blob: 34f229927c17097562b592b35d9c0604c0e1d9a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ui/display/types/display_constants.h"
#include "ui/gfx/display.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace ash {
// A struct that represents the display's mode info.
struct ASH_EXPORT DisplayMode {
DisplayMode(const gfx::Size& size,
float refresh_rate,
bool interlaced,
bool native);
// Returns the size in DIP which is visible to the user.
gfx::Size GetSizeInDIP(bool is_internal) const;
// Returns true if |other| has same size and scale factors.
bool IsEquivalent(const DisplayMode& other) const;
gfx::Size size; // Physical pixel size of the display.
float refresh_rate; // Refresh rate of the display, in Hz.
bool interlaced; // True if mode is interlaced.
bool native; // True if mode is native mode of the display.
float ui_scale; // The UI scale factor of the mode.
float device_scale_factor; // The device scale factor of the mode.
// DisplayInfo contains metadata for each display. This is used to
// create |gfx::Display| as well as to maintain extra infomation
// to manage displays in ash environment.
// This class is intentionally made copiable.
class ASH_EXPORT DisplayInfo {
// Creates a DisplayInfo from string spec. 100+200-1440x800 creates display
// whose size is 1440x800 at the location (100, 200) in host coordinates.
// The format is
// [origin-]widthxheight[*device_scale_factor][#resolutions list]
// [/<properties>][@ui-scale]
// where [] are optional:
// - |origin| is given in x+y- format.
// - |device_scale_factor| is either 2 or 1 (or empty).
// - properties can combination of 'o', which adds default overscan insets
// (5%), and one rotation property where 'r' is 90 degree clock-wise
// (to the 'r'ight) 'u' is 180 degrees ('u'pside-down) and 'l' is
// 270 degrees (to the 'l'eft).
// - ui-scale is floating value, e.g. @1.5 or @1.25.
// - |resolution list| is the list of size that is given in
// |width x height [% refresh_rate]| separated by '|'.
// A couple of examples:
// "100x100"
// 100x100 window at 0,0 origin. 1x device scale factor. no overscan.
// no rotation. 1.0 ui scale.
// "5+5-300x200*2"
// 300x200 window at 5,5 origin. 2x device scale factor.
// no overscan, no rotation. 1.0 ui scale.
// "300x200/ol"
// 300x200 window at 0,0 origin. 1x device scale factor.
// with 5% overscan. rotated to left (90 degree counter clockwise).
// 1.0 ui scale.
// "10+20-300x200/u@1.5"
// 300x200 window at 10,20 origin. 1x device scale factor.
// no overscan. flipped upside-down (180 degree) and 1.5 ui scale.
// "200x100#300x200|200x100%59.0|100x100%60"
// 200x100 window at 0,0 origin, with 3 possible resolutions,
// 300x200, 200x100 at 59 Hz, and 100x100 at 60 Hz.
static DisplayInfo CreateFromSpec(const std::string& spec);
// Creates a DisplayInfo from string spec using given |id|.
static DisplayInfo CreateFromSpecWithID(const std::string& spec,
int64 id);
DisplayInfo(int64 id, const std::string& name, bool has_overscan);
// When this is set to true on the device whose internal display has
// 1.25 dsf, Chrome uses 1.0f as a default scale factor, and uses
// dsf 1.25 when UI scaling is set to 0.8f.
static void SetUse125DSFForUIScaling(bool enable);
int64 id() const { return id_; }
// The name of the display.
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
// True if the display EDID has the overscan flag. This does not create the
// actual overscan automatically, but used in the message.
bool has_overscan() const { return has_overscan_; }
void set_touch_support(gfx::Display::TouchSupport support) {
touch_support_ = support;
gfx::Display::TouchSupport touch_support() const { return touch_support_; }
void set_touch_device_id(int id) { touch_device_id_ = id; }
int touch_device_id() const { return touch_device_id_; }
// Gets/Sets the device scale factor of the display.
float device_scale_factor() const { return device_scale_factor_; }
void set_device_scale_factor(float scale) { device_scale_factor_ = scale; }
// The native bounds for the display. The size of this can be
// different from the |size_in_pixel| when overscan insets are set
// and/or |configured_ui_scale_| is set.
const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_native() const {
return bounds_in_native_;
// The size for the display in pixels.
const gfx::Size& size_in_pixel() const { return size_in_pixel_; }
// The overscan insets for the display in DIP.
const gfx::Insets& overscan_insets_in_dip() const {
return overscan_insets_in_dip_;
// Sets/gets configured ui scale. This can be different from the ui
// scale actually used when the scale is 2.0 and DSF is 2.0.
// (the effective ui scale is 1.0 in this case).
float configured_ui_scale() const { return configured_ui_scale_; }
void set_configured_ui_scale(float scale) { configured_ui_scale_ = scale; }
// Sets the rotation for the given |source|. Setting a new rotation will also
// have it become the active rotation.
void SetRotation(gfx::Display::Rotation rotation,
gfx::Display::RotationSource source);
// Returns the currently active rotation for this display.
gfx::Display::Rotation GetActiveRotation() const;
// Returns the rotation set by a given |source|.
gfx::Display::Rotation GetRotation(gfx::Display::RotationSource source) const;
// Returns the ui scale and device scale factor actually used to create
// display that chrome sees. This can be different from one obtained
// from dispaly or one specified by a user in following situation.
