blob: 0ca3c605cd89dbe4d68d3f7a42575da64a2d417a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Runs an exe through Valgrind and puts the intermediate files in a
import datetime
import glob
import logging
import optparse
import os
import re
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import common
import drmemory_analyze
import memcheck_analyze
class BaseTool(object):
"""Abstract class for running dynamic error detection tools.
Always subclass this and implement ToolCommand with framework- and
tool-specific stuff.
def __init__(self):
temp_parent_dir = None
self.log_parent_dir = ""
if common.IsWindows():
# gpu process on Windows Vista+ runs at Low Integrity and can only
# write to certain directories (
# TODO(bruening): if scripts die in middle and don't clean up temp
# dir, we'll accumulate files in profile dir. should remove
# really old files automatically.
profile = os.getenv("USERPROFILE")
if profile:
self.log_parent_dir = profile + "\\AppData\\LocalLow\\"
if os.path.exists(self.log_parent_dir):
self.log_parent_dir = common.NormalizeWindowsPath(self.log_parent_dir)
temp_parent_dir = self.log_parent_dir
# Generated every time (even when overridden)
self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="vg_logs_", dir=temp_parent_dir)
self.log_dir = self.temp_dir # overridable by --keep_logs
self.option_parser_hooks = []
# TODO(glider): we may not need some of the env vars on some of the
# platforms.
self._env = {
"G_SLICE" : "always-malloc",
def ToolName(self):
raise NotImplementedError, "This method should be implemented " \
"in the tool-specific subclass"
def Analyze(self, check_sanity=False):
raise NotImplementedError, "This method should be implemented " \
"in the tool-specific subclass"
def RegisterOptionParserHook(self, hook):
# Frameworks and tools can add their own flags to the parser.
def CreateOptionParser(self):
# Defines Chromium-specific flags.
self._parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] <program to "
self._parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout",
dest="timeout", metavar="TIMEOUT", default=10000,
help="timeout in seconds for the run (default 10000)")
self._parser.add_option("", "--build-dir",
help="the location of the compiler output")
self._parser.add_option("", "--source-dir",
help="path to top of source tree for this build"
"(used to normalize source paths in baseline)")
self._parser.add_option("", "--gtest_filter", default="",
help="which test case to run")
self._parser.add_option("", "--gtest_repeat",
help="how many times to run each test")
self._parser.add_option("", "--gtest_print_time", action="store_true",
help="show how long each test takes")
self._parser.add_option("", "--ignore_exit_code", action="store_true",
help="ignore exit code of the test "
"(e.g. test failures)")
self._parser.add_option("", "--keep_logs", action="store_true",
help="store memory tool logs in the <tool>.logs "
"directory instead of /tmp.\nThis can be "
"useful for tool developers/maintainers.\n"
"Please note that the <tool>.logs directory "
"will be clobbered on tool startup.")
# To add framework- or tool-specific flags, please add a hook using
# RegisterOptionParserHook in the corresponding subclass.
# See ValgrindTool for an example.
for hook in self.option_parser_hooks:
hook(self, self._parser)
def ParseArgv(self, args):
# self._tool_flags will store those tool flags which we don't parse
# manually in this script.
self._tool_flags = []
known_args = []
""" We assume that the first argument not starting with "-" is a program
name and all the following flags should be passed to the program.
TODO(timurrrr): customize optparse instead
while len(args) > 0 and args[0][:1] == "-":
arg = args[0]
if (arg == "--"):
if self._parser.has_option(arg.split("=")[0]):
known_args += [arg]
self._tool_flags += [arg]
args = args[1:]
if len(args) > 0:
known_args += args
self._options, self._args = self._parser.parse_args(known_args)
self._timeout = int(self._options.timeout)
self._source_dir = self._options.source_dir
if self._options.keep_logs:
# log_parent_dir has trailing slash if non-empty
self.log_dir = self.log_parent_dir + "%s.logs" % self.ToolName()
if os.path.exists(self.log_dir):
os.mkdir(self.log_dir)"Logs are in " + self.log_dir)
self._ignore_exit_code = self._options.ignore_exit_code
if self._options.gtest_filter != "":
self._args.append("--gtest_filter=%s" % self._options.gtest_filter)
if self._options.gtest_repeat:
self._args.append("--gtest_repeat=%s" % self._options.gtest_repeat)
if self._options.gtest_print_time:
return True
def Setup(self, args):
return self.ParseArgv(args)
def ToolCommand(self):
raise NotImplementedError, "This method should be implemented " \
"in the tool-specific subclass"
def Cleanup(self):
# You may override it in the tool-specific subclass
def Execute(self):
""" Execute the app to be tested after successful instrumentation.
