blob: 621f28b586f181c9bcc37ea9e4b162639fc6849c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crypto/aes_128_gcm_helpers_nss.h"
#include <pkcs11t.h>
#include <seccomon.h>
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "crypto/ghash.h"
#include "crypto/scoped_nss_types.h"
#if defined(USE_NSS_CERTS)
#include <dlfcn.h>
namespace crypto {
namespace {
// Declaration of the prototype both PK11_Decrypt and PK11_Encrypt follow.
using PK11_TransformFunction = SECStatus(PK11SymKey* symKey,
SECItem* param,
unsigned char* out,
unsigned int* outLen,
unsigned int maxLen,
const unsigned char* data,
unsigned int dataLen);
// On Linux, dynamically link against the system version of In
// order to continue working on systems without up-to-date versions of NSS,
// lookup PK11_Decrypt and PK11_Encrypt with dlsym.
// GcmSupportChecker is a singleton which caches the results of runtime symbol
// resolution of these symbols.
class GcmSupportChecker {
PK11_TransformFunction* pk11_decrypt_func() { return pk11_decrypt_func_; }
PK11_TransformFunction* pk11_encrypt_func() { return pk11_encrypt_func_; }
friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<GcmSupportChecker>;
GcmSupportChecker() {
#if !defined(USE_NSS_CERTS)
// Using a bundled version of NSS that is guaranteed to have these symbols.
pk11_decrypt_func_ = PK11_Decrypt;
pk11_encrypt_func_ = PK11_Encrypt;
// Using system NSS libraries and PCKS #11 modules, which may not have the
// necessary functions (PK11_Decrypt and PK11_Encrypt) or mechanism support
// If PK11_Decrypt() and PK11_Encrypt() were successfully resolved, then NSS
// will support AES-GCM directly. This was introduced in NSS 3.15.
pk11_decrypt_func_ = reinterpret_cast<PK11_TransformFunction*>(
dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "PK11_Decrypt"));
pk11_encrypt_func_ = reinterpret_cast<PK11_TransformFunction*>(
dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "PK11_Encrypt"));
~GcmSupportChecker() {}
// |pk11_decrypt_func_| stores the runtime symbol resolution of PK11_Decrypt.
PK11_TransformFunction* pk11_decrypt_func_;
// |pk11_encrypt_func_| stores the runtime symbol resolution of PK11_Encrypt.
PK11_TransformFunction* pk11_encrypt_func_;
base::LazyInstance<GcmSupportChecker>::Leaky g_gcm_support_checker =
} // namespace
// Calls PK11_Decrypt if it's available. Otherwise, emulates CKM_AES_GCM using
// CKM_AES_CTR and the GaloisHash class.
SECStatus PK11DecryptHelper(PK11SymKey* key,
SECItem* param,
unsigned char* out,
unsigned int* out_len,
unsigned int max_len,
const unsigned char* data,
unsigned int data_len) {
// If PK11_Decrypt() was successfully resolved or if bundled version of NSS is
// being used, then NSS will support AES-GCM directly.
PK11_TransformFunction* pk11_decrypt_func =
if (pk11_decrypt_func != nullptr) {
return pk11_decrypt_func(key, mechanism, param, out, out_len, max_len, data,
// Otherwise, the user has an older version of NSS. Regrettably, NSS 3.14.x
// has a bug in the AES GCM code
// (, as well as missing
// the PK11_Decrypt function
// (, both of which are
// resolved in NSS 3.15.
