blob: 10a177f41a5fba3fe5936ed3ba8f3bcae003f80e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_provider_client.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_navigation_observer.h"
#include "components/omnibox/common/omnibox_focus_state.h"
#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
class AutocompleteResult;
class GURL;
class SessionID;
class TemplateURL;
class TemplateURLService;
struct AutocompleteMatch;
struct OmniboxLog;
namespace bookmarks {
class BookmarkModel;
namespace gfx {
class Image;
typedef base::Callback<void(const SkBitmap& bitmap)> BitmapFetchedCallback;
// Interface that allows the omnibox component to interact with its embedder
// (e.g., getting information about the current page, retrieving objects
// associated with the current tab, or performing operations that rely on such
// objects under the hood).
class OmniboxClient {
virtual ~OmniboxClient() {}
// Returns an AutocompleteProviderClient specific to the embedder context.
virtual std::unique_ptr<AutocompleteProviderClient>
CreateAutocompleteProviderClient() = 0;
// Returns an OmniboxNavigationObserver specific to the embedder context. May
// return null if the embedder has no need to observe omnibox navigations.
virtual std::unique_ptr<OmniboxNavigationObserver>
const base::string16& text,
const AutocompleteMatch& match,
const AutocompleteMatch& alternate_nav_match) = 0;
// Returns whether there is any associated current page. For example, during
// startup or shutdown, the omnibox may exist but have no attached page.
virtual bool CurrentPageExists() const = 0;
// Returns the URL of the current page.
virtual const GURL& GetURL() const = 0;
// Returns the title of the current page.
virtual const base::string16& GetTitle() const = 0;
// Returns the favicon of the current page.
virtual gfx::Image GetFavicon() const = 0;
// Returns true if the visible entry is a New Tab Page rendered by Instant.
virtual bool IsInstantNTP() const = 0;
// Returns true if the committed entry is a search results page.
virtual bool IsSearchResultsPage() const = 0;
// Returns whether the current page is loading.
virtual bool IsLoading() const = 0;
// Returns whether paste-and-go functionality is enabled.
virtual bool IsPasteAndGoEnabled() const = 0;
// Returns whether |url| corresponds to the new tab page.
virtual bool IsNewTabPage(const std::string& url) const = 0;
// Returns whether |url| corresponds to the user's home page.
virtual bool IsHomePage(const std::string& url) const = 0;
// Returns the session ID of the current page.
virtual const SessionID& GetSessionID() const = 0;
virtual bookmarks::BookmarkModel* GetBookmarkModel() = 0;
virtual TemplateURLService* GetTemplateURLService() = 0;
virtual const AutocompleteSchemeClassifier& GetSchemeClassifier() const = 0;
virtual AutocompleteClassifier* GetAutocompleteClassifier() = 0;
// Returns the icon corresponding to |match| if match is an extension match
// and an empty icon otherwise.
virtual gfx::Image GetIconIfExtensionMatch(
const AutocompleteMatch& match) const = 0;
// Checks whether |template_url| is an extension keyword; if so, asks the
// ExtensionOmniboxEventRouter to process |match| for it and returns true.
// Otherwise returns false. |observer| is the OmniboxNavigationObserver
// that was created by CreateOmniboxNavigationObserver() for |match|; in some
// embedding contexts, processing an extension keyword involves invoking
// action on this observer.
virtual bool ProcessExtensionKeyword(TemplateURL* template_url,
const AutocompleteMatch& match,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
OmniboxNavigationObserver* observer) = 0;
// Called to notify clients that the omnibox input state has changed.
virtual void OnInputStateChanged() = 0;
// Called to notify clients that the omnibox focus state has changed.
virtual void OnFocusChanged(OmniboxFocusState state,
OmniboxFocusChangeReason reason) = 0;
// Called when the autocomplete result has changed. If the embedder supports
// fetching of bitmaps for URLs (not all embedders do), |on_bitmap_fetched|
// will be called when the bitmap has been fetched.
virtual void OnResultChanged(
const AutocompleteResult& result,
bool default_match_changed,
const BitmapFetchedCallback& on_bitmap_fetched) = 0;
// Called when the current autocomplete match has changed.
virtual void OnCurrentMatchChanged(const AutocompleteMatch& match) = 0;
// Called when the text may have changed in the edit.
virtual void OnTextChanged(const AutocompleteMatch& current_match,
bool user_input_in_progress,
base::string16& user_text,
const AutocompleteResult& result,
bool is_popup_open,
bool has_focus) = 0;
// Called when input has been accepted.
virtual void OnInputAccepted(const AutocompleteMatch& match) = 0;
// Called when the edit model is being reverted back to its unedited state.
virtual void OnRevert() = 0;
// Called to notify clients that a URL was opened from the omnibox.
virtual void OnURLOpenedFromOmnibox(OmniboxLog* log) = 0;
// Called when a bookmark is launched from the omnibox.
virtual void OnBookmarkLaunched() = 0;
// Discards the state for all pending and transient navigations.
virtual void DiscardNonCommittedNavigations() = 0;