blob: b649c21b54a17b42392c4890daea6323a95e9c64 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: Robolectric
Version: 12.1-robolectric-8229987
License: Apache 2.0
License File: NOT_SHIPPED
Security Critical: no
License Android Compatible: yes
Description: Robolectric is a unit test framework for Android.
Local Modifications:
- Added custom_asynctask folder to have workable copies of shadows required
for our own implementation of AsyncTask.
How To Update:
- Add new version and URL to 3pp/ for the android_all jar.
- Update the old versions to the latest instrumented versioned files
for backwards compatibility.
- Add new version as data to third_party/robolectric
- Update DEPS to point to new cipd instance after 3pp packager has ran.