blob: ccc2e01801efd529cf2a871e1368d8d8b8cf04cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/private_working_set_snapshot.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
using PrivateWorkingSetSnapshotWinTest = testing::Test;
TEST_F(PrivateWorkingSetSnapshotWinTest, FindPidSelfTest) {
// The Pdh APIs are supported on Windows XP and above, but the "Working Set -
// Private" counter that PrivateWorkingSetSnapshot depends on is not defined
// until Windows Vista and is not reliable until Windows 7. Early-out to avoid
// test failure.
if (base::win::GetVersion() <= base::win::VERSION_VISTA)
// Sample this process.
base::ProcessId pid = base::GetCurrentProcId();
PrivateWorkingSetSnapshot private_ws_snapshot;
size_t private_ws = private_ws_snapshot.GetPrivateWorkingSet(pid);
if (private_ws == 0) {
// The Pdh APIs which PrivateWorkingSetSnapshot depends on are flaky and
// sometimes (~5% of the time on win_chromium_rel_ng) give back a result of
// zero. This is handled seamlessly in task manager by falling back to the
// old calculations so it is not a critical failure. Checking for this case
// and skipping the test stops flaky-test failures.
// Private working set is difficult to predict but should be at least several
// MB. Initial tests show a value of 19+ MB depending on how many tests and
// processes are used. Anomalously small or large values would warrant
// investigation.
EXPECT_GT(private_ws, 2000000u);
// Check that the WS is less than 1500 MB. This is set very high to reduce the
// chance that unrelated changes could ever make this fail. This mostly just
// checks against some uncaught error that might return 0xFFFFFFFF. When run
// under Dr Memory the private working set was seen to be about 850 MB, which
// is why such a high threshold has been chosen.
EXPECT_LT(private_ws, 1500000000u);
// Allocate and touch a large block of memory (vector's constructor will zero
// every entry). This will increase the private working set.
const size_t alloc_size = 10000000;
std::vector<char> big_memory(alloc_size);
size_t private_ws2 = private_ws_snapshot.GetPrivateWorkingSet(pid);
EXPECT_EQ(private_ws, private_ws2) << "GetPrivateWorkingSet should be "
"consistent until the next call to "
size_t private_ws3 = private_ws_snapshot.GetPrivateWorkingSet(pid);
EXPECT_GT(private_ws3, private_ws2 + alloc_size / 2)
<< "GetPrivateWorkingSet should increase as we allocate more memory";