Full execution command-line provided by subclassers via proc.""""starting execution...")
proc = self.ToolCommand()
for var in self._env:
common.PutEnvAndLog(var, self._env[var])
return common.RunSubprocess(proc, self._timeout)
def RunTestsAndAnalyze(self, check_sanity):
exec_retcode = self.Execute()
analyze_retcode = self.Analyze(check_sanity)
if analyze_retcode:
logging.error("Analyze failed.")"Search the log for '[ERROR]' to see the error reports.")
return analyze_retcode
if exec_retcode:
if self._ignore_exit_code:"Test execution failed, but the exit code is ignored.")
logging.error("Test execution failed.")
return exec_retcode
else:"Test execution completed successfully.")
if not analyze_retcode:"Analysis completed successfully.")
return 0
def Main(self, args, check_sanity, min_runtime_in_seconds):
"""Call this to run through the whole process: Setup, Execute, Analyze"""
start_time =
retcode = -1
if self.Setup(args):
retcode = self.RunTestsAndAnalyze(check_sanity)
shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
logging.error("Setup failed")
end_time =
runtime_in_seconds = (end_time - start_time).seconds
hours = runtime_in_seconds / 3600
seconds = runtime_in_seconds % 3600
minutes = seconds / 60
seconds = seconds % 60"elapsed time: %02d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds))
if (min_runtime_in_seconds > 0 and
runtime_in_seconds < min_runtime_in_seconds):
logging.error("Layout tests finished too quickly. "
"It should have taken at least %d seconds. "
"Something went wrong?" % min_runtime_in_seconds)
retcode = -1
return retcode
def Run(self, args, module, min_runtime_in_seconds=0):
check_sanity = module in MODULES_TO_SANITY_CHECK
return self.Main(args, check_sanity, min_runtime_in_seconds)
class ValgrindTool(BaseTool):
"""Abstract class for running Valgrind tools.
Always subclass this and implement ToolSpecificFlags() and
ExtendOptionParser() for tool-specific stuff.
def __init__(self):
super(ValgrindTool, self).__init__()
def UseXML(self):
# Override if tool prefers nonxml output
return True
def ExtendOptionParser(self, parser):
parser.add_option("", "--suppressions", default=[],
help="path to a valgrind suppression file")
parser.add_option("", "--indirect", action="store_true",
help="set BROWSER_WRAPPER rather than "
"running valgrind directly")
parser.add_option("", "--indirect_webkit_layout", action="store_true",
help="set --wrapper rather than running Dr. Memory "
parser.add_option("", "--trace_children", action="store_true",
help="also trace child processes")
parser.add_option("", "--num-callers",
dest="num_callers", default=30,
help="number of callers to show in stack traces")
parser.add_option("", "--generate_dsym", action="store_true",
help="Generate .dSYM file on Mac if needed. Slow!")
def Setup(self, args):
if not BaseTool.Setup(self, args):
return False
if common.IsMac():
return True
def PrepareForTestMac(self):
"""Runs dsymutil if needed.
Valgrind for Mac OS X requires that debugging information be in a .dSYM
bundle generated by dsymutil. It is not currently able to chase DWARF
data into .o files like gdb does, so executables without .dSYM bundles or
with the Chromium-specific "fake_dsym" bundles generated by
build/mac/strip_save_dsym won't give source file and line number
information in valgrind.
This function will run dsymutil if the .dSYM bundle is missing or if
it looks like a fake_dsym. A non-fake dsym that already exists is assumed
to be up-to-date.