CHECK_EQ(mechanism, static_cast<CK_MECHANISM_TYPE>(CKM_AES_GCM));
CHECK_EQ(param->len, sizeof(CK_GCM_PARAMS));
const CK_GCM_PARAMS* gcm_params =
const CK_ULONG auth_tag_size = gcm_params->ulTagBits / 8;
if (gcm_params->ulIvLen != 12u) {
DVLOG(1) << "ulIvLen is not equal to 12";
return SECFailure;
SECItem my_param = {siBuffer, nullptr, 0};
// Step 2. Let H = CIPH_K(128 '0' bits).
unsigned char ghash_key[16] = {0};
crypto::ScopedPK11Context ctx(
PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(CKM_AES_ECB, CKA_ENCRYPT, key, &my_param));
if (!ctx) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_CreateContextBySymKey failed";
return SECFailure;
int output_len;
if (PK11_CipherOp(ctx.get(), ghash_key, &output_len, sizeof(ghash_key),
ghash_key, sizeof(ghash_key)) != SECSuccess) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_CipherOp failed";
return SECFailure;
if (PK11_Finalize(ctx.get()) != SECSuccess) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_Finalize failed";
return SECFailure;
if (output_len != sizeof(ghash_key)) {
DVLOG(1) << "Wrong output length";
return SECFailure;
// Step 3. If len(IV)=96, then let J0 = IV || 31 '0' bits || 1.
CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS ctr_params = {0};
ctr_params.ulCounterBits = 32;
memcpy(ctr_params.cb, gcm_params->pIv, gcm_params->ulIvLen);
ctr_params.cb[12] = 0;
ctr_params.cb[13] = 0;
ctr_params.cb[14] = 0;
ctr_params.cb[15] = 1;
my_param.type = siBuffer; = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&ctr_params);
my_param.len = sizeof(ctr_params);
PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(CKM_AES_CTR, CKA_ENCRYPT, key, &my_param));
if (!ctx) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_CreateContextBySymKey failed";
return SECFailure;
// Step 6. Calculate the encryption mask of GCTR_K(J0, ...).
unsigned char tag_mask[16] = {0};
if (PK11_CipherOp(ctx.get(), tag_mask, &output_len, sizeof(tag_mask),
tag_mask, sizeof(tag_mask)) != SECSuccess) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_CipherOp failed";
return SECFailure;
if (output_len != sizeof(tag_mask)) {
DVLOG(1) << "Wrong output length";
return SECFailure;
if (data_len < auth_tag_size) {
return SECFailure;
// The const_cast for |data| can be removed if system NSS libraries are
// NSS 3.14.1 or later (NSS bug
if (PK11_CipherOp(ctx.get(), out, &output_len, max_len,
const_cast<unsigned char*>(data),
data_len - auth_tag_size) != SECSuccess) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_CipherOp failed";
return SECFailure;
if (PK11_Finalize(ctx.get()) != SECSuccess) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_Finalize failed";
return SECFailure;
if (static_cast<unsigned int>(output_len) != data_len - auth_tag_size) {
DVLOG(1) << "Wrong output length";
return SECFailure;
crypto::GaloisHash ghash(ghash_key);
ghash.UpdateAdditional(gcm_params->pAAD, gcm_params->ulAADLen);
ghash.UpdateCiphertext(data, output_len);
unsigned char auth_tag[auth_tag_size];
ghash.Finish(auth_tag, auth_tag_size);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < auth_tag_size; i++) {
auth_tag[i] ^= tag_mask[i];
if (NSS_SecureMemcmp(auth_tag, data + output_len, auth_tag_size) != 0) {
return SECFailure;
*out_len = output_len;
return SECSuccess;
// Calls PK11_Encrypt if it's available. Otherwise, emulates CKM_AES_GCM using
// CKM_AES_CTR and the GaloisHash class.
SECStatus PK11EncryptHelper(PK11SymKey* key,
SECItem* param,
unsigned char* out,
unsigned int* out_len,
unsigned int max_len,
const unsigned char* data,
unsigned int data_len) {
// If PK11_Encrypt() was successfully resolved or if bundled version of NSS is
// being used, then NSS will support AES-GCM directly.
PK11_TransformFunction* pk11_encrypt_func =
if (pk11_encrypt_func != nullptr) {
return pk11_encrypt_func(key, mechanism, param, out, out_len, max_len, data,
// Otherwise, the user has an older version of NSS. Regrettably, NSS 3.14.x
// has a bug in the AES GCM code
// (, as well as missing
// the PK11_Encrypt function
// (, both of which are
// resolved in NSS 3.15.
