blob: d8410fd698ac5cc8061bca8baee6ed353c0739d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_manager_base.h"
namespace media {
class AlsaWrapper;
class MEDIA_EXPORT AudioManagerAlsa : public AudioManagerBase {
AudioManagerAlsa(AudioLogFactory* audio_log_factory);
static void ShowLinuxAudioInputSettings();
// Implementation of AudioManager.
bool HasAudioOutputDevices() override;
bool HasAudioInputDevices() override;
void ShowAudioInputSettings() override;
void GetAudioInputDeviceNames(AudioDeviceNames* device_names) override;
void GetAudioOutputDeviceNames(AudioDeviceNames* device_names) override;
AudioParameters GetInputStreamParameters(
const std::string& device_id) override;
// Implementation of AudioManagerBase.
AudioOutputStream* MakeLinearOutputStream(
const AudioParameters& params) override;
AudioOutputStream* MakeLowLatencyOutputStream(
const AudioParameters& params,
const std::string& device_id) override;
AudioInputStream* MakeLinearInputStream(
const AudioParameters& params,
const std::string& device_id) override;
AudioInputStream* MakeLowLatencyInputStream(
const AudioParameters& params,
const std::string& device_id) override;
~AudioManagerAlsa() override;
AudioParameters GetPreferredOutputStreamParameters(
const std::string& output_device_id,
const AudioParameters& input_params) override;
enum StreamType {
kStreamPlayback = 0,
// Gets a list of available ALSA devices.
void GetAlsaAudioDevices(StreamType type,
media::AudioDeviceNames* device_names);
// Gets the ALSA devices' names and ids that support streams of the
// given type.
void GetAlsaDevicesInfo(StreamType type,
void** hint,
media::AudioDeviceNames* device_names);
// Checks if the specific ALSA device is available.
static bool IsAlsaDeviceAvailable(StreamType type,
const char* device_name);
static const char* UnwantedDeviceTypeWhenEnumerating(
StreamType wanted_type);
// Returns true if a device is present for the given stream type.
bool HasAnyAlsaAudioDevice(StreamType stream);
// Called by MakeLinearOutputStream and MakeLowLatencyOutputStream.
AudioOutputStream* MakeOutputStream(const AudioParameters& params);
// Called by MakeLinearInputStream and MakeLowLatencyInputStream.
AudioInputStream* MakeInputStream(const AudioParameters& params,
const std::string& device_id);
scoped_ptr<AlsaWrapper> wrapper_;
} // namespace media