blob: 69784f333b0edabac2650615e04d06486fe32b81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/cert/internal/cert_errors.h"
#include "net/cert/internal/completion_status.h"
#include "net/cert/internal/parsed_certificate.h"
#include "net/cert/internal/trust_store.h"
#include "net/der/input.h"
#include "net/der/parse_values.h"
namespace net {
namespace der {
struct GeneralizedTime;
class CertPathIter;
class CertIssuerSource;
class SignaturePolicy;
// CertPath describes a chain of certificates in the "forward" direction.
// By convention:
// certs[0] is the target certificate
// certs[i] was issued by certs[i+1]
// certs.back() was issued by trust_anchor
struct NET_EXPORT CertPath {
scoped_refptr<TrustAnchor> trust_anchor;
// Path in the forward direction (path[0] is the target cert).
ParsedCertificateList certs;
// Resets the path to empty path (same as if default constructed).
void Clear();
// Returns true if the path is empty.
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Checks whether a certificate is trusted by building candidate paths to trust
// anchors and verifying those paths according to RFC 5280. Each instance of
// CertPathBuilder is used for a single verification.
// WARNING: This implementation is currently experimental. Consult an OWNER
// before using it.
class NET_EXPORT CertPathBuilder {
// Represents a single candidate path that was built.
struct NET_EXPORT ResultPath {
// The (possibly partial) certificate path. Consumers must always test
// |valid| before using |path|. When |!valid| path.trust_anchor may be
// nullptr, and the path may be otherwise incomplete/invalid.
CertPath path;
// The errors/warnings from this path. Note that the list of errors is
// independent of whether the path was |valid| (a valid path may
// contain errors/warnings, and vice versa an invalid path may not have
// logged any errors).
CertErrors errors;
// True if |path| is a correct verified certificate chain.
bool valid = false;
// Provides the overall result of path building. This includes the paths that
// were attempted.
struct NET_EXPORT Result {
// Returns true if there was a valid path.
bool HasValidPath() const;
// Returns the ResultPath for the best valid path, or nullptr if there
// was none.
const ResultPath* GetBestValidPath() const;
// List of paths that were attempted and the result for each.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ResultPath>> paths;
// Index into |paths|. Before use, |paths.empty()| must be checked.
// NOTE: currently the definition of "best" is fairly limited. Valid is
// better than invalid, but otherwise nothing is guaranteed.
size_t best_result_index = 0;
// TODO(mattm): allow caller specified hook/callback to extend path
// verification.
// Creates a CertPathBuilder that attempts to find a path from |cert| to a
// trust anchor in |trust_store|, which satisfies |signature_policy| and is
// valid at |time|. Details of attempted path(s) are stored in |*result|.
// The caller must keep |trust_store|, |signature_policy|, and |*result| valid
// for the lifetime of the CertPathBuilder.
CertPathBuilder(scoped_refptr<ParsedCertificate> cert,
const TrustStore* trust_store,
const SignaturePolicy* signature_policy,
const der::GeneralizedTime& time,
Result* result);
// Adds a CertIssuerSource to provide intermediates for use in path building.
// Multiple sources may be added. Must not be called after Run is called.
// The |*cert_issuer_source| must remain valid for the lifetime of the
// CertPathBuilder.
// (If no issuer sources are added, the target certificate will only verify if
// it is a trust anchor or is directly signed by a trust anchor.)
void AddCertIssuerSource(CertIssuerSource* cert_issuer_source);
// Begins verification of the target certificate.
// If the return value is SYNC then the verification is complete and the
// |result| value can be inspected for the status, and |callback| will not be
// called.
// If the return value is ASYNC, the |callback| will be called asynchronously
// once the verification is complete. |result| should not be examined or
// modified until the |callback| is run.
// If |callback| is null, verification always completes synchronously, even if
// it fails to find a valid path and one could have been found asynchronously.
// The CertPathBuilder may be deleted while an ASYNC verification is pending,
// in which case the verification is cancelled, |callback| will not be called,
// and the output Result will be in an undefined state.
// It is safe to delete the CertPathBuilder during the |callback|.
// Run must not be called more than once on each CertPathBuilder instance.
CompletionStatus Run(const base::Closure& callback);
enum State {
CompletionStatus DoLoop(bool allow_async);
CompletionStatus DoGetNextPath(bool allow_async);
void HandleGotNextPath();
CompletionStatus DoGetNextPathComplete();
void AddResultPath(std::unique_ptr<ResultPath> result_path);
base::Closure callback_;
std::unique_ptr<CertPathIter> cert_path_iter_;
const SignaturePolicy* signature_policy_;
const der::GeneralizedTime time_;
// Stores the next complete path to attempt verification on. This is filled in
// by |cert_path_iter_| during the STATE_GET_NEXT_PATH step, and thus should
// only be accessed during the STATE_GET_NEXT_PATH_COMPLETE step.
// (Will be empty if all paths have been tried, otherwise will be a candidate
// path starting with the target cert and ending with a
// certificate issued by trust anchor.)
CertPath next_path_;
State next_state_;
Result* out_result_;
} // namespace net