blob: c3fd7ae34bfe40ff424edddec762174df3f3532e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <windows.h>
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "base/file_descriptor_posix.h"
namespace base {
// SharedMemoryHandle is a platform specific type which represents
// the underlying OS handle to a shared memory segment.
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !(defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS))
typedef FileDescriptor SharedMemoryHandle;
#elif defined(OS_WIN)
class BASE_EXPORT SharedMemoryHandle {
// The default constructor returns an invalid SharedMemoryHandle.
SharedMemoryHandle(HANDLE h, base::ProcessId pid);
// Standard copy constructor. The new instance shares the underlying OS
// primitives.
SharedMemoryHandle(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle);
// Standard assignment operator. The updated instance shares the underlying
// OS primitives.
SharedMemoryHandle& operator=(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle);
// Comparison operators.
bool operator==(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) const;
bool operator!=(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) const;
// Closes the underlying OS resources.
void Close() const;
// Whether the underlying OS primitive is valid.
bool IsValid() const;
// Whether |pid_| is the same as the current process's id.
bool BelongsToCurrentProcess() const;
// Whether handle_ needs to be duplicated into the destination process when
// an instance of this class is passed over a Chrome IPC channel.
bool NeedsBrokering() const;
void SetOwnershipPassesToIPC(bool ownership_passes);
bool OwnershipPassesToIPC() const;
HANDLE GetHandle() const;
base::ProcessId GetPID() const;
HANDLE handle_;
// The process in which |handle_| is valid and can be used. If |handle_| is
// invalid, this will be kNullProcessId.
base::ProcessId pid_;
// Whether passing this object as a parameter to an IPC message passes
// ownership of |handle_| to the IPC stack. This is meant to mimic the
// behavior of the |auto_close| parameter of FileDescriptor. This member only
// affects attachment-brokered SharedMemoryHandles.
// Defaults to |false|.
bool ownership_passes_to_ipc_;
class BASE_EXPORT SharedMemoryHandle {
// The default constructor returns an invalid SharedMemoryHandle.
// Makes a Mach-based SharedMemoryHandle of the given size. On error,
// subsequent calls to IsValid() return false.
explicit SharedMemoryHandle(mach_vm_size_t size);
// Makes a Mach-based SharedMemoryHandle from |memory_object|, a named entry
// in the task with process id |pid|. The memory region has size |size|.
SharedMemoryHandle(mach_port_t memory_object,
mach_vm_size_t size,
base::ProcessId pid);
// Standard copy constructor. The new instance shares the underlying OS
// primitives.
SharedMemoryHandle(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle);
// Standard assignment operator. The updated instance shares the underlying
// OS primitives.
SharedMemoryHandle& operator=(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle);
// Duplicates the underlying OS resources.
SharedMemoryHandle Duplicate() const;
// Comparison operators.
bool operator==(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) const;
bool operator!=(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) const;
// Whether the underlying OS primitive is valid. Once the SharedMemoryHandle
// is backed by a valid OS primitive, it becomes immutable.
bool IsValid() const;
// Exposed so that the SharedMemoryHandle can be transported between
// processes.
mach_port_t GetMemoryObject() const;
// Returns false on a failure to determine the size. On success, populates the
// output variable |size|. Returns 0 if the handle is invalid.
bool GetSize(size_t* size) const;
// The SharedMemoryHandle must be valid.
// Returns whether the SharedMemoryHandle was successfully mapped into memory.
// On success, |memory| is an output variable that contains the start of the
// mapped memory.
bool MapAt(off_t offset, size_t bytes, void** memory, bool read_only);
// Closes the underlying OS primitive.
void Close() const;
void SetOwnershipPassesToIPC(bool ownership_passes);
bool OwnershipPassesToIPC() const;
// Shared code between copy constructor and operator=.
void CopyRelevantData(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle);
mach_port_t memory_object_ = MACH_PORT_NULL;
// The size of the shared memory region when |type_| is MACH. Only
// relevant if |memory_object_| is not |MACH_PORT_NULL|.
mach_vm_size_t size_ = 0;
// The pid of the process in which |memory_object_| is usable. Only
// relevant if |memory_object_| is not |MACH_PORT_NULL|.
base::ProcessId pid_ = 0;
// Whether passing this object as a parameter to an IPC message passes
// ownership of |memory_object_| to the IPC stack. This is meant to mimic
// the behavior of the |auto_close| parameter of FileDescriptor.
// Defaults to |false|.
bool ownership_passes_to_ipc_ = false;
} // namespace base