blob: 416cffca7dbedbd016b845a4271d2416c0d4d96d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/ntp_snippets/content_suggestion.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
namespace ntp_snippets {
class SnippetProto;
struct SnippetSource {
SnippetSource(const GURL& url,
const std::string& publisher_name,
const GURL& amp_url)
: url(url), publisher_name(publisher_name), amp_url(amp_url) {}
GURL url;
std::string publisher_name;
GURL amp_url;
class NTPSnippet {
using PtrVector = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippet>>;
// Creates a new snippet with the given |id|.
// Public for testing only - create snippets using the Create* methods below.
// TODO(treib): Make this private and add a CreateSnippetForTest?
NTPSnippet(const std::string& id);
// Creates an NTPSnippet from a dictionary, as returned by Chrome Reader.
// Returns a null pointer if the dictionary doesn't correspond to a valid
// snippet. The keys in the dictionary are expected to be the same as the
// property name, with exceptions documented in the property comment.
static std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippet> CreateFromChromeReaderDictionary(
const base::DictionaryValue& dict);
// Creates an NTPSnippet from a dictionary, as returned by Chrome Content
// Suggestions. Returns a null pointer if the dictionary doesn't correspond to
// a valid snippet. Maps field names to Chrome Reader field names.
static std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippet> CreateFromContentSuggestionsDictionary(
const base::DictionaryValue& dict);
// Creates an NTPSnippet from a protocol buffer. Returns a null pointer if the
// protocol buffer doesn't correspond to a valid snippet.
static std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippet> CreateFromProto(const SnippetProto& proto);
// Creates a protocol buffer corresponding to this snippet, for persisting.
SnippetProto ToProto() const;
// A unique ID for identifying the snippet. If initialized by
// CreateFromChromeReaderDictionary() the relevant key is 'url'.
// TODO(treib): For now, the ID has to be a valid URL spec, otherwise
// fetching the salient image will fail. See TODO in
const std::string& id() const { return id_; }
// Title of the snippet.
const std::string& title() const { return title_; }
void set_title(const std::string& title) { title_ = title; }
// Summary or relevant extract from the content.
const std::string& snippet() const { return snippet_; }
void set_snippet(const std::string& snippet) { snippet_ = snippet; }
// Link to an image representative of the content. Do not fetch this image
// directly. If initialized by CreateFromChromeReaderDictionary() the relevant
// key is 'thumbnailUrl'
const GURL& salient_image_url() const { return salient_image_url_; }
void set_salient_image_url(const GURL& salient_image_url) {
salient_image_url_ = salient_image_url;
// When the page pointed by this snippet was published. If initialized by
// CreateFromChromeReaderDictionary() the relevant key is
// 'creationTimestampSec'
const base::Time& publish_date() const { return publish_date_; }
void set_publish_date(const base::Time& publish_date) {
publish_date_ = publish_date;
// After this expiration date this snippet should no longer be presented to
// the user.
const base::Time& expiry_date() const { return expiry_date_; }
void set_expiry_date(const base::Time& expiry_date) {
expiry_date_ = expiry_date;
size_t source_index() const { return best_source_index_; }
void set_source_index(size_t index) { best_source_index_ = index; }
// We should never construct an NTPSnippet object if we don't have any sources
// so this should never fail
const SnippetSource& best_source() const {
return sources_[best_source_index_];
const std::vector<SnippetSource>& sources() const { return sources_; }
void add_source(const SnippetSource& source) { sources_.push_back(source); }
// If this snippet has all the data we need to show a full card to the user
bool is_complete() const {
return !id().empty() && !sources().empty() && !title().empty() &&
!snippet().empty() && salient_image_url().is_valid() &&
!publish_date().is_null() && !expiry_date().is_null() &&
float score() const { return score_; }
void set_score(float score) { score_ = score; }
bool is_discarded() const { return is_discarded_; }
void set_discarded(bool discarded) { is_discarded_ = discarded; }
std::unique_ptr<ContentSuggestion> ToContentSuggestion() const;
// Public for testing.
static base::Time TimeFromJsonString(const std::string& timestamp_str);
static std::string TimeToJsonString(const base::Time& time);
void FindBestSource();
std::string id_;
std::string title_;
GURL salient_image_url_;
std::string snippet_;
base::Time publish_date_;
base::Time expiry_date_;
float score_;
bool is_discarded_;
size_t best_source_index_;
std::vector<SnippetSource> sources_;
} // namespace ntp_snippets