blob: 8681a659954ce351b5d572dd2ed8649e9f49cf2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/power_monitor/power_observer.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
#include "net/base/load_states.h"
#include "net/base/net_error_details.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
#include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h"
#include "net/socket/connection_attempts.h"
#include "net/url_request/redirect_info.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace net {
class AuthChallengeInfo;
class AuthCredentials;
class CookieOptions;
class Filter;
class HttpRequestHeaders;
class HttpResponseInfo;
class IOBuffer;
struct LoadTimingInfo;
class NetworkDelegate;
class ProxyServer;
class SSLCertRequestInfo;
class SSLInfo;
class SSLPrivateKey;
class UploadDataStream;
class URLRequestStatus;
class X509Certificate;
class NET_EXPORT URLRequestJob : public base::PowerObserver {
explicit URLRequestJob(URLRequest* request,
NetworkDelegate* network_delegate);
~URLRequestJob() override;
// Returns the request that owns this job.
URLRequest* request() const {
return request_;
// Sets the upload data, most requests have no upload data, so this is a NOP.
// Job types supporting upload data will override this.
virtual void SetUpload(UploadDataStream* upload_data_stream);
// Sets extra request headers for Job types that support request
// headers. Called once before Start() is called.
virtual void SetExtraRequestHeaders(const HttpRequestHeaders& headers);
// Sets the priority of the job. Called once before Start() is
// called, but also when the priority of the parent request changes.
virtual void SetPriority(RequestPriority priority);
// If any error occurs while starting the Job, NotifyStartError should be
// called.
// This helps ensure that all errors follow more similar notification code
// paths, which should simplify testing.
virtual void Start() = 0;
// This function MUST somehow call NotifyDone/NotifyCanceled or some requests
// will get leaked. Certain callers use that message to know when they can
// delete their URLRequest object, even when doing a cancel. The default
// Kill implementation calls NotifyCanceled, so it is recommended that
// subclasses call URLRequestJob::Kill() after doing any additional work.
// The job should endeavor to stop working as soon as is convenient, but must
// not send and complete notifications from inside this function. Instead,
// complete notifications (including "canceled") should be sent from a
// callback run from the message loop.
// The job is not obliged to immediately stop sending data in response to
// this call, nor is it obliged to fail with "canceled" unless not all data
// was sent as a result. A typical case would be where the job is almost
// complete and can succeed before the canceled notification can be
// dispatched (from the message loop).
// The job should be prepared to receive multiple calls to kill it, but only
// one notification must be issued.
virtual void Kill();
// Called to read post-filtered data from this Job, returning the number of
// bytes read, 0 when there is no more data, or net error if there was an
// error. This is just the backend for URLRequest::Read, see that function for
// more info.
int Read(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_size);
// Stops further caching of this request, if any. For more info, see
// URLRequest::StopCaching().
virtual void StopCaching();
virtual bool GetFullRequestHeaders(HttpRequestHeaders* headers) const;
// Get the number of bytes received from network. The values returned by this
// will never decrease over the lifetime of the URLRequestJob.
virtual int64_t GetTotalReceivedBytes() const;
// Get the number of bytes sent over the network. The values returned by this
// will never decrease over the lifetime of the URLRequestJob.
virtual int64_t GetTotalSentBytes() const;
// Called to fetch the current load state for the job.
virtual LoadState GetLoadState() const;
// Called to fetch the charset for this request. Only makes sense for some
// types of requests. Returns true on success. Calling this on a type that
// doesn't have a charset will return false.
virtual bool GetCharset(std::string* charset);
// Called to get response info.
virtual void GetResponseInfo(HttpResponseInfo* info);
// This returns the times when events actually occurred, rather than the time
// each event blocked the request. See FixupLoadTimingInfo in url_request.h
// for more information on the difference.
virtual void GetLoadTimingInfo(LoadTimingInfo* load_timing_info) const;
// Gets the remote endpoint that the network stack is currently fetching the
// URL from. Returns true and fills in |endpoint| if it is available; returns
// false and leaves |endpoint| unchanged if it is unavailable.
virtual bool GetRemoteEndpoint(IPEndPoint* endpoint) const;
// Populates the network error details of the most recent origin that the
// network stack makes the request to.
virtual void PopulateNetErrorDetails(NetErrorDetails* details) const;
// Called to setup a stream filter for this request. An example of filter is
// content encoding/decoding.
