blob: a28de78d3d73cb15f8af5c7040a1cc4fb18f09d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/display/extended_mouse_warp_controller.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "ash/display/display_manager.h"
#include "ash/display/display_util.h"
#include "ash/display/shared_display_edge_indicator.h"
#include "ash/root_window_controller.h"
#include "ash/screen_util.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/events/event_utils.h"
#include "ui/gfx/screen.h"
#include "ui/wm/core/coordinate_conversion.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// Maximum size on the display edge that initiate snapping phantom window,
// from the corner of the display.
const int kMaximumSnapHeight = 16;
// Minimum height of an indicator on the display edge that allows
// dragging a window. If two displays shares the edge smaller than
// this, entire edge will be used as a draggable space.
const int kMinimumIndicatorHeight = 200;
const int kIndicatorThickness = 1;
} // namespace
aura::Window* drag_source)
: drag_source_root_(drag_source),
shared_display_edge_indicator_(new SharedDisplayEdgeIndicator),
allow_non_native_event_(false) {
DisplayLayout::Position position = Shell::GetInstance()
// TODO(oshima): Use ComputeBondary instead.
if (position == DisplayLayout::TOP || position == DisplayLayout::BOTTOM)
if (drag_source) {
ExtendedMouseWarpController::~ExtendedMouseWarpController() {
bool ExtendedMouseWarpController::WarpMouseCursor(ui::MouseEvent* event) {
if (Shell::GetScreen()->GetNumDisplays() <= 1 || !enabled_)
return false;
aura::Window* target = static_cast<aura::Window*>(event->target());
gfx::Point point_in_screen = event->location();
::wm::ConvertPointToScreen(target, &point_in_screen);
// A native event may not exist in unit test. Generate the native point
// from the screen point instead.
if (!event->HasNativeEvent()) {
if (!allow_non_native_event_)
return false;
aura::Window* target_root = target->GetRootWindow();
gfx::Point point_in_native = point_in_screen;
::wm::ConvertPointFromScreen(target_root, &point_in_native);
return WarpMouseCursorInNativeCoords(point_in_native, point_in_screen,
gfx::Point point_in_native =
#if defined(USE_OZONE)
// TODO(dnicoara): Move cursor warping into Ozone once Ozone
// has access to the logical display layout.
// Native events in Ozone are in the native window coordinate system. We need
// to translate them to get the global position.
return WarpMouseCursorInNativeCoords(point_in_native, point_in_screen, false);
void ExtendedMouseWarpController::SetEnabled(bool enabled) {
enabled_ = enabled;
bool ExtendedMouseWarpController::WarpMouseCursorInNativeCoords(
const gfx::Point& point_in_native,
const gfx::Point& point_in_screen,
bool update_mouse_location_now) {
bool in_src_edge = src_edge_bounds_in_native_.Contains(point_in_native);
bool in_dst_edge = dst_edge_bounds_in_native_.Contains(point_in_native);
if (!in_src_edge && !in_dst_edge)
return false;
// The mouse must move.
aura::Window* src_root = nullptr;
aura::Window* dst_root = nullptr;
GetSrcAndDstRootWindows(&src_root, &dst_root);
AshWindowTreeHost* target_ash_host =
GetRootWindowController(in_src_edge ? dst_root : src_root)->ash_host();
MoveCursorTo(target_ash_host, point_in_screen, update_mouse_location_now);
return true;
void ExtendedMouseWarpController::UpdateHorizontalEdgeBounds() {
bool from_primary = Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow() == drag_source_root_;
// GetPrimaryDisplay returns an object on stack, so copy the bounds
// instead of using reference.
