blob: 9ebe6b32b1251248ae2c11e87f3bfaf361ef2bee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_export.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_dbus_client_bundle.h"
namespace dbus {
class Bus;
class ObjectPath;
class Response;
class ErrorResponse;
} // namespace dbus
namespace bluez {
// Style Note: Clients are sorted by names.
class BluetoothAdapterClient;
class BluetoothAgentManagerClient;
class BluetoothDeviceClient;
class BluetoothGattCharacteristicClient;
class BluetoothGattDescriptorClient;
class BluetoothGattManagerClient;
class BluetoothGattServiceClient;
class BluetoothInputClient;
class BluetoothLEAdvertisingManagerClient;
class BluetoothMediaClient;
class BluetoothMediaTransportClient;
class BluetoothProfileManagerClient;
class BluezDBusManagerSetter;
// BluezDBusManager manages manages D-Bus connections and D-Bus clients, which
// depend on the D-Bus thread to ensure the right order of shutdowns for
// the D-Bus thread, the D-Bus connections, and the D-Bus clients.
// D-Bus clients managed by BluezDBusManagerSetter are guaranteed to be deleted
// after the D-Bus thread so the clients don't need to worry if new
// incoming messages arrive from the D-Bus thread during shutdown of the
// clients. The UI message loop is not running during the shutdown hence
// the UI message loop won't post tasks to D-BUS clients during the
// shutdown. However, to be extra cautious, clients should use
// WeakPtrFactory when creating callbacks that run on UI thread. See
// for examples.
// Sets the global instance. Must be called before any calls to Get().
// We explicitly initialize and shut down the global object, rather than
// making it a Singleton, to ensure clean startup and shutdown.
// This will initialize real, stub, or fake DBusClients depending on
// command-line arguments, whether Object Manager is supported and
// whether this process runs in a real or test environment.
static void Initialize(dbus::Bus* bus, bool use_dbus_fakes);
// Returns a BluezDBusManagerSetter instance that allows tests to
// replace individual D-Bus clients with their own implementations.
// Also initializes the main BluezDBusManager for testing if necessary.
static scoped_ptr<BluezDBusManagerSetter> GetSetterForTesting();
// Returns true if BluezDBusManager has been initialized. Call this to
// avoid initializing + shutting down BluezDBusManager more than once.
static bool IsInitialized();
// Destroys the global instance.
static void Shutdown();
// Gets the global instance. Initialize() must be called first.
static BluezDBusManager* Get();
// Returns various D-Bus bus instances, owned by BluezDBusManager.
dbus::Bus* GetSystemBus();
// Returns true once we know whether Object Manager is supported or not.
// Until this method returns true, no classes should try to use the
// DBus Clients.
bool IsObjectManagerSupportKnown() { return object_manager_support_known_; }
// Calls |callback| once we know whether Object Manager is supported or not.
void CallWhenObjectManagerSupportIsKnown(base::Closure callback);
// Returns true if Object Manager is supported.
bool IsObjectManagerSupported() { return object_manager_supported_; }
// Returns true if |client| is fake.
bool IsUsingFakes() { return client_bundle_->IsUsingFakes(); }
// All returned objects are owned by BluezDBusManager. Do not use these
// pointers after BluezDBusManager has been shut down.
BluetoothAdapterClient* GetBluetoothAdapterClient();
BluetoothLEAdvertisingManagerClient* GetBluetoothLEAdvertisingManagerClient();
BluetoothAgentManagerClient* GetBluetoothAgentManagerClient();
BluetoothDeviceClient* GetBluetoothDeviceClient();
BluetoothGattCharacteristicClient* GetBluetoothGattCharacteristicClient();
BluetoothGattDescriptorClient* GetBluetoothGattDescriptorClient();
BluetoothGattManagerClient* GetBluetoothGattManagerClient();
BluetoothGattServiceClient* GetBluetoothGattServiceClient();
BluetoothInputClient* GetBluetoothInputClient();
BluetoothMediaClient* GetBluetoothMediaClient();
BluetoothMediaTransportClient* GetBluetoothMediaTransportClient();
BluetoothProfileManagerClient* GetBluetoothProfileManagerClient();
friend class BluezDBusManagerSetter;
// Creates a new BluezDBusManager using the DBusClients set in
// |client_bundle|.
explicit BluezDBusManager(dbus::Bus* bus, bool use_stubs);
// Creates a global instance of BluezDBusManager. Cannot be called more than
// once.
static void CreateGlobalInstance(dbus::Bus* bus, bool use_stubs);
void OnObjectManagerSupported(dbus::Response* response);
void OnObjectManagerNotSupported(dbus::ErrorResponse* response);
// Initializes all currently stored DBusClients with the system bus and
// performs additional setup.
void InitializeClients();
dbus::Bus* bus_;
scoped_ptr<BluetoothDBusClientBundle> client_bundle_;
base::Closure object_manager_support_known_callback_;
bool object_manager_support_known_;
bool object_manager_supported_;
// Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<BluezDBusManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
class DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT BluezDBusManagerSetter {
void SetBluetoothAdapterClient(scoped_ptr<BluetoothAdapterClient> client);
void SetBluetoothLEAdvertisingManagerClient(
scoped_ptr<BluetoothLEAdvertisingManagerClient> client);
void SetBluetoothAgentManagerClient(
scoped_ptr<BluetoothAgentManagerClient> client);
void SetBluetoothDeviceClient(scoped_ptr<BluetoothDeviceClient> client);
void SetBluetoothGattCharacteristicClient(
scoped_ptr<BluetoothGattCharacteristicClient> client);
void SetBluetoothGattDescriptorClient(
scoped_ptr<BluetoothGattDescriptorClient> client);
void SetBluetoothGattManagerClient(
scoped_ptr<BluetoothGattManagerClient> client);
void SetBluetoothGattServiceClient(
scoped_ptr<BluetoothGattServiceClient> client);
void SetBluetoothInputClient(scoped_ptr<BluetoothInputClient> client);
void SetBluetoothMediaClient(scoped_ptr<BluetoothMediaClient> client);
void SetBluetoothMediaTransportClient(
scoped_ptr<BluetoothMediaTransportClient> client);
void SetBluetoothProfileManagerClient(
scoped_ptr<BluetoothProfileManagerClient> client);
friend class BluezDBusManager;
} // namespace bluez