// Subclasses should return the appropriate Filter, or NULL for no Filter.
// This class takes ownership of the returned Filter.
// The default implementation returns NULL.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Filter> SetupFilter() const;
// Called to determine if this response is a redirect. Only makes sense
// for some types of requests. This method returns true if the response
// is a redirect, and fills in the location param with the URL of the
// redirect. The HTTP status code (e.g., 302) is filled into
// |*http_status_code| to signify the type of redirect.
// The caller is responsible for following the redirect by setting up an
// appropriate replacement Job. Note that the redirected location may be
// invalid, the caller should be sure it can handle this.
// The default implementation inspects the response_info_.
virtual bool IsRedirectResponse(GURL* location, int* http_status_code);
// Called to determine if it is okay to copy the reference fragment from the
// original URL (if existent) to the redirection target when the redirection
// target has no reference fragment.
// The default implementation returns true.
virtual bool CopyFragmentOnRedirect(const GURL& location) const;
// Called to determine if it is okay to redirect this job to the specified
// location. This may be used to implement protocol-specific restrictions.
// If this function returns false, then the URLRequest will fail
virtual bool IsSafeRedirect(const GURL& location);
// Called to determine if this response is asking for authentication. Only
// makes sense for some types of requests. The caller is responsible for
// obtaining the credentials passing them to SetAuth.
virtual bool NeedsAuth();
// Fills the authentication info with the server's response.
virtual void GetAuthChallengeInfo(
scoped_refptr<AuthChallengeInfo>* auth_info);
// Resend the request with authentication credentials.
virtual void SetAuth(const AuthCredentials& credentials);
// Display the error page without asking for credentials again.
virtual void CancelAuth();
virtual void ContinueWithCertificate(X509Certificate* client_cert,
SSLPrivateKey* client_private_key);
// Continue processing the request ignoring the last error.
virtual void ContinueDespiteLastError();
void FollowDeferredRedirect();
// Returns true if the Job is done producing response data and has called
// NotifyDone on the request.
bool is_done() const { return done_; }
// Get/Set expected content size
int64_t expected_content_size() const { return expected_content_size_; }
void set_expected_content_size(const int64_t& size) {
expected_content_size_ = size;
// Whether we have processed the response for that request yet.
bool has_response_started() const { return has_handled_response_; }
// The number of bytes read before passing to the filter. This value reflects
// bytes read even when there is no filter.
int64_t prefilter_bytes_read() const { return prefilter_bytes_read_; }
// These methods are not applicable to all connections.
virtual bool GetMimeType(std::string* mime_type) const;
virtual int GetResponseCode() const;
// Returns the socket address for the connection.
// See url_request.h for details.
virtual HostPortPair GetSocketAddress() const;
// base::PowerObserver methods:
// We invoke URLRequestJob::Kill on suspend (
void OnSuspend() override;
// Called after a NetworkDelegate has been informed that the URLRequest
// will be destroyed. This is used to track that no pending callbacks
// exist at destruction time of the URLRequestJob, unless they have been
// canceled by an explicit NetworkDelegate::NotifyURLRequestDestroyed() call.
virtual void NotifyURLRequestDestroyed();
// Populates |out| with the connection attempts made at the socket layer in
// the course of executing the URLRequestJob. Should be called after the job
// has failed or the response headers have been received.
virtual void GetConnectionAttempts(ConnectionAttempts* out) const;
// Given |policy|, |referrer|, and |redirect_destination|, returns the
// referrer URL mandated by |request|'s referrer policy.
