blob: 2cad0d419ed0dd4e34a3763d1d17f2819ba98103 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 16
module arc.mojom;
import "scale_factor.mojom";
import "screen_rect.mojom";
// Describes OrientationLock request.
// Note: ChromeOS currently assumes the internal panel is always landscape.
// All rotation angles mentioned here are measured clockwise.
enum OrientationLock {
NONE = 0,
// Rotated 90 or 270 deg.
// Rotated 0 or 180 deg.
// Keep the current orientation.
// Rotated 90 deg.
// Rotated 0 deg.
// Rotated 270 deg.
// Rotated 180 deg.
// Describes ARC app.
struct AppInfo {
string name;
string package_name;
string activity;
[MinVersion=2] bool sticky; // true if the app cannot be uninstalled
[MinVersion=7] bool notifications_enabled;
[MinVersion=12] OrientationLock orientation_lock;
// Describes ARC package.
struct ArcPackageInfo {
string package_name;
int32 package_version;
int64 last_backup_android_id;
int64 last_backup_time;
bool sync; // true if package installation should be synced
[MinVersion=11] bool system; // true if package is system package.
// Describes ARC app shortcut.
struct ShortcutInfo {
string name;
string package_name;
string icon_resource_id;
string intent_uri;
// Page for ShowPackageInfoOnPage.
enum ShowPackageInfoPage {
// The main package info page.
MAIN = 0,
// Page for managing links assigned to the app.
// Next method ID: 14
interface AppHost {
// Sends newly added ARC app to Chrome. This message is sent when ARC receives
// package added notification. Multiple apps may be added in the one package.
[MinVersion=1] OnAppAddedDeprecated@2(AppInfo app);
// Receives an icon of required |scale_factor| for specific ARC app. The app
// is defined by |package_name| and |activity|. The icon content cannot be
// empty and must match to |scale_factor| assuming 48x48 for
// SCALE_FACTOR_100P. |scale_factor| is an enum defined at ui/base/layout.h.
// |icon_png_data| is a png-encoded image.
OnAppIcon@1(string package_name, string activity,
ScaleFactor scale_factor, array<uint8> icon_png_data);
// Receives a list of available ARC apps to Chrome. Members of AppInfo must
// contain non-empty string.
OnAppListRefreshed@0(array<AppInfo> apps);
// Notifies that a package has been added.
[MinVersion=8] OnPackageAdded@8(ArcPackageInfo arcPackageInfo);
// Notifies that a package list of apps has been updated.
[MinVersion=14] OnPackageAppListRefreshed@13(string package_name,
array<AppInfo> apps);
// Receives a list of available ARC packages to Chrome. Members of
// PackageInfo must contain non-empty string.
[MinVersion=8] OnPackageListRefreshed@9(array<ArcPackageInfo> packages);
// Notifies that a package has been modified.
[MinVersion=8] OnPackageModified@10(ArcPackageInfo arcPackageInfo);
// Sends removed ARC package to Chrome. |package_name| must contain non-empty
// string. This message is sent when ARC receives package removed
// notification. Removing one package can potentially remove more than one
// app.
[MinVersion=1] OnPackageRemoved@3(string package_name);
// Sends information about newly created task |package_name| and |activity|
// specifies launch activity and |intent| is initial intent used to start
// new task.
[MinVersion=4] OnTaskCreated@4(int32 task_id@0,
string package_name@1,
string activity@2,
[MinVersion=13] string? name@3,
[MinVersion=15] string? intent@4);
// Notifies that task has been destroyed.
[MinVersion=4] OnTaskDestroyed@5(int32 task_id);
// Notifies that task has been activated.
[MinVersion=4] OnTaskSetActive@6(int32 task_id);
// Notifies that notifications enabled settings in Android is changed.
[MinVersion=7] OnNotificationsEnabledChanged@7(string package_name,
bool enabled);
// Notifies that an application shortcut needs to be created.
[MinVersion=9] OnInstallShortcut@11(ShortcutInfo shortcut);
// Notifies that task requested orientation lock.
[MinVersion=12] OnTaskOrientationLockRequested@12(int32 task_id,
OrientationLock lock);
// TODO(lhchavez): Migrate all request/response messages to Mojo.
// Next method ID: 16
// Deprecated method ID: 9
interface AppInstance {
Init@0(AppHost host_ptr);
// Query if a given resolution can be handled by the application. Returns true
// if it can.
[MinVersion=1] CanHandleResolution@4(string package_name, string activity,
ScreenRect dimension) =>
(bool can_handle);
// Closes the the given task.
[MinVersion=4] CloseTask@8(int32 task_id);
// Requests information about task.
[MinVersion=3] GetTaskInfo@6(int32 task_id) => (string package_name,
string activity);
// Sends a request to ARC to install package.
[MinVersion=8] InstallPackage@11(ArcPackageInfo arcPackageInfo);
// Sends a request to ARC to launch an ARC app defined by |package_name| and
// |activity|, which cannot be empty. |dimension_on_screen| can be null to
// indicate to use the entire screen.
LaunchApp@1(string package_name, string activity,
[MinVersion=1] ScreenRect? dimension_on_screen);
// Sends a reqeust to ARC to launch an intent. The intent is encoded as a
// Uri string, see Intent.toUri().
[MinVersion=9] LaunchIntent@12(string intent_uri,
ScreenRect? dimension_on_screen);
// Sends a request to ARC to refresh a list of ARC apps.
// OnRefreshAppsList is expected in response to this message. However,
// response may not be sent if ARC is not ready yet (boot completed event is
// not received).
// Sends a request to ARC for the ARC app icon of a required scale factor.
// Scale factor is an enum defined at ui/base/layout.h. App is defined by
// |package_name| and |activity|, which cannot be empty.
RequestAppIcon@3(string package_name, string activity,
ScaleFactor scale_factor);
// Sends a request for the ARC shortcut icon of a given resource id and scale
// factor.
[MinVersion=9] RequestIcon@13(string icon_resource_id,
ScaleFactor scale_factor) =>
(array<uint8> icon_png_data);
// Removes cached shortcut icon with the given resource id.
[MinVersion=9] RemoveCachedIcon@14(string icon_resource_id);
// Activates the given task and move it to foreground.
[MinVersion=4] SetTaskActive@7(int32 task_id);
// Sends a request to ARC to show package info for given package.
[MinVersion=5] ShowPackageInfoDeprecated@9(string package_name,
ScreenRect dimension_on_screen);
// Sends a request to ARC to show package info for given package on the
// specified page.
[MinVersion=10] ShowPackageInfoOnPage@15(string package_name,
ShowPackageInfoPage page,
ScreenRect dimension_on_screen);
// Sets notification setting for the package.
[MinVersion=6] SetNotificationsEnabled@10(string package_name, bool enabled);
// Sends a request to ARC to uninstall the given package. Error (if ever
// happens) is ignored, and uninstall option should appear in the UI.
[MinVersion=2] UninstallPackage@5(string package_name);