test_command = self._args[0]
dsym_bundle = self._args[0] + '.dSYM'
dsym_file = os.path.join(dsym_bundle, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'DWARF',
dsym_info_plist = os.path.join(dsym_bundle, 'Contents', 'Info.plist')
needs_dsymutil = True
saved_test_command = None
if os.path.exists(dsym_file) and os.path.exists(dsym_info_plist):
# Look for the special fake_dsym tag in dsym_info_plist.
dsym_info_plist_contents = open(dsym_info_plist).read()
if not'^\s*<key>fake_dsym</key>$', dsym_info_plist_contents,
# fake_dsym is not set, this is a real .dSYM bundle produced by
# dsymutil. dsymutil does not need to be run again.
needs_dsymutil = False
# fake_dsym is set. dsym_file is a copy of the original test_command
# before it was stripped. Copy it back to test_command so that
# dsymutil has unstripped input to work with. Move the stripped
# test_command out of the way, it will be restored when this is
# done.
saved_test_command = test_command + '.stripped'
os.rename(test_command, saved_test_command)
shutil.copyfile(dsym_file, test_command)
shutil.copymode(saved_test_command, test_command)
if needs_dsymutil:
if self._options.generate_dsym:
# Remove the .dSYM bundle if it exists.
shutil.rmtree(dsym_bundle, True)
dsymutil_command = ['dsymutil', test_command]
# dsymutil is crazy slow. Ideally we'd have a timeout here,
# but common.RunSubprocess' timeout is only checked
# after each line of output; dsymutil is silent
# until the end, and is then killed, which is silly.
if saved_test_command:
os.rename(saved_test_command, test_command)
else:"No real .dSYM for test_command. Line numbers will "
"not be shown. Either tell xcode to generate .dSYM "
"file, or use --generate_dsym option to this tool.")
def ToolCommand(self):
"""Get the valgrind command to run."""
# Note that self._args begins with the exe to be run.
tool_name = self.ToolName()
# Construct the valgrind command.
if 'CHROME_VALGRIND' in os.environ:
path = os.path.join(os.environ['CHROME_VALGRIND'], "bin", "valgrind")
path = "valgrind"
proc = [path, "--tool=%s" % tool_name]
proc += ["--num-callers=%i" % int(self._options.num_callers)]
if self._options.trace_children:
proc += ["--trace-children=yes"]
proc += ["--trace-children-skip='*dbus-daemon*'"]
proc += ["--trace-children-skip='*dbus-launch*'"]
proc += ["--trace-children-skip='*perl*'"]
proc += ["--trace-children-skip='*python*'"]
# This is really Python, but for some reason Valgrind follows it.
proc += ["--trace-children-skip='*lsb_release*'"]
proc += self.ToolSpecificFlags()
proc += self._tool_flags
suppression_count = 0
for suppression_file in self._options.suppressions:
if os.path.exists(suppression_file):
suppression_count += 1
proc += ["--suppressions=%s" % suppression_file]
if not suppression_count:
logfilename = self.log_dir + ("/%s." % tool_name) + "%p"
if self.UseXML():
proc += ["--xml=yes", "--xml-file=" + logfilename]
proc += ["--log-file=" + logfilename]
# The Valgrind command is constructed.
# Handle --indirect_webkit_layout separately.
if self._options.indirect_webkit_layout:
# Need to create the wrapper before modifying |proc|.
wrapper = self.CreateBrowserWrapper(proc, webkit=True)
proc = self._args
return proc
if self._options.indirect:
wrapper = self.CreateBrowserWrapper(proc)
os.environ["BROWSER_WRAPPER"] = wrapper'export BROWSER_WRAPPER=' + wrapper)
proc = []
proc += self._args
return proc
def ToolSpecificFlags(self):
raise NotImplementedError, "This method should be implemented " \
"in the tool-specific subclass"
def CreateBrowserWrapper(self, proc, webkit=False):
"""The program being run invokes Python or something else that can't stand
to be valgrinded, and also invokes the Chrome browser. In this case, use a
magic wrapper to only valgrind the Chrome browser. Build the wrapper here.
Returns the path to the wrapper. It's up to the caller to use the wrapper
command = " ".join(proc)
# Add the PID of the browser wrapper to the logfile names so we can
# separate log files for different UI tests at the analyze stage.
command = command.replace("%p", "$$.%p")
(fd, indirect_fname) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.log_dir,
f = os.fdopen(fd, "w")
'echo "Started Valgrind wrapper for this test, PID=$$" >&2\n')
f.write('DIR=`dirname $0`\n'
if webkit:
# Webkit layout_tests pass the URL as the first line of stdin.
f.write('tee $TESTNAME_FILE | %s "$@"\n' % command)
