blob: 102591d96b3f8f44c349e5a3878a94f9bdb62535 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/dns/record_rdata.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <utility>
#include "base/big_endian.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "net/base/ip_address.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_response.h"
#include "net/dns/public/dns_protocol.h"
namespace net {
static const size_t kSrvRecordMinimumSize = 6;
// Minimal HTTPS rdata is 2 octets priority + 1 octet empty name.
static constexpr size_t kHttpsRdataMinimumSize = 3;
bool RecordRdata::HasValidSize(base::StringPiece data, uint16_t type) {
switch (type) {
case dns_protocol::kTypeSRV:
return data.size() >= kSrvRecordMinimumSize;
case dns_protocol::kTypeA:
return data.size() == IPAddress::kIPv4AddressSize;
case dns_protocol::kTypeAAAA:
return data.size() == IPAddress::kIPv6AddressSize;
case dns_protocol::kTypeHttps:
return data.size() >= kHttpsRdataMinimumSize;
case dns_protocol::kTypeCNAME:
case dns_protocol::kTypePTR:
case dns_protocol::kTypeTXT:
case dns_protocol::kTypeNSEC:
case dns_protocol::kTypeOPT:
case dns_protocol::kTypeSOA:
return true;
VLOG(1) << "Unrecognized RDATA type.";
return true;
SrvRecordRdata::SrvRecordRdata() = default;
SrvRecordRdata::~SrvRecordRdata() = default;
// static
std::unique_ptr<SrvRecordRdata> SrvRecordRdata::Create(
base::StringPiece data,
const DnsRecordParser& parser) {
if (!HasValidSize(data, kType))
return nullptr;
auto rdata = base::WrapUnique(new SrvRecordRdata());
auto reader = base::BigEndianReader::FromStringPiece(data);
// 2 bytes for priority, 2 bytes for weight, 2 bytes for port.
if (!parser.ReadName(data.substr(kSrvRecordMinimumSize).begin(),
return nullptr;
return rdata;
uint16_t SrvRecordRdata::Type() const {
return SrvRecordRdata::kType;
bool SrvRecordRdata::IsEqual(const RecordRdata* other) const {
if (other->Type() != Type()) return false;
const SrvRecordRdata* srv_other = static_cast<const SrvRecordRdata*>(other);
return weight_ == srv_other->weight_ &&
port_ == srv_other->port_ &&
priority_ == srv_other->priority_ &&
target_ == srv_other->target_;
ARecordRdata::ARecordRdata() = default;
ARecordRdata::~ARecordRdata() = default;
// static
std::unique_ptr<ARecordRdata> ARecordRdata::Create(
base::StringPiece data,
const DnsRecordParser& parser) {
if (!HasValidSize(data, kType))
return nullptr;
auto rdata = base::WrapUnique(new ARecordRdata());
rdata->address_ =
IPAddress(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, data.length());
return rdata;
uint16_t ARecordRdata::Type() const {
return ARecordRdata::kType;
bool ARecordRdata::IsEqual(const RecordRdata* other) const {
if (other->Type() != Type()) return false;
const ARecordRdata* a_other = static_cast<const ARecordRdata*>(other);
return address_ == a_other->address_;
AAAARecordRdata::AAAARecordRdata() = default;
AAAARecordRdata::~AAAARecordRdata() = default;
// static
std::unique_ptr<AAAARecordRdata> AAAARecordRdata::Create(
base::StringPiece data,
const DnsRecordParser& parser) {
if (!HasValidSize(data, kType))
return nullptr;
auto rdata = base::WrapUnique(new AAAARecordRdata());
rdata->address_ =
IPAddress(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, data.length());
return rdata;
uint16_t AAAARecordRdata::Type() const {
return AAAARecordRdata::kType;
bool AAAARecordRdata::IsEqual(const RecordRdata* other) const {
if (other->Type() != Type()) return false;
const AAAARecordRdata* a_other = static_cast<const AAAARecordRdata*>(other);
return address_ == a_other->address_;
CnameRecordRdata::CnameRecordRdata() = default;
CnameRecordRdata::~CnameRecordRdata() = default;
// static
std::unique_ptr<CnameRecordRdata> CnameRecordRdata::Create(
base::StringPiece data,
const DnsRecordParser& parser) {
