blob: 76e6b2b2ba7420a55242bbeb7e633e68745d1148 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// HpackDecoderInterface is the base class for HPACK block decoders.
// HPACK is defined in
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/spdy/hpack/hpack_header_table.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_header_block.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_headers_handler_interface.h"
namespace net {
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE HpackDecoderInterface {
virtual ~HpackDecoderInterface() {}
// Called upon acknowledgement of SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE.
virtual void ApplyHeaderTableSizeSetting(size_t size_setting) = 0;
// If a SpdyHeadersHandlerInterface is provided, the decoder will emit
// headers to it rather than accumulating them in a SpdyHeaderBlock.
virtual void HandleControlFrameHeadersStart(
SpdyHeadersHandlerInterface* handler) = 0;
// Called as HPACK block fragments arrive. Returns false if an error occurred
// while decoding the block.
virtual bool HandleControlFrameHeadersData(const char* headers_data,
size_t headers_data_length) = 0;
// Called after a HPACK block has been completely delivered via
// HandleControlFrameHeadersData(). Returns false if an error occurred.
// |compressed_len| if non-null will be set to the size of the encoded
// buffered block that was accumulated in HandleControlFrameHeadersData(),
// to support subsequent calculation of compression percentage.
// Discards the handler supplied at the start of decoding the block.
// TODO(jamessynge): Determine if compressed_len is needed; it is used to
// produce UUMA stat Net.SpdyHpackDecompressionPercentage, but only for
// SPDY3, not HTTP2.
virtual bool HandleControlFrameHeadersComplete(size_t* compressed_len) = 0;
// Accessor for the most recently decoded headers block. Valid until the next
// call to HandleControlFrameHeadersData().
// TODO(birenroy): Remove this method when all users of HpackDecoder specify
// a SpdyHeadersHandlerInterface.
virtual const SpdyHeaderBlock& decoded_block() const = 0;
virtual void SetHeaderTableDebugVisitor(
std::unique_ptr<HpackHeaderTable::DebugVisitorInterface> visitor) = 0;
// How much encoded data this decoder is willing to buffer. Defaults to 32 KB.
// See FLAGS_gfe2_reloadable_flag_remove_hpack_decode_buffer_size_limit, which
// is increasing this to twice the decoded limit.
virtual void set_max_decode_buffer_size_bytes(
size_t max_decode_buffer_size_bytes) = 0;
} // namespace net