blob: 15bd62931fc3a89ef22b386d5bb3b2b9cbd3aca3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pdf/pdfium/pdfium_font_linux.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/i18n/encoding_detection.h"
#include "base/i18n/icu_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "components/services/font/public/cpp/font_loader.h"
#include "pdf/font_table_linux.h"
#include "pdf/pdfium/pdfium_engine.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_font_description.h"
#include "third_party/pdfium/public/fpdf_sysfontinfo.h"
namespace chrome_pdf {
namespace {
// Maps font description and charset to `FontId` as requested by PDFium, with
// `FontId` as an opaque type that PDFium works with. Based on the `FontId`,
// PDFium can read from the font files using GetFontData(). Properly frees the
// underlying resource type when PDFium is done with the mapped font.
class BlinkFontMapper {
// Defined as the type most convenient for use with PDFium's
// `FPDF_SYSFONTINFO` functions.
using FontId = void*;
BlinkFontMapper() = default;
~BlinkFontMapper() = delete;
// Returns a handle to the font mapped based on `desc` and `charset`, for use
// as the `font_id` in GetFontData() and DeleteFont() below. Returns nullptr
// on failure.
// TODO(thestig): Document how this handles TTC files.
FontId MapFont(const blink::WebFontDescription& desc, int charset) {
// If there was never a SkFontConfigInterface::SetGlobal() call, then `fci`
// defaults to the direct interface, which is not suitable, as it does not
// provide MatchFontWithFallback(). This only happens in unit tests, so just
// refuse to map fonts there.
sk_sp<SkFontConfigInterface> fci = SkFontConfigInterface::RefGlobal();
if (fci.get() == SkFontConfigInterface::GetSingletonDirectInterface())
return nullptr;
auto font_file = std::make_unique<base::File>();
// In RendererBlinkPlatform, SkFontConfigInterface::SetGlobal() only ever
// sets the global to a FontLoader. Thus it is safe to assume the returned
// result is just that.
auto* font_loader = reinterpret_cast<font_service::FontLoader*>(fci.get());
desc.weight >= blink::WebFontDescription::kWeightBold, desc.italic,
charset, desc.generic_family, font_file.get());
if (!font_file->IsValid())
return nullptr;
// Release to PDFium. PDFium will free `font_file` in DeleteFont() below.
return font_file.release();
// Releases the font file that `font_id` points to.
void DeleteFont(FontId font_id) {
delete FileFromFontId(font_id);
// Reads data from the `font_id` handle for `table` into a `buffer` of
// `buf_size`. Returns the amount of data read on success, or 0 on failure.
// If `buffer` is null, then just return the required size for the buffer.
// See content::GetFontTable() for information on the `table_tag` parameter.
unsigned long GetFontData(FontId font_id,
unsigned int table_tag,
unsigned char* buffer,
unsigned long buf_size) const {
// TODO(thestig): cache?
base::PlatformFile platform_file =
size_t size = buf_size;
if (!pdf::GetFontTable(platform_file, table_tag, /*offset=*/0, buffer,
&size)) {
return 0;
return size;
static base::File* FileFromFontId(FontId font_id) {
return reinterpret_cast<base::File*>(font_id);
BlinkFontMapper& GetBlinkFontMapper() {
static base::NoDestructor<BlinkFontMapper> mapper;
return *mapper;
blink::WebFontDescription::Weight WeightToBlinkWeight(int weight) {
static_assert(blink::WebFontDescription::kWeight100 == 0, "Blink Weight min");
static_assert(blink::WebFontDescription::kWeight900 == 8, "Blink Weight max");
constexpr int kMinimumWeight = 100;
constexpr int kMaximumWeight = 900;
int normalized_weight = std::clamp(weight, kMinimumWeight, kMaximumWeight);
normalized_weight = (normalized_weight / 100) - 1;
return static_cast<blink::WebFontDescription::Weight>(normalized_weight);
// This list is for CPWL_FontMap::GetDefaultFontByCharset().
// We pretend to have these font natively and let the browser (or underlying
// fontconfig) pick the proper font on the system.
void EnumFonts(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* sysfontinfo, void* mapper) {
FPDF_AddInstalledFont(mapper, "Arial", FXFONT_DEFAULT_CHARSET);
const FPDF_CharsetFontMap* font_map = FPDF_GetDefaultTTFMap();
for (; font_map->charset != -1; ++font_map) {
FPDF_AddInstalledFont(mapper, font_map->fontname, font_map->charset);
int weight,
int italic,
int charset,
int pitch_family,
const char* face,
int* exact) {
// The code below is Blink-specific, return early in non-Blink mode to avoid
// crashing.
if (PDFiumEngine::GetFontMappingMode() != FontMappingMode::kBlink) {
DCHECK_EQ(PDFiumEngine::GetFontMappingMode(), FontMappingMode::kNoMapping);
return nullptr;
// Pretend the system does not have the Symbol font to force a fallback to
// the built in Symbol font in CFX_FontMapper::FindSubstFont().