# Try to get the test case name by looking at the program arguments.
# i.e. Chromium ui_tests used --test-name arg.
# TODO(timurrrr): This doesn't handle "--test-name Test.Name"
# TODO(timurrrr): ui_tests are dead. Where do we use the non-webkit
# wrapper now? browser_tests? What do they do?
f.write('for arg in $@\ndo\n'
' if [[ "$arg" =~ --test-name=(.*) ]]\n then\n'
' fi\n'
'%s "$@"\n' % command)
os.chmod(indirect_fname, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IXUSR)
return indirect_fname
def CreateAnalyzer(self):
raise NotImplementedError, "This method should be implemented " \
"in the tool-specific subclass"
def GetAnalyzeResults(self, check_sanity=False):
# Glob all the files in the log directory
filenames = glob.glob(self.log_dir + "/" + self.ToolName() + ".*")
# If we have browser wrapper, the logfiles are named as
# "toolname.wrapper_PID.valgrind_PID".
# Let's extract the list of wrapper_PIDs and name it ppids
ppids = set([int(f.split(".")[-2]) \
for f in filenames if"\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$", f)])
analyzer = self.CreateAnalyzer()
if len(ppids) == 0:
# Fast path - no browser wrapper was set.
return analyzer.Report(filenames, None, check_sanity)
ret = 0
for ppid in ppids:
testcase_name = None
f = open(self.log_dir + ("/" % ppid))
testcase_name =
wk_prefix_at = testcase_name.rfind(wk_layout_prefix)
if wk_prefix_at != -1:
testcase_name = testcase_name[wk_prefix_at + len(wk_layout_prefix):]
except IOError:
print "====================================================="
print " Below is the report for valgrind wrapper PID=%d." % ppid
if testcase_name:
print " It was used while running the `%s` test." % testcase_name
print " You can find the corresponding test"
print " by searching the above log for 'PID=%d'" % ppid
ppid_filenames = [f for f in filenames \
if"\.%d\.[0-9]+$" % ppid, f)]
# check_sanity won't work with browser wrappers
assert check_sanity == False
ret |= analyzer.Report(ppid_filenames, testcase_name)
print "====================================================="
if ret != 0:
print ""
print "The Valgrind reports are grouped by test names."
print "Each test has its PID printed in the log when the test was run"
print "and at the beginning of its Valgrind report."
print "Hint: you can search for the reports by Ctrl+F -> `=#`"
return ret
# TODO(timurrrr): Split into a separate file.
class Memcheck(ValgrindTool):
Dynamic memory error detector for Linux & Mac
def __init__(self):
super(Memcheck, self).__init__()
def ToolName(self):
return "memcheck"
def ExtendOptionParser(self, parser):
parser.add_option("--leak-check", "--leak_check", type="string",
default="yes", # --leak-check=yes is equivalent of =full
help="perform leak checking at the end of the run")
parser.add_option("", "--show_all_leaks", action="store_true",
help="also show less blatant leaks")
parser.add_option("", "--track_origins", action="store_true",
help="Show whence uninitialized bytes came. 30% slower.")
def ToolSpecificFlags(self):
ret = ["--gen-suppressions=all", "--demangle=no"]
ret += ["--leak-check=%s" % self._options.leak_check]
if self._options.show_all_leaks:
ret += ["--show-reachable=yes"]
ret += ["--show-possibly-lost=no"]
if self._options.track_origins:
ret += ["--track-origins=yes"]
# TODO(glider): this is a temporary workaround for
# Let's see whether it helps.
if common.IsMac():
ret += ["--smc-check=all"]
return ret
def CreateAnalyzer(self):
use_gdb = common.IsMac()
return memcheck_analyze.MemcheckAnalyzer(self._source_dir,
def Analyze(self, check_sanity=False):
ret = self.GetAnalyzeResults(check_sanity)
if ret != 0:"Please see"
"using-valgrind for the info on Memcheck/Valgrind")
return ret
class DrMemory(BaseTool):
Dynamic memory error detector for Windows.
It is not very mature at the moment, some things might not work properly.
def __init__(self, full_mode, pattern_mode):
super(DrMemory, self).__init__()
self.full_mode = full_mode
self.pattern_mode = pattern_mode
def ToolName(self):
return "drmemory"
def ExtendOptionParser(self, parser):
parser.add_option("", "--suppressions", default=[],
help="path to a drmemory suppression file")
parser.add_option("", "--follow_python", action="store_true",
default=False, dest="follow_python",
help="Monitor python child processes. If off, neither "
"python children nor any children of python children "
"will be monitored.")
parser.add_option("", "--indirect", action="store_true",
help="set BROWSER_WRAPPER rather than "
"running Dr. Memory directly on the harness")
parser.add_option("", "--indirect_webkit_layout", action="store_true",
help="set --wrapper rather than running valgrind "
parser.add_option("", "--use_debug", action="store_true",
default=False, dest="use_debug",
help="Run Dr. Memory debug build")
parser.add_option("", "--trace_children", action="store_true",
help="TODO: default value differs from Valgrind")
def ToolCommand(self):
"""Get the tool command to run."""