// 1) DSF is 2.0f and UI scale is 2.0f. (Returns 1.0f and 1.0f respectiely)
// 2) A user specified 0.8x on the device that has 1.25 DSF. 1.25 DSF device
// uses 1.0f DFS unless 0.8x UI scaling is specified.
float GetEffectiveDeviceScaleFactor() const;
// Returns the ui scale used for the device scale factor. This
// return 1.0f if the ui scale and dsf are both set to 2.0.
float GetEffectiveUIScale() const;
// Copy the display info except for fields that can be modified by a
// user (|rotation_| and |configured_ui_scale_|). |rotation_| and
// |configured_ui_scale_| are copied when the |another_info| isn't native one.
void Copy(const DisplayInfo& another_info);
// Update the |bounds_in_native_| and |size_in_pixel_| using
// given |bounds_in_native|.
void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_native);
// Update the |bounds_in_native| according to the current overscan
// and rotation settings.
void UpdateDisplaySize();
// Sets/Clears the overscan insets.
void SetOverscanInsets(const gfx::Insets& insets_in_dip);
gfx::Insets GetOverscanInsetsInPixel() const;
// Sets/Gets the flag to clear overscan insets.
bool clear_overscan_insets() const { return clear_overscan_insets_; }
void set_clear_overscan_insets(bool clear) { clear_overscan_insets_ = clear; }
void set_native(bool native) { native_ = native; }
bool native() const { return native_; }
const std::vector<DisplayMode>& display_modes() const {
return display_modes_;
// Sets the display mode list. The mode list will be sorted for the
// display.
void SetDisplayModes(const std::vector<DisplayMode>& display_modes);
// Returns the native mode size. If a native mode is not present, return an
// empty size.
gfx::Size GetNativeModeSize() const;
ui::ColorCalibrationProfile color_profile() const {
return color_profile_;
// Sets the color profile. It will ignore if the specified |profile| is not in
// |available_color_profiles_|.
void SetColorProfile(ui::ColorCalibrationProfile profile);
// Returns true if |profile| is in |available_color_profiles_|.
bool IsColorProfileAvailable(ui::ColorCalibrationProfile profile) const;
const std::vector<ui::ColorCalibrationProfile>&
available_color_profiles() const {
return available_color_profiles_;
void set_available_color_profiles(
const std::vector<ui::ColorCalibrationProfile>& profiles) {
available_color_profiles_ = profiles;
bool is_aspect_preserving_scaling() const {
return is_aspect_preserving_scaling_;
void set_is_aspect_preserving_scaling(bool value) {
is_aspect_preserving_scaling_ = value;
// Returns a string representation of the DisplayInfo, excluding display
// modes.
std::string ToString() const;
// Returns a string representation of the DisplayInfo, including display
// modes.
std::string ToFullString() const;
// Returns true if this display should use DSF=1.25 for UI scaling; i.e.
// SetUse125DSFForUIScaling(true) is called and this is the internal display.
bool Use125DSFRorUIScaling() const;
int64 id_;
std::string name_;
bool has_overscan_;
std::map<gfx::Display::RotationSource, gfx::Display::Rotation> rotations_;
gfx::Display::TouchSupport touch_support_;
// If the display is also a touch device, it will have a positive
// |touch_device_id_|. Otherwise |touch_device_id_| is 0.
int touch_device_id_;
// This specifies the device's pixel density. (For example, a
// display whose DPI is higher than the threshold is considered to have
// device_scale_factor = 2.0 on Chrome OS). This is used by the
// grapics layer to choose and draw appropriate images and scale
// layers properly.
float device_scale_factor_;
gfx::Rect bounds_in_native_;
// The size of the display in use. The size can be different from the size
// of |bounds_in_native_| if the display has overscan insets and/or rotation.
gfx::Size size_in_pixel_;
gfx::Insets overscan_insets_in_dip_;
// The pixel scale of the display. This is used to simply expand (or
// shrink) the desktop over the native display resolution (useful in
// HighDPI display). Note that this should not be confused with the
// device scale factor, which specifies the pixel density of the
// display. The actuall scale value to be used depends on the device
// scale factor. See |GetEffectiveScaleFactor()|.
float configured_ui_scale_;
// True if this comes from native platform (DisplayChangeObserver).
bool native_;
// True if the display is configured to preserve the aspect ratio. When the
// display is configured in a non-native mode, only parts of the display will
// be used such that the aspect ratio is preserved.
bool is_aspect_preserving_scaling_;
// True if the displays' overscan inset should be cleared. This is
// to distinguish the empty overscan insets from native display info.
bool clear_overscan_insets_;
// The list of modes supported by this display.
std::vector<DisplayMode> display_modes_;
// The current profile of the color calibration.
ui::ColorCalibrationProfile color_profile_;
// The list of available variations for the color calibration.
std::vector<ui::ColorCalibrationProfile> available_color_profiles_;
// If you add a new member, you need to update Copy().
} // namespace ash