static GURL ComputeReferrerForRedirect(URLRequest::ReferrerPolicy policy,
const std::string& referrer,
const GURL& redirect_destination);
// Notifies the job that a certificate is requested.
void NotifyCertificateRequested(SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info);
// Notifies the job about an SSL certificate error.
void NotifySSLCertificateError(const SSLInfo& ssl_info, bool fatal);
// Delegates to URLRequest::Delegate.
bool CanGetCookies(const CookieList& cookie_list) const;
// Delegates to URLRequest::Delegate.
bool CanSetCookie(const std::string& cookie_line,
CookieOptions* options) const;
// Delegates to URLRequest::Delegate.
bool CanEnablePrivacyMode() const;
// Notifies the job that headers have been received.
void NotifyHeadersComplete();
// Notifies the request that a start error has occurred.
void NotifyStartError(const URLRequestStatus& status);
// Used as an asynchronous callback for Kill to notify the URLRequest
// that we were canceled.
void NotifyCanceled();
// Notifies the job the request should be restarted.
// Should only be called if the job has not started a response.
void NotifyRestartRequired();
// See corresponding functions in url_request.h.
void OnCallToDelegate();
void OnCallToDelegateComplete();
// Called to read raw (pre-filtered) data from this Job. Reads at most
// |buf_size| bytes into |buf|.
// Possible return values:
// >= 0: Read completed synchronously. Return value is the number of bytes
// read. 0 means eof.
// ERR_IO_PENDING: Read pending asynchronously.
// When the read completes, |ReadRawDataComplete| should be
// called.
// Any other negative number: Read failed synchronously. Return value is a
// network error code.
// This method might hold onto a reference to |buf| (by incrementing the
// refcount) until the method completes or is cancelled.
virtual int ReadRawData(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_size);
// Called to tell the job that a filter has successfully reached the end of
// the stream.
virtual void DoneReading();
// Called to tell the job that the body won't be read because it's a redirect.
// This is needed so that redirect headers can be cached even though their
// bodies are never read.
virtual void DoneReadingRedirectResponse();
// Reads filtered data from the request. Returns OK if immediately successful,
// ERR_IO_PENDING if the request couldn't complete synchronously, and some
// other error code if the request failed synchronously. Note that this
// function can issue new asynchronous requests if needed, in which case it
// returns ERR_IO_PENDING. If this method completes synchronously,
// |*bytes_read| is the number of bytes output by the filter chain if this
// method returns OK, or zero if this method returns an error.
Error ReadFilteredData(int* bytes_read);
// Whether the response is being filtered in this job.
// Only valid after NotifyHeadersComplete() has been called.
bool HasFilter() { return filter_ != NULL; }
// At or near destruction time, a derived class may request that the filters
// be destroyed so that statistics can be gathered while the derived class is
// still present to assist in calculations. This is used by URLRequestHttpJob
// to get SDCH to emit stats.
void DestroyFilters();
// Provides derived classes with access to the request's network delegate.
NetworkDelegate* network_delegate() { return network_delegate_; }
// The status of the job.
const URLRequestStatus GetStatus();
// Set the proxy server that was used, if any.
void SetProxyServer(const ProxyServer& proxy_server);
// The number of bytes read after passing through the filter. This value
// reflects bytes read even when there is no filter.
int64_t postfilter_bytes_read() const { return postfilter_bytes_read_; }
// Turns an integer result code into an Error and a count of bytes read.
// The semantics are:
// |result| >= 0: |*error| == OK, |*count| == |result|
// |result| < 0: |*error| = |result|, |*count| == 0
static void ConvertResultToError(int result, Error* error, int* count);
// Completion callback for raw reads. See |ReadRawData| for details.
// |bytes_read| is either >= 0 to indicate a successful read and count of
// bytes read, or < 0 to indicate an error.
// On return, |this| may be deleted.
void ReadRawDataComplete(int bytes_read);
// The request that initiated this job. This value will never be nullptr.