# WINHEAP is what Dr. Memory supports as there are issues w/ both
# jemalloc ( and
# tcmalloc (
add_env = {
for k,v in add_env.iteritems():"export %s=%s", k, v)
os.putenv(k, v)
drmem_cmd = os.getenv("DRMEMORY_COMMAND")
if not drmem_cmd:
raise RuntimeError, "Please set DRMEMORY_COMMAND environment variable " \
"with the path to drmemory.exe"
proc = drmem_cmd.split(" ")
# By default, don't run python (this will exclude python's children as well)
# to reduce runtime. We're not really interested in spending time finding
# bugs in the python implementation.
# With file-based config we must update the file every time, and
# it will affect simultaneous drmem uses by this user. While file-based
# config has many advantages, here we may want this-instance-only
# (
drconfig_cmd = [ proc[0].replace("drmemory.exe", "drconfig.exe") ]
drconfig_cmd += ["-quiet"] # suppress errors about no 64-bit libs
run_drconfig = True
if self._options.follow_python:"Following python children")
# -unreg fails if not already registered so query for that first
query_cmd = drconfig_cmd + ["-isreg", "python.exe"]
query_proc = subprocess.Popen(query_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
(query_out, query_err) = query_proc.communicate()
if"exe not registered", query_out):
run_drconfig = False # all set
drconfig_cmd += ["-unreg", "python.exe"]
else:"Excluding python children")
drconfig_cmd += ["-reg", "python.exe", "-norun"]
if run_drconfig:
drconfig_retcode = common.RunSubprocess(drconfig_cmd, self._timeout)
if drconfig_retcode:
logging.error("Configuring whether to follow python children failed " \
"with %d.", drconfig_retcode)
raise RuntimeError, "Configuring python children failed "
suppression_count = 0
supp_files = self._options.suppressions
if self.full_mode:
supp_files += [s.replace(".txt", "_full.txt") for s in supp_files]
for suppression_file in supp_files:
if os.path.exists(suppression_file):
suppression_count += 1
proc += ["-suppress", common.NormalizeWindowsPath(suppression_file)]
if not suppression_count:
# Un-comment to dump Dr.Memory events on error
#proc += ["-dr_ops", "-dumpcore_mask", "-dr_ops", "0x8bff"]
# Un-comment and comment next line to debug Dr.Memory
#proc += ["-dr_ops", "-no_hide"]
#proc += ["-dr_ops", "-msgbox_mask", "-dr_ops", "15"]
#Proc += ["-dr_ops", "-stderr_mask", "-dr_ops", "15"]
# Ensure we see messages about Dr. Memory crashing!
proc += ["-dr_ops", "-stderr_mask", "-dr_ops", "12"]
if self._options.use_debug:
proc += ["-debug"]
proc += ["-logdir", common.NormalizeWindowsPath(self.log_dir)]
if self.log_parent_dir:
# gpu process on Windows Vista+ runs at Low Integrity and can only
# write to certain directories (
symcache_dir = os.path.join(self.log_parent_dir, "drmemory.symcache")
elif self._options.build_dir:
# The other case is only possible with -t cmdline.
# Anyways, if we omit -symcache_dir the -logdir's value is used which
# should be fine.
symcache_dir = os.path.join(self._options.build_dir, "drmemory.symcache")
if symcache_dir:
if not os.path.exists(symcache_dir):
except OSError:
logging.warning("Can't create symcache dir?")
