blob: 7ee2b6ad25e011bdbba41a6f11e9e7145204771d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This template defines a toolchain for something that works like gcc
# (including clang).
# It requires the following variables specifying the executables to run:
# - ar
# - cc
# - cxx
# - ld
# Optional parameters that control the tools:
# - extra_cflags
# Extra flags to be appended when compiling C files (but not C++ files).
# - extra_cppflags
# Extra flags to be appended when compiling both C and C++ files. "CPP"
# stands for "C PreProcessor" in this context, although it can be
# used for non-preprocessor flags as well. Not to be confused with
# "CXX" (which follows).
# - extra_cxxflags
# Extra flags to be appended when compiling C++ files (but not C files).
# - extra_ldflags
# Extra flags to be appended when linking
# - libs_section_prefix
# - libs_section_postfix
# The contents of these strings, if specified, will be placed around
# the libs section of the linker line. It allows one to inject libraries
# at the beginning and end for all targets in a toolchain.
# - solink_libs_section_prefix
# - solink_libs_section_postfix
# Same as libs_section_{pre,post}fix except used for solink instead of link.
# - link_outputs
# The content of this array, if specified, will be added to the list of
# outputs from the link command. This can be useful in conjunction with
# the post_link parameter.
# - post_link
# The content of this string, if specified, will be run as a separate
# command following the the link command.
# - deps
# Just forwarded to the toolchain definition.
# - executable_extension
# If this string is specified it will be used for the file extension
# for an executable, rather than using no extension; targets will
# still be able to override the extension using the output_extension
# variable.
# - rebuild_define
# The contents of this string, if specified, will be passed as a #define
# to the toolchain. It can be used to force recompiles whenever a
# toolchain is updated.
# - shlib_extension
# If this string is specified it will be used for the file extension
# for a shared library, rather than default value specified in
# toolchain.gni
# - strip
# Location of the strip executable. When specified, strip will be run on
# all shared libraries and executables as they are built. The pre-stripped
# artifacts will be put in lib.unstripped/ and exe.unstripped/.
template("gcc_toolchain") {
toolchain(target_name) {
assert(defined(, "gcc_toolchain() must specify a \"ar\" value")
assert(defined(, "gcc_toolchain() must specify a \"cc\" value")
assert(defined(invoker.cxx), "gcc_toolchain() must specify a \"cxx\" value")
assert(defined(invoker.ld), "gcc_toolchain() must specify a \"ld\" value")
# This define changes when the toolchain changes, forcing a rebuild.
# Nothing should ever use this define.
if (defined(invoker.rebuild_define)) {
rebuild_string = "-D" + invoker.rebuild_define + " "
} else {
rebuild_string = ""
# GN's syntax can't handle more than one scope dereference at once, like
# "", so make a temporary to hold the toolchain
# args so we can do "".
"Toolchains must specify toolchain_args")
invoker_toolchain_args = invoker.toolchain_args
"toolchain_args must specify a current_cpu")
"toolchain_args must specify a current_os")
# When invoking this toolchain not as the default one, these args will be
# passed to the build. They are ignored when this is the default toolchain.
toolchain_args = {
# Populate toolchain args from the invoker.
forward_variables_from(invoker_toolchain_args, "*")
# The host toolchain value computed by the default toolchain's setup
# needs to be passed through unchanged to all secondary toolchains to
# ensure that it's always the same, regardless of the values that may be
# set on those toolchains.
host_toolchain = host_toolchain
if (!defined(invoker_toolchain_args.v8_current_cpu)) {
v8_current_cpu = invoker_toolchain_args.current_cpu
# When the invoker has explicitly overridden use_goma or cc_wrapper in the
# toolchain args, use those values, otherwise default to the global one.
# This works because the only reasonable override that toolchains might
# supply for these values are to force-disable them.
if (defined(toolchain_args.use_goma)) {
toolchain_uses_goma = toolchain_args.use_goma
} else {
toolchain_uses_goma = use_goma
if (defined(toolchain_args.cc_wrapper)) {
toolchain_cc_wrapper = toolchain_args.cc_wrapper
} else {
toolchain_cc_wrapper = cc_wrapper
# Compute the compiler prefix.
if (toolchain_uses_goma) {
assert(toolchain_cc_wrapper == "",
"Goma and cc_wrapper can't be used together.")
