blob: 43972d64175d197c3880beda614d90b258e7eac3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/infobars/core/confirm_infobar_delegate.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class GoogleURLTracker;
class InfoBarService;
// This infobar is shown by the GoogleURLTracker when the Google base URL has
// changed.
class GoogleURLTrackerInfoBarDelegate : public ConfirmInfoBarDelegate {
// Creates a Google URL tracker infobar and delegate and adds the infobar to
// |infobar_service|. Returns the infobar if it was successfully added.
static infobars::InfoBar* Create(InfoBarService* infobar_service,
GoogleURLTracker* google_url_tracker,
const GURL& search_url);
// ConfirmInfoBarDelegate:
virtual bool Accept() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool Cancel() OVERRIDE;
// Other than set_pending_id(), these accessors are only used by test code.
const GURL& search_url() const { return search_url_; }
void set_search_url(const GURL& search_url) { search_url_ = search_url; }
int pending_id() const { return pending_id_; }
void set_pending_id(int pending_id) { pending_id_ = pending_id; }
// These are virtual so test code can override them in a subclass.
virtual void Update(const GURL& search_url);
virtual void Close(bool redo_search);
GoogleURLTrackerInfoBarDelegate(GoogleURLTracker* google_url_tracker,
const GURL& search_url);
virtual ~GoogleURLTrackerInfoBarDelegate();
// ConfirmInfoBarDelegate:
virtual base::string16 GetMessageText() const OVERRIDE;
virtual base::string16 GetButtonLabel(InfoBarButton button) const OVERRIDE;
virtual base::string16 GetLinkText() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool LinkClicked(WindowOpenDisposition disposition) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ShouldExpireInternal(
const NavigationDetails& details) const OVERRIDE;
GoogleURLTracker* google_url_tracker_;
GURL search_url_;
int pending_id_;