blob: 40d79cd07dd1f7fd2546cea5003a6b0fa30f8f04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/nfc_client_helpers.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/nfc_tag_client.h"
namespace chromeos {
// FakeNfcTagClient simulates the behavior of the NFC tag objects
// and is used both in test cases in place of a mock and on the Linux desktop.
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT FakeNfcTagClient : public NfcTagClient {
// The fake tag object path.
static const char kTagPath[];
// The default simulation timeout interval.
static const int kDefaultSimulationTimeoutMilliseconds;
struct Properties : public NfcTagClient::Properties {
explicit Properties(const PropertyChangedCallback& callback);
~Properties() override;
// dbus::PropertySet overrides.
void Get(dbus::PropertyBase* property,
dbus::PropertySet::GetCallback callback) override;
void GetAll() override;
void Set(dbus::PropertyBase* property,
dbus::PropertySet::SetCallback callback) override;
~FakeNfcTagClient() override;
// NfcTagClient overrides.
void Init(dbus::Bus* bus) override;
void AddObserver(Observer* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) override;
std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath> GetTagsForAdapter(
const dbus::ObjectPath& adapter_path) override;
Properties* GetProperties(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path) override;
void Write(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path,
const base::DictionaryValue& attributes,
const base::Closure& callback,
const nfc_client_helpers::ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
// Simulates the appearance of a tag. The fake tag will show up after
// exactly |visibility_delay| milliseconds. |visibility_delay| must have a
// non-negative value. The side-effects of this method
// occur asynchronously, i.e. even with an argument of 0, the pairing will not
// take place until after this method has returned.
void BeginPairingSimulation(int visibility_delay);
// If tag pairing was previously started, simulates the disappearance of
// the tag. Any tag object presented and their records will disappear
// after this call. Delayed events that were set up by a previous call to
// BeginPairing() will be canceled through a call to EndPairing().
void EndPairingSimulation();
// Enables or disables automatic unpairing. When enabled, a pairing
// simulation will end |simulation_timeout| milliseconds after the tag has
// been exposed. This is enabled by default and the timeout is set to
// |kDefaultSimulationTimeoutMilliseconds|. |simulation_timeout| must be
// non-negative.
void EnableSimulationTimeout(int simulation_timeout);
void DisableSimulationTimeout();
// Tells the FakeNfcDeviceClient to add the records in |record_paths| to its
// list of records exposed for |kDevicePath|. This method will immediately
// assign the records and trigger a property changed signal, only if the
// tag is currently visible.
void SetRecords(const std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath>& record_paths);
// Tells the FakeNfcDeviceClient to clear the list of records exposed for
// |kDevicePath|. This method takes effect immediately and triggers a
// property changed signal.
void ClearRecords();
// Returns true, if a pairing simulation is currently going on.
bool tag_visible() const { return tag_visible_; }
// Property changed callback passed when we create Properties* structures.
void OnPropertyChanged(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path,
const std::string& property_name);
// Makes the fake tag visible if it is not already visible.
void MakeTagVisible();
// Called when the simulation timeout expires.
void HandleSimulationTimeout();
// List of observers interested in event notifications from us.
base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
// Fake properties that are returned for the emulated tag.
scoped_ptr<Properties> properties_;
// If true, a pairing simulation was begun using BeginPairing() and no call
// to EndPairing() has been made.
bool pairing_started_;
// If true, observers have been notified that a tag has been created and
// the tag properties are accesible.
bool tag_visible_;
// If non-negative, the tag will disappear this many milliseconds after
// its records have been exposed.
int simulation_timeout_;
} // namespace chromeos