compiler_prefix = "$goma_dir/gomacc "
} else if (toolchain_cc_wrapper != "") {
compiler_prefix = toolchain_cc_wrapper + " "
} else {
compiler_prefix = ""
cc = compiler_prefix +
cxx = compiler_prefix + invoker.cxx
ar =
ld = invoker.ld
if (defined(invoker.readelf)) {
readelf = invoker.readelf
} else {
readelf = "readelf"
if (defined(invoker.nm)) {
nm = invoker.nm
} else {
nm = "nm"
if (defined(invoker.shlib_extension)) {
default_shlib_extension = invoker.shlib_extension
} else {
default_shlib_extension = shlib_extension
if (defined(invoker.executable_extension)) {
default_executable_extension = invoker.executable_extension
} else {
default_executable_extension = ""
# Bring these into our scope for string interpolation with default values.
if (defined(invoker.libs_section_prefix)) {
libs_section_prefix = invoker.libs_section_prefix
} else {
libs_section_prefix = ""
if (defined(invoker.libs_section_postfix)) {
libs_section_postfix = invoker.libs_section_postfix
} else {
libs_section_postfix = ""
if (defined(invoker.solink_libs_section_prefix)) {
solink_libs_section_prefix = invoker.solink_libs_section_prefix
} else {
solink_libs_section_prefix = ""
if (defined(invoker.solink_libs_section_postfix)) {
solink_libs_section_postfix = invoker.solink_libs_section_postfix
} else {
solink_libs_section_postfix = ""
if (defined(invoker.extra_cflags) && invoker.extra_cflags != "") {
extra_cflags = " " + invoker.extra_cflags
} else {
extra_cflags = ""
if (defined(invoker.extra_cppflags) && invoker.extra_cppflags != "") {
extra_cppflags = " " + invoker.extra_cppflags
} else {
extra_cppflags = ""
if (defined(invoker.extra_cxxflags) && invoker.extra_cxxflags != "") {
extra_cxxflags = " " + invoker.extra_cxxflags
} else {
extra_cxxflags = ""
if (defined(invoker.extra_ldflags) && invoker.extra_ldflags != "") {
extra_ldflags = " " + invoker.extra_ldflags
} else {
extra_ldflags = ""
# These library switches can apply to all tools below.
lib_switch = "-l"
lib_dir_switch = "-L"
# Object files go in this directory.
object_subdir = "{{target_out_dir}}/{{label_name}}"
tool("cc") {
depfile = "{{output}}.d"
command = "$cc -MMD -MF $depfile ${rebuild_string}{{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_c}}${extra_cppflags}${extra_cflags} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
depsformat = "gcc"
description = "CC {{output}}"
outputs = [
# The whitelist file is also an output, but ninja does not
# currently support multiple outputs for tool("cc").
if (enable_resource_whitelist_generation) {
compile_wrapper =
command = "$python_path \"$compile_wrapper\" --resource-whitelist=\"{{output}}.whitelist\" $command"
tool("cxx") {
depfile = "{{output}}.d"
command = "$cxx -MMD -MF $depfile ${rebuild_string}{{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_cc}}${extra_cppflags}${extra_cxxflags} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
depsformat = "gcc"
description = "CXX {{output}}"
outputs = [
# The whitelist file is also an output, but ninja does not
# currently support multiple outputs for tool("cxx").
if (enable_resource_whitelist_generation) {
compile_wrapper =
command = "$python_path \"$compile_wrapper\" --resource-whitelist=\"{{output}}.whitelist\" $command"