URLRequest* request_;
// When data filtering is enabled, this function is used to read data
// for the filter. Returns a net error code to indicate if raw data was
// successfully read, an error happened, or the IO is pending.
Error ReadRawDataForFilter(int* bytes_read);
// Informs the filter chain that data has been read into its buffer.
void PushInputToFilter(int bytes_read);
// Invokes ReadRawData and records bytes read if the read completes
// synchronously.
Error ReadRawDataHelper(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_size, int* bytes_read);
// Called in response to a redirect that was not canceled to follow the
// redirect. The current job will be replaced with a new job loading the
// given redirect destination.
void FollowRedirect(const RedirectInfo& redirect_info);
// Called after every raw read. If |bytes_read| is > 0, this indicates
// a successful read of |bytes_read| unfiltered bytes. If |bytes_read|
// is 0, this indicates that there is no additional data to read. |error|
// specifies whether an error occurred and no bytes were read.
void GatherRawReadStats(Error error, int bytes_read);
// Updates the profiling info and notifies observers that an additional
// |bytes_read| unfiltered bytes have been read for this job.
void RecordBytesRead(int bytes_read);
// Called to query whether there is data available in the filter to be read
// out.
bool FilterHasData();
// NotifyDone marks that request is done. It is really a glorified
// set_status, but also does internal state checking and job tracking. It
// should be called once per request, when the job is finished doing all IO.
void NotifyDone(const URLRequestStatus& status);
// Some work performed by NotifyDone must be completed asynchronously so
// as to avoid re-entering URLRequest::Delegate. This method performs that
// work.
void CompleteNotifyDone();
// Subclasses may implement this method to record packet arrival times.
// The default implementation does nothing. Only invoked when bytes have been
// read since the last invocation.
virtual void UpdatePacketReadTimes();
// Computes a new RedirectInfo based on receiving a redirect response of
// |location| and |http_status_code|.
RedirectInfo ComputeRedirectInfo(const GURL& location, int http_status_code);
// Notify the network delegate that more bytes have been received or sent over
// the network, if bytes have been received or sent since the previous
// notification.
void MaybeNotifyNetworkBytes();
// Indicates that the job is done producing data, either it has completed
// all the data or an error has been encountered. Set exclusively by
// NotifyDone so that it is kept in sync with the request.
bool done_;
int64_t prefilter_bytes_read_;
int64_t postfilter_bytes_read_;
// The data stream filter which is enabled on demand.
std::unique_ptr<Filter> filter_;
// If the filter filled its output buffer, then there is a change that it
// still has internal data to emit, and this flag is set.
bool filter_needs_more_output_space_;
// When we filter data, we receive data into the filter buffers. After
// processing the filtered data, we return the data in the caller's buffer.
// While the async IO is in progress, we save the user buffer here, and
// when the IO completes, we fill this in.
scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> filtered_read_buffer_;
int filtered_read_buffer_len_;
// We keep a pointer to the read buffer while asynchronous reads are
// in progress, so we are able to pass those bytes to job observers.
scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> raw_read_buffer_;
// Used by HandleResponseIfNecessary to track whether we've sent the
// OnResponseStarted callback and potentially redirect callbacks as well.
bool has_handled_response_;
// Expected content size
int64_t expected_content_size_;
// Set when a redirect is deferred.
RedirectInfo deferred_redirect_info_;
// The network delegate to use with this request, if any.
NetworkDelegate* network_delegate_;
// The value from GetTotalReceivedBytes() the last time
// MaybeNotifyNetworkBytes() was called. Used to calculate how bytes have been
// newly received since the last notification.
int64_t last_notified_total_received_bytes_;
// The value from GetTotalSentBytes() the last time MaybeNotifyNetworkBytes()
// was called. Used to calculate how bytes have been newly sent since the last
// notification.
int64_t last_notified_total_sent_bytes_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<URLRequestJob> weak_factory_;
} // namespace net