auto rdata = base::WrapUnique(new CnameRecordRdata());
if (!parser.ReadName(data.begin(), &rdata->cname_))
return nullptr;
return rdata;
uint16_t CnameRecordRdata::Type() const {
return CnameRecordRdata::kType;
bool CnameRecordRdata::IsEqual(const RecordRdata* other) const {
if (other->Type() != Type()) return false;
const CnameRecordRdata* cname_other =
static_cast<const CnameRecordRdata*>(other);
return cname_ == cname_other->cname_;
PtrRecordRdata::PtrRecordRdata() = default;
PtrRecordRdata::~PtrRecordRdata() = default;
// static
std::unique_ptr<PtrRecordRdata> PtrRecordRdata::Create(
base::StringPiece data,
const DnsRecordParser& parser) {
auto rdata = base::WrapUnique(new PtrRecordRdata());
if (!parser.ReadName(data.begin(), &rdata->ptrdomain_))
return nullptr;
return rdata;
uint16_t PtrRecordRdata::Type() const {
return PtrRecordRdata::kType;
bool PtrRecordRdata::IsEqual(const RecordRdata* other) const {
if (other->Type() != Type()) return false;
const PtrRecordRdata* ptr_other = static_cast<const PtrRecordRdata*>(other);
return ptrdomain_ == ptr_other->ptrdomain_;
TxtRecordRdata::TxtRecordRdata() = default;
TxtRecordRdata::~TxtRecordRdata() = default;
// static
std::unique_ptr<TxtRecordRdata> TxtRecordRdata::Create(
base::StringPiece data,
const DnsRecordParser& parser) {
auto rdata = base::WrapUnique(new TxtRecordRdata());
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ) {
uint8_t length = data[i];
if (i + length >= data.size())
return nullptr;
rdata->texts_.push_back(std::string(data.substr(i + 1, length)));
// Move to the next string.
i += length + 1;
return rdata;
uint16_t TxtRecordRdata::Type() const {
return TxtRecordRdata::kType;
bool TxtRecordRdata::IsEqual(const RecordRdata* other) const {
if (other->Type() != Type()) return false;
const TxtRecordRdata* txt_other = static_cast<const TxtRecordRdata*>(other);
return texts_ == txt_other->texts_;
NsecRecordRdata::NsecRecordRdata() = default;
NsecRecordRdata::~NsecRecordRdata() = default;
// static
std::unique_ptr<NsecRecordRdata> NsecRecordRdata::Create(
base::StringPiece data,
const DnsRecordParser& parser) {
auto rdata = base::WrapUnique(new NsecRecordRdata());
// Read the "next domain". This part for the NSEC record format is
// ignored for mDNS, since it has no semantic meaning.
unsigned next_domain_length = parser.ReadName(, nullptr);
// If we did not succeed in getting the next domain or the data length
// is too short for reading the bitmap header, return.
if (next_domain_length == 0 || data.length() < next_domain_length + 2)
return nullptr;
struct BitmapHeader {
uint8_t block_number; // The block number should be zero.
uint8_t length; // Bitmap length in bytes. Between 1 and 32.
const BitmapHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<const BitmapHeader*>( + next_domain_length);
// The block number must be zero in mDns-specific NSEC records. The bitmap
// length must be between 1 and 32.
if (header->block_number != 0 || header->length == 0 || header->length > 32)
return nullptr;
base::StringPiece bitmap_data = data.substr(next_domain_length + 2);
// Since we may only have one block, the data length must be exactly equal to
// the domain length plus bitmap size.
if (bitmap_data.length() != header->length)
return nullptr;
return rdata;
uint16_t NsecRecordRdata::Type() const {
return NsecRecordRdata::kType;
bool NsecRecordRdata::IsEqual(const RecordRdata* other) const {
if (other->Type() != Type())
return false;
const NsecRecordRdata* nsec_other =
static_cast<const NsecRecordRdata*>(other);
return bitmap_ == nsec_other->bitmap_;
bool NsecRecordRdata::GetBit(unsigned i) const {
unsigned byte_num = i/8;
if (bitmap_.size() < byte_num + 1)
return false;
unsigned bit_num = 7 - i % 8;
return (bitmap_[byte_num] & (1 << bit_num)) != 0;
} // namespace net