tool("asm") {
# For GCC we can just use the C compiler to compile assembly.
depfile = "{{output}}.d"
command = "$cc -MMD -MF $depfile ${rebuild_string}{{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{asmflags}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
depsformat = "gcc"
description = "ASM {{output}}"
outputs = [
tool("alink") {
rspfile = "{{output}}.rsp"
whitelist_flag = " "
if (enable_resource_whitelist_generation) {
whitelist_flag = " --resource-whitelist=\"{{output}}.whitelist\""
# This needs a Python script to avoid using simple sh features in this
# command, in case the host does not use a POSIX shell (e.g. compiling
# POSIX-like toolchains such as NaCl on Windows).
ar_wrapper =
rebase_path("//build/toolchain/", root_build_dir)
command = "$python_path \"$ar_wrapper\"$whitelist_flag --output={{output}} --ar=\"$ar\" {{arflags}} rcsD @\"$rspfile\""
description = "AR {{output}}"
rspfile_content = "{{inputs}}"
outputs = [
# Shared libraries go in the target out directory by default so we can
# generate different targets with the same name and not have them collide.
default_output_dir = "{{target_out_dir}}"
default_output_extension = ".a"
output_prefix = "lib"
tool("solink") {
soname = "{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}" # e.g. "".
sofile = "{{output_dir}}/$soname" # Possibly including toolchain dir.
rspfile = sofile + ".rsp"
pool = "//build/toolchain:link_pool($default_toolchain)"
whitelist_flag = " "
if (enable_resource_whitelist_generation) {
whitelist_file = "$sofile.whitelist"
whitelist_flag = " --resource-whitelist=\"$whitelist_file\""
if (defined(invoker.strip)) {
unstripped_sofile = "{{root_out_dir}}/lib.unstripped/$soname"
} else {
unstripped_sofile = sofile
# These variables are not built into GN but are helpers that
# implement (1) linking to produce a .so, (2) extracting the symbols
# from that file (3) if the extracted list differs from the existing
# .TOC file, overwrite it, otherwise, don't change it.
tocfile = sofile + ".TOC"
link_command = "$ld -shared {{ldflags}}${extra_ldflags} -o \"$unstripped_sofile\" -Wl,-soname=\"$soname\" @\"$rspfile\""
assert(defined(readelf), "to solink you must have a readelf")
assert(defined(nm), "to solink you must have an nm")
strip_switch = ""
if (defined(invoker.strip)) {
strip_switch = "--strip=${invoker.strip}"
# This needs a Python script to avoid using a complex shell command
# requiring sh control structures, pipelines, and POSIX utilities.
# The host might not have a POSIX shell and utilities (e.g. Windows).
solink_wrapper = rebase_path("//build/toolchain/")
command = "$python_path \"$solink_wrapper\" --readelf=\"$readelf\" --nm=\"$nm\" $strip_switch --sofile=\"$unstripped_sofile\" --tocfile=\"$tocfile\" --output=\"$sofile\"$whitelist_flag -- $link_command"
rspfile_content = "-Wl,--whole-archive {{inputs}} {{solibs}} -Wl,--no-whole-archive $solink_libs_section_prefix {{libs}} $solink_libs_section_postfix"
description = "SOLINK $sofile"
# Use this for {{output_extension}} expansions unless a target manually
# overrides it (in which case {{output_extension}} will be what the target
# specifies).
default_output_extension = default_shlib_extension
default_output_dir = "{{root_out_dir}}"
if (shlib_subdir != ".") {
default_output_dir += "/$shlib_subdir"
output_prefix = "lib"
# Since the above commands only updates the .TOC file when it changes, ask
# Ninja to check if the timestamp actually changed to know if downstream
# dependencies should be recompiled.
restat = true
# Tell GN about the output files. It will link to the sofile but use the
# tocfile for dependency management.
outputs = [
if (enable_resource_whitelist_generation) {
outputs += [ whitelist_file ]
if (sofile != unstripped_sofile) {
outputs += [ unstripped_sofile ]
link_output = sofile
depend_output = tocfile
tool("solink_module") {
soname = "{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}" # e.g. "".