if os.path.exists(symcache_dir):
proc += ["-symcache_dir", common.NormalizeWindowsPath(symcache_dir)]
# Use -no_summary to suppress DrMemory's summary and init-time
# notifications. We generate our own with
proc += ["-batch", "-no_summary"]
# Un-comment to disable interleaved output. Will also suppress error
# messages normally printed to stderr.
#proc += ["-quiet", "-no_results_to_stderr"]
proc += ["-callstack_max_frames", "40"]
# disable leak scan for now
proc += ["-no_count_leaks", "-no_leak_scan"]
# disable warnings about unaddressable prefetches
proc += ["-no_check_prefetch"]
#, no heap mismatch check for Windows release build binary
if common.IsWindows() and "Release" in self._options.build_dir:
proc += ["-no_check_delete_mismatch"]
# We are seeing false positive invalid heap args on 64-bit, so we are
# disabling the feature for now (xref
if common.IsWindows() and "Release_x64" in self._options.build_dir:
proc += ["-no_check_heap_mismatch"]
# make callstacks easier to read
proc += ["-callstack_srcfile_prefix",
proc += ["-callstack_modname_hide",
boring_callers = common.BoringCallers(mangled=False, use_re_wildcards=False)
# TODO(timurrrr): In fact, we want "starting from .." instead of "below .."
proc += ["-callstack_truncate_below", ",".join(boring_callers)]
if self.pattern_mode:
proc += ["-pattern", "0xf1fd", "-no_count_leaks", "-redzone_size", "0x20"]
elif not self.full_mode:
proc += ["-light"]
proc += self._tool_flags
# Dr.Memory requires -- to separate tool flags from the executable name.
proc += ["--"]
if self._options.indirect or self._options.indirect_webkit_layout:
wrapper_path = os.path.join(self._source_dir,
"tools", "valgrind", "")
wrapper = " ".join(["python", wrapper_path] + proc)
self.CreateBrowserWrapper(wrapper)"browser wrapper = " + " ".join(proc))
if self._options.indirect_webkit_layout:
proc = self._args
# Layout tests want forward slashes.
wrapper = wrapper.replace('\\', '/')
proc += ["--wrapper", wrapper]
return proc
proc = []
# Note that self._args begins with the name of the exe to be run.
self._args[0] = common.NormalizeWindowsPath(self._args[0])
proc += self._args
return proc
def CreateBrowserWrapper(self, command):
os.putenv("BROWSER_WRAPPER", command)
def Analyze(self, check_sanity=False):
# Use one analyzer for all the log files to avoid printing duplicate reports
# TODO(timurrrr): unify this with Valgrind and other tools when we have
analyzer = drmemory_analyze.DrMemoryAnalyzer()
ret = 0
if not self._options.indirect and not self._options.indirect_webkit_layout:
filenames = glob.glob(self.log_dir + "/*/results.txt")
ret = analyzer.Report(filenames, None, check_sanity)
testcases = glob.glob(self.log_dir + "/testcase.*.logs")
# If we have browser wrapper, the per-test logdirs are named as
# "".
# Let's extract the list of wrapper_PIDs and name it ppids.
# NOTE: ppids may contain '_', i.e. they are not ints!
ppids = set([f.split(".")[-2] for f in testcases])
for ppid in ppids:
testcase_name = None
f = open("%s/" % (self.log_dir, ppid))
testcase_name =
except IOError:
print "====================================================="
print " Below is the report for drmemory wrapper PID=%s." % ppid
if testcase_name:
print " It was used while running the `%s` test." % testcase_name
# TODO(timurrrr): hm, the PID line is suppressed on Windows...
print " You can find the corresponding test"
print " by searching the above log for 'PID=%s'" % ppid
ppid_filenames = glob.glob("%s/testcase.%s.logs/*/results.txt" %
(self.log_dir, ppid))
ret |= analyzer.Report(ppid_filenames, testcase_name, False)
print "====================================================="
sys.stdout.flush()"Please see"
"using-drmemory for the info on Dr. Memory")
return ret
class ToolFactory:
def Create(self, tool_name):
if tool_name == "memcheck":
return Memcheck()
if tool_name == "drmemory" or tool_name == "drmemory_light":
# TODO(timurrrr): remove support for "drmemory" when buildbots are
# switched to drmemory_light OR make drmemory==drmemory_full the default
# mode when the tool is mature enough.
return DrMemory(False, False)
if tool_name == "drmemory_full":
return DrMemory(True, False)
if tool_name == "drmemory_pattern":
return DrMemory(False, True)
platform_name = common.PlatformNames()[0]
except common.NotImplementedError:
platform_name = sys.platform + "(Unknown)"
raise RuntimeError, "Unknown tool (tool=%s, platform=%s)" % (tool_name,
def CreateTool(tool):
return ToolFactory().Create(tool)