const gfx::Rect primary_bounds =
const gfx::Rect secondary_bounds = ScreenUtil::GetSecondaryDisplay().bounds();
DisplayLayout::Position position = Shell::GetInstance()
std::max(primary_bounds.x(), secondary_bounds.x()));
std::min(primary_bounds.right(), secondary_bounds.right()) -
position == DisplayLayout::TOP
? primary_bounds.y() - (from_primary ? 0 : kIndicatorThickness)
: primary_bounds.bottom() - (from_primary ? kIndicatorThickness : 0));
dst_indicator_bounds_ = src_indicator_bounds_;
position == DisplayLayout::TOP
? primary_bounds.y() - (from_primary ? kIndicatorThickness : 0)
: primary_bounds.bottom() - (from_primary ? 0 : kIndicatorThickness));
aura::Window* src_root = nullptr;
aura::Window* dst_root = nullptr;
GetSrcAndDstRootWindows(&src_root, &dst_root);
src_edge_bounds_in_native_ = GetNativeEdgeBounds(
GetRootWindowController(src_root)->ash_host(), src_indicator_bounds_);
dst_edge_bounds_in_native_ = GetNativeEdgeBounds(
GetRootWindowController(dst_root)->ash_host(), dst_indicator_bounds_);
void ExtendedMouseWarpController::UpdateVerticalEdgeBounds() {
int snap_height = drag_source_root_ ? kMaximumSnapHeight : 0;
bool in_primary = Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow() == drag_source_root_;
// GetPrimaryDisplay returns an object on stack, so copy the bounds
// instead of using reference.
const gfx::Rect primary_bounds =
const gfx::Rect secondary_bounds = ScreenUtil::GetSecondaryDisplay().bounds();
DisplayLayout::Position position = Shell::GetInstance()
int upper_shared_y = std::max(primary_bounds.y(), secondary_bounds.y());
int lower_shared_y =
std::min(primary_bounds.bottom(), secondary_bounds.bottom());
int shared_height = lower_shared_y - upper_shared_y;
int dst_x =
position == DisplayLayout::LEFT
? primary_bounds.x() - (in_primary ? kIndicatorThickness : 0)
: primary_bounds.right() - (in_primary ? 0 : kIndicatorThickness);
dst_indicator_bounds_.SetRect(dst_x, upper_shared_y, kIndicatorThickness,
// The indicator on the source display.
position == DisplayLayout::LEFT
? primary_bounds.x() - (in_primary ? 0 : kIndicatorThickness)
: primary_bounds.right() - (in_primary ? kIndicatorThickness : 0));
const gfx::Rect& source_bounds =
in_primary ? primary_bounds : secondary_bounds;
int upper_indicator_y = source_bounds.y() + snap_height;
int lower_indicator_y = std::min(source_bounds.bottom(), lower_shared_y);
// This gives a hight that can be used without sacrifying the snap space.
int available_space =
lower_indicator_y - std::max(upper_shared_y, upper_indicator_y);
if (shared_height < kMinimumIndicatorHeight) {
// If the shared height is smaller than minimum height, use the
// entire height.
upper_indicator_y = upper_shared_y;
} else if (available_space < kMinimumIndicatorHeight) {
// Snap to the bottom.
upper_indicator_y =
std::max(upper_shared_y, lower_indicator_y + kMinimumIndicatorHeight);
} else {
upper_indicator_y = std::max(upper_indicator_y, upper_shared_y);
src_indicator_bounds_.set_height(lower_indicator_y - upper_indicator_y);
aura::Window* src_root = nullptr;
aura::Window* dst_root = nullptr;
GetSrcAndDstRootWindows(&src_root, &dst_root);
// Native
src_edge_bounds_in_native_ = GetNativeEdgeBounds(
GetRootWindowController(src_root)->ash_host(), src_indicator_bounds_);
dst_edge_bounds_in_native_ = GetNativeEdgeBounds(
GetRootWindowController(dst_root)->ash_host(), dst_indicator_bounds_);
void ExtendedMouseWarpController::GetSrcAndDstRootWindows(
aura::Window** src_root,
aura::Window** dst_root) {
aura::Window::Windows root_windows = Shell::GetAllRootWindows();
*src_root = drag_source_root_ ? drag_source_root_
: Shell::GetInstance()->GetPrimaryRootWindow();
*dst_root = root_windows[0] == *src_root ? root_windows[1] : root_windows[0];
} // namespace ash