blob: 977a4955c021fac22f9aa834964a9f3a851d208a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ui/gfx/gfx_export.h"
namespace gfx {
// A collection of parameters describing how text should be rendered on Linux.
struct GFX_EXPORT FontRenderParams {
// Level of hinting to be applied.
enum Hinting {
// Different subpixel orders to be used for subpixel rendering.
enum SubpixelRendering {
// Antialiasing (grayscale if |subpixel_rendering| is SUBPIXEL_RENDERING_NONE
// and RGBA otherwise).
bool antialiasing;
// Should subpixel positioning (i.e. fractional X positions for glyphs) be
// used?
// TODO(derat): Remove this; we don't set it in the browser and mostly ignore
// it in Blink:
bool subpixel_positioning;
// Should FreeType's autohinter be used (as opposed to Freetype's bytecode
// interpreter, which uses fonts' own hinting instructions)?
bool autohinter;
// Should embedded bitmaps in fonts should be used?
bool use_bitmaps;
// Hinting level.
Hinting hinting;
// Whether subpixel rendering should be used or not, and if so, the display's
// subpixel order.
SubpixelRendering subpixel_rendering;
// A query used to determine the appropriate FontRenderParams.
struct GFX_EXPORT FontRenderParamsQuery {
explicit FontRenderParamsQuery(bool for_web_contents);
bool is_empty() const {
return families.empty() && pixel_size <= 0 && point_size <= 0 && style < 0;
// True if rendering text for the web.
// TODO(derat): Remove this once FontRenderParams::subpixel_positioning is
// gone:
bool for_web_contents;
// Requested font families, or empty if unset.
std::vector<std::string> families;
// Font size in pixels or points, or 0 if unset.
int pixel_size;
int point_size;
// gfx::Font::FontStyle bit field, or -1 if unset.
int style;
// The device scale factor of the display, or 0 if unset.
float device_scale_factor;
// Returns the appropriate parameters for rendering the font described by
// |query|. If |family_out| is non-NULL, it will be updated to contain the
// recommended font family from |query.families|.
GFX_EXPORT FontRenderParams GetFontRenderParams(
const FontRenderParamsQuery& query,
std::string* family_out);
// Clears GetFontRenderParams()'s cache. Intended to be called by tests that are
// changing Fontconfig's configuration.
// TODO(derat): This is only defined for Linux, but OS_LINUX doesn't seem to be
// set when includes this header. Figure
// out what's going on here.
GFX_EXPORT void ClearFontRenderParamsCacheForTest();
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Gets the device scale factor to query the FontRenderParams.
float GetFontRenderParamsDeviceScaleFactor();
// Sets the device scale factor for FontRenderParams to decide
// if it should enable subpixel positioning.
GFX_EXPORT void SetFontRenderParamsDeviceScaleFactor(
float device_scale_factor);
} // namespace gfx