blob: deb336f08726b32f614695bf5e25781785a79834 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
import browser_tester
import browsertester.browserlauncher
# This script extends browser_tester to check for the presence of
# Breakpad crash dumps.
# This reads a file of lines containing 'key:value' pairs.
# The file contains entries like the following:
# plat:Win32
# prod:Chromium
# ptype:nacl-loader
# rept:crash svc
def ReadDumpTxtFile(filename):
dump_info = {}
fh = open(filename, 'r')
for line in fh:
if ':' in line:
key, value = line.rstrip().split(':', 1)
dump_info[key] = value
return dump_info
def StartCrashService(browser_path, dumps_dir, windows_pipe_name,
cleanup_funcs, crash_service_exe,
# Find crash_service.exe relative to chrome.exe. This is a bit icky.
browser_dir = os.path.dirname(browser_path)
crash_service_path = os.path.join(browser_dir, crash_service_exe)
if skip_if_missing and not os.path.exists(crash_service_path):
proc = subprocess.Popen([crash_service_path,
'--v=1', # Verbose output for debugging failures
'--dumps-dir=%s' % dumps_dir,
'--pipe-name=%s' % windows_pipe_name])
def Cleanup():
# Note that if the process has already exited, this will raise
# an 'Access is denied' WindowsError exception, but
# crash_service.exe is not supposed to do this and such
# behaviour should make the test fail.
status = proc.wait()
sys.stdout.write('crash_dump_tester: %s exited with status %s\n'
% (crash_service_exe, status))
def ListPathsInDir(dir_path):
if os.path.exists(dir_path):
return [os.path.join(dir_path, name)
for name in os.listdir(dir_path)]
return []
def GetDumpFiles(dumps_dirs):
all_files = [filename
for dumps_dir in dumps_dirs
for filename in ListPathsInDir(dumps_dir)]
sys.stdout.write('crash_dump_tester: Found %i files\n' % len(all_files))
for dump_file in all_files:
sys.stdout.write(' %s (size %i)\n'
% (dump_file, os.stat(dump_file).st_size))
return [dump_file for dump_file in all_files
if dump_file.endswith('.dmp')]
def Main(cleanup_funcs):
parser = browser_tester.BuildArgParser()
parser.add_option('--expected_crash_dumps', dest='expected_crash_dumps',
type=int, default=0,
help='The number of crash dumps that we should expect')
type=str, default='nacl-loader',
help='The type of Chromium process that we expect the '
'crash dump to be for')
# Ideally we would just query the OS here to find out whether we are
# running x86-32 or x86-64 Windows, but Python's win32api module
# does not contain a wrapper for GetNativeSystemInfo(), which is
# what NaCl uses to check this, or for IsWow64Process(), which is
# what Chromium uses. Instead, we just rely on the build system to
# tell us.
parser.add_option('--win64', dest='win64', action='store_true',
help='Pass this if we are running tests for x86-64 Windows')
options, args = parser.parse_args()
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='nacl_crash_dump_tester_')
def CleanUpTempDir():
# To get a guaranteed unique pipe name, use the base name of the
# directory we just created.
windows_pipe_name = r'\\.\pipe\%s_crash_service' % os.path.basename(temp_dir)
# This environment variable enables Breakpad crash dumping in
# non-official builds of Chromium.
os.environ['CHROME_HEADLESS'] = '1'
if sys.platform == 'win32':
dumps_dir = temp_dir
# Override the default (global) Windows pipe name that Chromium will
# use for out-of-process crash reporting.
os.environ['CHROME_BREAKPAD_PIPE_NAME'] = windows_pipe_name
# Launch the x86-32 crash service so that we can handle crashes in
# the browser process.
StartCrashService(options.browser_path, dumps_dir, windows_pipe_name,
cleanup_funcs, 'crash_service.exe')
if options.win64:
# Launch the x86-64 crash service so that we can handle crashes
# in the NaCl loader process (nacl64.exe).
# Skip if missing, since in win64 builds crash_service.exe is 64-bit
# and crash_service64.exe does not exist.
StartCrashService(options.browser_path, dumps_dir, windows_pipe_name,
cleanup_funcs, 'crash_service64.exe',
# We add a delay because there is probably a race condition:
# crash_service.exe might not have finished doing
# CreateNamedPipe() before NaCl does a crash dump and tries to
# connect to that pipe.
# TODO(mseaborn): We could change crash_service.exe to report when
# it has successfully created the named pipe.
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
dumps_dir = temp_dir
os.environ['BREAKPAD_DUMP_LOCATION'] = dumps_dir
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
# The "--user-data-dir" option is not effective for the Breakpad
# setup in Linux Chromium, because Breakpad is initialized before
# "--user-data-dir" is read. So we set HOME to redirect the crash
# dumps to a temporary directory.
home_dir = temp_dir
os.environ['HOME'] = home_dir
options.enable_crash_reporter = True
result = browser_tester.Run(options.url, options)
# Find crash dump results.
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
# Look in "~/.config/*/Crash Reports". This will find crash
# reports under ~/.config/chromium or ~/.config/google-chrome, or
# under other subdirectories in case the branding is changed.
dumps_dirs = [os.path.join(path, 'Crash Reports')
for path in ListPathsInDir(os.path.join(home_dir, '.config'))]
dumps_dirs = [dumps_dir]
dmp_files = GetDumpFiles(dumps_dirs)
failed = False
msg = ('crash_dump_tester: ERROR: Got %i crash dumps but expected %i\n' %
(len(dmp_files), options.expected_crash_dumps))
if len(dmp_files) != options.expected_crash_dumps:
failed = True
for dump_file in dmp_files:
# Sanity check: Make sure dumping did not fail after opening the file.
msg = 'crash_dump_tester: ERROR: Dump file is empty\n'
if os.stat(dump_file).st_size == 0:
failed = True
# On Windows, the crash dumps should come in pairs of a .dmp and
# .txt file.
if sys.platform == 'win32':
second_file = dump_file[:-4] + '.txt'
msg = ('crash_dump_tester: ERROR: File %r is missing a corresponding '
'%r file\n' % (dump_file, second_file))
if not os.path.exists(second_file):
failed = True
# Check that the crash dump comes from the NaCl process.
dump_info = ReadDumpTxtFile(second_file)
if 'ptype' in dump_info:
msg = ('crash_dump_tester: ERROR: Unexpected ptype value: %r != %r\n'
% (dump_info['ptype'], options.expected_process_type_for_crash))
if dump_info['ptype'] != options.expected_process_type_for_crash:
failed = True
sys.stdout.write('crash_dump_tester: ERROR: Missing ptype field\n')
failed = True
# TODO(mseaborn): Ideally we would also check that a backtrace
# containing an expected function name can be extracted from the
# crash dump.
if failed:
sys.stdout.write('crash_dump_tester: FAILED\n')
result = 1
sys.stdout.write('crash_dump_tester: PASSED\n')
return result
def MainWrapper():
cleanup_funcs = []
return Main(cleanup_funcs)
for func in cleanup_funcs:
if __name__ == '__main__':