;
// static
ProcessMap* ProcessMap::Get(content::BrowserContext* browser_context) {
return ProcessMapFactory::GetForBrowserContext(browser_context);
bool ProcessMap::Insert(const std::string& extension_id, int process_id) {
return items_.insert(Item(extension_id, process_id)).second;
int ProcessMap::RemoveAllFromProcess(int process_id) {
int result = 0;
for (auto iter = items_.begin(); iter != items_.end();) {
if (iter->process_id == process_id) {
} else {
return result;
bool ProcessMap::Contains(const std::string& extension_id,
int process_id) const {
for (auto iter = items_.cbegin(); iter != items_.cend(); ++iter) {
if (iter->process_id == process_id && iter->extension_id == extension_id)
return true;
return false;
bool ProcessMap::Contains(int process_id) const {
for (auto iter = items_.cbegin(); iter != items_.cend(); ++iter) {
if (iter->process_id == process_id)
return true;
return false;
std::set<std::string> ProcessMap::GetExtensionsInProcess(int process_id) const {
std::set<std::string> result;
for (auto iter = items_.cbegin(); iter != items_.cend(); ++iter) {
if (iter->process_id == process_id)
return result;
bool ProcessMap::IsPrivilegedExtensionProcess(const Extension& extension,
int process_id) {
return Contains(, process_id) &&
// Hosted apps aren't considered privileged extension processes...
(!extension.is_hosted_app() ||
// ... Unless they're component hosted apps, like the webstore.
// TODO(https://crbug/1429667): We can clean this up when we remove
// special handling of component hosted apps.
extension.location() == mojom::ManifestLocation::kComponent) &&
// Lock screen contexts are not the same as privileged extension
// processes.
bool ProcessMap::CanProcessHostContextType(
const Extension* extension,
const content::RenderProcessHost& process,
Feature::Context context_type) {
const int process_id = process.GetID();
switch (context_type) {
// We never consider unspecified contexts valid. Even though they would be
// permissionless, they should never be able to make a request to the
// browser.
return false;
// Offscreen documents run in the main extension process, so both of these
// require a privileged extension process.
return extension && IsPrivilegedExtensionProcess(*extension, process_id);
return extension &&
IsWebViewProcessForExtension(process_id, extension->id());
// Currently, we assume any process can host a content script.
// TODO( This could be better by looking at
// ContentScriptTracker, as we do for user scripts below.
return !!extension;
return extension &&
process, extension->id());
// Lock screen contexts are essentially blessed contexts that run on the
// lock screen profile. We don't run component hosted apps there, so no
// need to allow those.
return is_lock_screen_context_ && extension &&
!extension->is_hosted_app() &&
Contains(extension->id(), process_id);
// A blessed web page is a (non-component) hosted app process.
return extension && extension->is_hosted_app() &&
extension->location() != mojom::ManifestLocation::kComponent &&
Contains(extension->id(), process_id);
// Unfortunately, we have no way of checking if a *process* can host
// untrusted webui contexts. Callers should look at (ideally, the
// browser-verified) origin.
case Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT:
// Any context not associated with an extension, not running in an
// extension process, and without webui bindings can be considered a
// web page process.
return !extension && !Contains(process_id) &&
case Feature::WEBUI_CONTEXT:
// Don't consider extensions in webui (like content scripts) to be
// webui.
return !extension && ProcessHasWebUIBindings(process_id);
Feature::Context ProcessMap::GetMostLikelyContextType(
const Extension* extension,
int process_id,
const GURL* url) const {
// WARNING: This logic must match ScriptContextSet::ClassifyJavaScriptContext,
// as much as possible.
// TODO( Move this into the !extension if statement below
// or document why we want to return WEBUI_CONTEXT for content scripts in
// WebUIs.
if (ProcessHasWebUIBindings(process_id)) {
return Feature::WEBUI_CONTEXT;
if (!extension) {
// Note that blob/filesystem schemes associated with an inner URL of
// chrome-untrusted will be considered regular pages.
if (url && url->SchemeIs(content::kChromeUIUntrustedScheme))
return Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT;
if (!Contains(extension->id(), process_id)) {
// If the process map doesn't contain the process, it might be an extension
// frame in a webview.
// We (deliberately) don't add webview-hosted frames to the process map and
// don't classify them as BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXTs.
if (url && extension->origin().IsSameOriginWith(*url) &&
IsWebViewProcessForExtension(process_id, extension->id())) {
// Yep, it's an extension frame in a webview.
// Otherwise, it's a content script (the context in which an extension can
// run in an unassociated, non-webview process).
if (extension->is_hosted_app() &&
extension->location() != mojom::ManifestLocation::kComponent) {
// TODO( Currently, offscreen document contexts
// are misclassified as BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXTs. This is not ideal
// because there is a mismatch between the browser and the renderer), but it's
// not a security issue because, while offscreen documents have fewer
// capabilities, this is an API distinction, and not a security enforcement.
// Offscreen documents run in the same process as the rest of the extension
// and can message the extension, so could easily - though indirectly -
// access all the same features.
// Even so, we should fix this to properly classify offscreen documents (and
// this would be a problem if offscreen documents ever have access to APIs
return is_lock_screen_context_ ? Feature::LOCK_SCREEN_EXTENSION_CONTEXT
} // namespace extensions