blob: 50c3dc4c5588f7de1f88aca5b16814d379d95126 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/spdy/hpack/hpack_input_stream.h"
namespace net {
namespace test {
class HpackHuffmanDecoderPeer;
} // namespace test
// Declared as a class to simplify testing.
// No instances are actually allocated.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE HpackHuffmanDecoder {
typedef uint32_t HuffmanWord;
typedef size_t HuffmanCodeLength;
HpackHuffmanDecoder() = delete;
// Decodes a string that has been encoded using the HPACK Huffman Code (see
//, reading the
// encoded bitstream from |*in|, appending each decoded char to |*out|.
// To avoid repeatedly growing the |*out| string, the caller should reserve
// sufficient space in |*out| to hold decoded output.
// DecodeString() halts when |in| runs out of input, in which case true is
// returned. It also halts (returning false) if an invalid Huffman code
// prefix is read.
static bool DecodeString(HpackInputStream* in, std::string* out);
friend class test::HpackHuffmanDecoderPeer;
// The following private methods are declared here rather than simply
// inlined into DecodeString so that they can be tested directly.
// Returns the length (in bits) of the HPACK Huffman code that starts with
// the high bits of |value|.
static HuffmanCodeLength CodeLengthOfPrefix(HuffmanWord value);
// Decodes the code in the high |code_length| bits of |bits| to the
// corresponding canonical symbol.
// Returns a value in the range [0, 256] (257 values). 256 is the EOS symbol,
// which must not be explicitly encoded; the HPACK spec says that a decoder
// must treat EOS as a decoding error.
// Note that the canonical symbol is not the final value to be output because
// the source symbols are not in descending probability order, so another
// translation is required (see CanonicalToSource below).
static HuffmanWord DecodeToCanonical(HuffmanCodeLength code_length,
HuffmanWord bits);
// Converts a canonical symbol to the source symbol (the char in the original
// string that was encoded).
static char CanonicalToSource(HuffmanWord canonical);
} // namespace net