sofile = "{{output_dir}}/$soname"
rspfile = sofile + ".rsp"
pool = "//build/toolchain:link_pool($default_toolchain)"
if (defined(invoker.strip)) {
unstripped_sofile = "{{root_out_dir}}/lib.unstripped/$soname"
} else {
unstripped_sofile = sofile
command = "$ld -shared {{ldflags}}${extra_ldflags} -o \"$unstripped_sofile\" -Wl,-soname=\"$soname\" @\"$rspfile\""
if (defined(invoker.strip)) {
strip_command = "${invoker.strip} --strip-unneeded -o \"$sofile\" \"$unstripped_sofile\""
command += " && " + strip_command
rspfile_content = "-Wl,--whole-archive {{inputs}} {{solibs}} -Wl,--no-whole-archive $solink_libs_section_prefix {{libs}} $solink_libs_section_postfix"
description = "SOLINK_MODULE $sofile"
# Use this for {{output_extension}} expansions unless a target manually
# overrides it (in which case {{output_extension}} will be what the target
# specifies).
if (defined(invoker.loadable_module_extension)) {
default_output_extension = invoker.loadable_module_extension
} else {
default_output_extension = default_shlib_extension
default_output_dir = "{{root_out_dir}}"
if (shlib_subdir != ".") {
default_output_dir += "/$shlib_subdir"
output_prefix = "lib"
outputs = [
if (sofile != unstripped_sofile) {
outputs += [ unstripped_sofile ]
tool("link") {
exename = "{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}"
outfile = "{{output_dir}}/$exename"
rspfile = "$outfile.rsp"
unstripped_outfile = outfile
pool = "//build/toolchain:link_pool($default_toolchain)"
# Use this for {{output_extension}} expansions unless a target manually
# overrides it (in which case {{output_extension}} will be what the target
# specifies).
default_output_extension = default_executable_extension
default_output_dir = "{{root_out_dir}}"
if (defined(invoker.strip)) {
unstripped_outfile = "{{root_out_dir}}/exe.unstripped/$exename"
command = "$ld {{ldflags}}${extra_ldflags} -o \"$unstripped_outfile\" -Wl,--start-group @\"$rspfile\" {{solibs}} -Wl,--end-group $libs_section_prefix {{libs}} $libs_section_postfix"
if (defined(invoker.strip)) {
link_wrapper =
rebase_path("//build/toolchain/", root_build_dir)
command = "$python_path \"$link_wrapper\" --strip=\"${invoker.strip}\" --unstripped-file=\"$unstripped_outfile\" --output=\"$outfile\" -- $command"
description = "LINK $outfile"
rspfile_content = "{{inputs}}"
outputs = [
if (outfile != unstripped_outfile) {
outputs += [ unstripped_outfile ]
if (defined(invoker.link_outputs)) {
outputs += invoker.link_outputs
# These two are really entirely generic, but have to be repeated in
# each toolchain because GN doesn't allow a template to be used here.
# See //build/toolchain/toolchain.gni for details.
tool("stamp") {
command = stamp_command
description = stamp_description
tool("copy") {
command = copy_command
description = copy_description
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
# This is a shorthand for gcc_toolchain instances based on the Chromium-built
# version of Clang. Only the toolchain_cpu and toolchain_os variables need to
# be specified by the invoker, and optionally toolprefix if it's a
# cross-compile case. Note that for a cross-compile case this toolchain
# requires a config to pass the appropriate -target option, or else it will
# actually just be doing a native compile. The invoker can optionally override
# use_gold too.
template("clang_toolchain") {
if (defined(invoker.toolprefix)) {
toolprefix = invoker.toolprefix
} else {
toolprefix = ""
gcc_toolchain(target_name) {
prefix = rebase_path("$clang_base_path/bin", root_build_dir)
cc = "$prefix/clang"
cxx = "$prefix/clang++"
ld = cxx
readelf = "${toolprefix}readelf"
ar = "${toolprefix}ar"
nm = "${toolprefix}nm"
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "strip" ])
toolchain_args = {
if (defined(invoker.toolchain_args)) {
forward_variables_from(invoker.toolchain_args, "*")
is_clang = true