CHECK_EQ(mechanism, static_cast<CK_MECHANISM_TYPE>(CKM_AES_GCM));
CHECK_EQ(param->len, sizeof(CK_GCM_PARAMS));
const CK_GCM_PARAMS* gcm_params =
const CK_ULONG auth_tag_size = gcm_params->ulTagBits / 8;
if (max_len < auth_tag_size) {
DVLOG(1) << "max_len is less than kAuthTagSize";
return SECFailure;
if (gcm_params->ulIvLen != 12u) {
DVLOG(1) << "ulIvLen is not equal to 12";
return SECFailure;
SECItem my_param = {siBuffer, nullptr, 0};
// Step 1. Let H = CIPH_K(128 '0' bits).
unsigned char ghash_key[16] = {0};
crypto::ScopedPK11Context ctx(
PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(CKM_AES_ECB, CKA_ENCRYPT, key, &my_param));
if (!ctx) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_CreateContextBySymKey failed";
return SECFailure;
int output_len;
if (PK11_CipherOp(ctx.get(), ghash_key, &output_len, sizeof(ghash_key),
ghash_key, sizeof(ghash_key)) != SECSuccess) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_CipherOp failed";
return SECFailure;
if (PK11_Finalize(ctx.get()) != SECSuccess) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_Finalize failed";
return SECFailure;
if (output_len != sizeof(ghash_key)) {
DVLOG(1) << "Wrong output length";
return SECFailure;
// Step 2. If len(IV)=96, then let J0 = IV || 31 '0' bits || 1.
CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS ctr_params = {0};
ctr_params.ulCounterBits = 32;
memcpy(ctr_params.cb, gcm_params->pIv, gcm_params->ulIvLen);
ctr_params.cb[12] = 0;
ctr_params.cb[13] = 0;
ctr_params.cb[14] = 0;
ctr_params.cb[15] = 1;
my_param.type = siBuffer; = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&ctr_params);
my_param.len = sizeof(ctr_params);
PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(CKM_AES_CTR, CKA_ENCRYPT, key, &my_param));
if (!ctx) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_CreateContextBySymKey failed";
return SECFailure;
// Step 6. Calculate the encryption mask of GCTR_K(J0, ...).
unsigned char tag_mask[16] = {0};
if (PK11_CipherOp(ctx.get(), tag_mask, &output_len, sizeof(tag_mask),
tag_mask, sizeof(tag_mask)) != SECSuccess) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_CipherOp failed";
return SECFailure;
if (output_len != sizeof(tag_mask)) {
DVLOG(1) << "Wrong output length";
return SECFailure;
// The const_cast for |data| can be removed if system NSS libraries are
// NSS 3.14.1 or later (NSS bug
if (PK11_CipherOp(ctx.get(), out, &output_len, max_len,
const_cast<unsigned char*>(data), data_len) != SECSuccess) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_CipherOp failed";
return SECFailure;
if (PK11_Finalize(ctx.get()) != SECSuccess) {
DVLOG(1) << "PK11_Finalize failed";
return SECFailure;
if (static_cast<unsigned int>(output_len) != data_len) {
DVLOG(1) << "Wrong output length";
return SECFailure;
if ((max_len - auth_tag_size) < static_cast<unsigned int>(output_len)) {
DVLOG(1) << "(max_len - kAuthTagSize) is less than output_len";
return SECFailure;
crypto::GaloisHash ghash(ghash_key);
ghash.UpdateAdditional(gcm_params->pAAD, gcm_params->ulAADLen);
ghash.UpdateCiphertext(out, output_len);
ghash.Finish(out + output_len, auth_tag_size);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < auth_tag_size; i++) {
out[output_len + i] ^= tag_mask[i];
*out_len = output_len + auth_tag_size;
return SECSuccess;
} // namespace crypto