blob: 0e339ebf3e76bf690e1ee50838de33d948760a6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
namespace net {
class DhcpProxyScriptFetcher;
class HostResolver;
class NetLog;
class NetworkDelegate;
class ProxyConfigService;
class ProxyScriptFetcher;
class ProxyService;
// Creates a proxy service that polls |proxy_config_service| to notice when
// the proxy settings change. We take ownership of |proxy_config_service|.
// |proxy_script_fetcher| specifies the dependency to use for downloading
// any PAC scripts. The resulting ProxyService will take ownership of it.
// |dhcp_proxy_script_fetcher| specifies the dependency to use for attempting
// to retrieve the most appropriate PAC script configured in DHCP. The
// resulting ProxyService will take ownership of it.
// |host_resolver| points to the host resolving dependency the PAC script
// should use for any DNS queries. It must remain valid throughout the
// lifetime of the ProxyService.
// ##########################################################################
// # See the warnings in net/proxy/proxy_resolver_v8.h describing the
// # multi-threading model. In order for this to be safe to use, *ALL* the
// # other V8's running in the process must use v8::Locker.
// ##########################################################################
NET_EXPORT ProxyService* CreateProxyServiceUsingV8ProxyResolver(
ProxyConfigService* proxy_config_service,
ProxyScriptFetcher* proxy_script_fetcher,
DhcpProxyScriptFetcher* dhcp_proxy_script_fetcher,
HostResolver* host_resolver,
NetLog* net_log,
NetworkDelegate* network_delegate);
} // namespace net