blob: d76b6772ccd2288542f16619d70d53d715099ea9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace base {
class HistogramSnapshotManager;
} // namespace base
namespace metrics {
class ChromeUserMetricsExtension;
class SystemProfileProto;
class SystemProfileProto_Stability;
// MetricsProvider is an interface allowing different parts of the UMA protos to
// be filled out by different classes.
class MetricsProvider {
virtual ~MetricsProvider();
// Called after initialiazation of MetricsService and field trials.
virtual void Init();
// Called when a new MetricsLog is created.
virtual void OnDidCreateMetricsLog();
// Called when metrics recording has been enabled.
virtual void OnRecordingEnabled();
// Called when metrics recording has been disabled.
virtual void OnRecordingDisabled();
// Called when the application is going into background mode, on platforms
// where applications may be killed when going into the background (Android,
// iOS). Providers that buffer histogram data in memory should persist
// histograms in this callback, as the application may be killed without
// further notification after this callback.
virtual void OnAppEnterBackground();
// Provides additional metrics into the system profile.
virtual void ProvideSystemProfileMetrics(
SystemProfileProto* system_profile_proto);
// Called once at startup to see whether this provider has critical stability
// events to share in an initial stability log.
// Returning true can trigger ProvideInitialStabilityMetrics and
// ProvideStabilityMetrics on all other registered metrics providers.
// Default implementation always returns false.
virtual bool HasInitialStabilityMetrics();
// Called at most once at startup when an initial stability log is created.
// It provides critical statiblity metrics that need to be reported in an
// initial stability log.
// Default implementation is a no-op.
virtual void ProvideInitialStabilityMetrics(
SystemProfileProto* system_profile_proto);
// Provides additional stability metrics. Stability metrics can be provided
// directly into |stability_proto| fields or by logging stability histograms
virtual void ProvideStabilityMetrics(
SystemProfileProto* system_profile_proto);
// Called to indicate that saved stability prefs should be cleared, e.g.
// because they are from an old version and should not be kept.
virtual void ClearSavedStabilityMetrics();
// Provides general metrics that are neither system profile nor stability
// metrics. May also be used to add histograms when final metrics are
// collected right before upload.
virtual void ProvideGeneralMetrics(
ChromeUserMetricsExtension* uma_proto);
// Called during regular collection to explicitly merge histogram deltas
// to the global StatisticsRecorder.
virtual void MergeHistogramDeltas();
// Called during regular collection to explicitly load histogram snapshots
// using a snapshot manager. PrepareDeltas() will have already been called
// and FinishDeltas() will be called later; calls to only PrepareDelta(),
// not PrepareDeltas (plural), should be made.
virtual void RecordHistogramSnapshots(
base::HistogramSnapshotManager* snapshot_manager);
// Called during collection of initial metrics to explicitly load histogram
// snapshots using a snapshot manager. PrepareDeltas() will have already
// been called and FinishDeltas() will be called later; calls to only
// PrepareDelta(), not PrepareDeltas (plural), should be made.
virtual void RecordInitialHistogramSnapshots(
base::HistogramSnapshotManager* snapshot_manager);
} // namespace metrics