if (strcmp(face, "Symbol") == 0)
return nullptr;
blink::WebFontDescription desc;
if (pitch_family & FXFONT_FF_FIXEDPITCH) {
desc.generic_family = blink::WebFontDescription::kGenericFamilyMonospace;
} else if (pitch_family & FXFONT_FF_ROMAN) {
desc.generic_family = blink::WebFontDescription::kGenericFamilySerif;
} else {
desc.generic_family = blink::WebFontDescription::kGenericFamilyStandard;
static const struct {
const char* pdf_name;
const char* face;
bool bold;
bool italic;
} kPdfFontSubstitutions[] = {
{"Courier", "Courier New", false, false},
{"Courier-Bold", "Courier New", true, false},
{"Courier-BoldOblique", "Courier New", true, true},
{"Courier-Oblique", "Courier New", false, true},
{"Helvetica", "Arial", false, false},
{"Helvetica-Bold", "Arial", true, false},
{"Helvetica-BoldOblique", "Arial", true, true},
{"Helvetica-Oblique", "Arial", false, true},
{"Times-Roman", "Times New Roman", false, false},
{"Times-Bold", "Times New Roman", true, false},
{"Times-BoldItalic", "Times New Roman", true, true},
{"Times-Italic", "Times New Roman", false, true},
// MS P?(Mincho|Gothic) are the most notable fonts in Japanese PDF files
// without embedding the glyphs. Sometimes the font names are encoded
// in Japanese Windows's locale (CP932/Shift_JIS) without space.
// Most Linux systems don't have the exact font, but for outsourcing
// fontconfig to find substitutable font in the system, we pass ASCII
// font names to it.
{"MS-PGothic", "MS PGothic", false, false},
{"MS-Gothic", "MS Gothic", false, false},
{"MS-PMincho", "MS PMincho", false, false},
{"MS-Mincho", "MS Mincho", false, false},
// MS PGothic in Shift_JIS encoding.
{"\x82\x6C\x82\x72\x82\x6F\x83\x53\x83\x56\x83\x62\x83\x4E", "MS PGothic",
false, false},
// MS Gothic in Shift_JIS encoding.
{"\x82\x6C\x82\x72\x83\x53\x83\x56\x83\x62\x83\x4E", "MS Gothic", false,
// MS PMincho in Shift_JIS encoding.
{"\x82\x6C\x82\x72\x82\x6F\x96\xBE\x92\xA9", "MS PMincho", false, false},
// MS Mincho in Shift_JIS encoding.
{"\x82\x6C\x82\x72\x96\xBE\x92\xA9", "MS Mincho", false, false},
// Similar logic exists in PDFium's CFX_FolderFontInfo::FindFont().
if (charset == FXFONT_ANSI_CHARSET && (pitch_family & FXFONT_FF_FIXEDPITCH))
face = "Courier New";
// Map from the standard PDF fonts to TrueType font names.
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < std::size(kPdfFontSubstitutions); ++i) {
if (strcmp(face, kPdfFontSubstitutions[i].pdf_name) == 0) { = blink::WebString::FromUTF8(kPdfFontSubstitutions[i].face);
if (kPdfFontSubstitutions[i].bold)
desc.weight = blink::WebFontDescription::kWeightBold;
if (kPdfFontSubstitutions[i].italic)
desc.italic = true;
if (i == std::size(kPdfFontSubstitutions)) {
// Convert to UTF-8 and make sure it is valid.
std::string face_utf8;
if (base::IsStringUTF8(face)) {
face_utf8 = face;
} else {
std::string encoding;
if (base::DetectEncoding(face, &encoding)) {
// ConvertToUtf8AndNormalize() clears `face_utf8` on failure.
base::ConvertToUtf8AndNormalize(face, encoding, &face_utf8);
if (face_utf8.empty())
return nullptr; = blink::WebString::FromUTF8(face_utf8);
desc.weight = WeightToBlinkWeight(weight);
desc.italic = italic > 0;
return GetBlinkFontMapper().MapFont(desc, charset);
unsigned long GetFontData(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO*,
void* font_id,
unsigned int table,
unsigned char* buffer,
unsigned long buf_size) {
DCHECK_EQ(PDFiumEngine::GetFontMappingMode(), FontMappingMode::kBlink);
return GetBlinkFontMapper().GetFontData(font_id, table, buffer, buf_size);
void DeleteFont(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO*, void* font_id) {
DCHECK_EQ(PDFiumEngine::GetFontMappingMode(), FontMappingMode::kBlink);
FPDF_SYSFONTINFO g_font_info = {1, 0, EnumFonts, MapFont, 0,
GetFontData, 0, 0, DeleteFont};
} // namespace
void InitializeLinuxFontMapper() {
} // namespace chrome_pdf