blob: 179d5ea2b64f89db0e8dd82162d7426f00267443 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 16
module arc.mojom;
import "scale_factor.mojom";
// Describes the type of action to invoke.
enum ActionType {
enum PatternType {
struct PatternMatcher {
string pattern;
PatternType type;
struct AuthorityEntry {
string host;
int32 port;
struct IntentInfo {
string action;
array<string>? categories;
string? data; // URI
string? type; // explicit MIME type for data
[MinVersion=13] string? clip_data_uri; // optional URI to provide as ClipData
struct IntentFilter {
array<string> actions;
array<string> categories;
array<string> data_schemes;
[MinVersion=10] array<AuthorityEntry>? data_authorities;
[MinVersion=10] array<PatternMatcher>? data_paths;
[MinVersion=10] array<PatternMatcher>? deprecated_data_scheme_specific_parts;
// Describes a package that can handle an intent.
struct IntentHandlerInfo {
string name;
string package_name;
string activity_name; // A hint for retrieving the package's icon.
[MinVersion=4] ActionType action_type;
[MinVersion=6] bool is_preferred;
[MinVersion=11] string? action; // e.g. "android.intent.action.VIEW"
// RequestUrlHandlerList may fill |fallback_url| when it is called with an
// intent: URL.
[MinVersion=14] string? fallback_url;
// Describes an activity.
struct ActivityName {
string package_name;
string? activity_name; // may be null to indicate any activity within package
// Describes an icon for the activity.
struct ActivityIcon {
ActivityName activity;
uint32 width; // in px
uint32 height; // in px
array<uint8> icon; // in BGRA8888 format
// URL associated with its mime type.
struct UrlWithMimeType {
string url;
string mime_type;
// Handles intents from ARC in Chrome.
// Deprecated method ID: 4
// Next method ID: 6
interface IntentHelperHost {
// Called when icons associated with the package are no longer up to date.
[MinVersion=3] OnIconInvalidated@1(string package_name);
// Called when intent filters are updated. Either on startup or when
// apps are installed or uninstalled.
[MinVersion=9] OnIntentFiltersUpdated@5(array<IntentFilter> intent_filters);
// Opens the downloads directory in the Chrome OS file manager.
[MinVersion=5] OnOpenDownloads@2();
// Opens the url with Chrome for Chrome OS.
OnOpenUrl@0(string url);
// Opens the wallpaper picker dialog.
[MinVersion=6] OpenWallpaperPicker@3();
// Sets an image as the wallpaper.
// |jpeg_data| is a JPEG encoded wallpaper image.
[MinVersion=8] SetWallpaperDeprecated@4(array<uint8> jpeg_data);
// Sends intents to ARC on behalf of Chrome.
// Next method ID: 13
interface IntentHelperInstance {
// Sets the given package as a preferred package. The next time an ACTION_VIEW
// intent is sent with a URL that requires disambiguation, instead of opening
// the ResolverActivity, this package will be picked if it is on the list.
// When multiple packages are set as preferred, the most recent setting wins.
[MinVersion=7] AddPreferredPackage@8(string package_name);
// DEPRECATED. Use FileSystemInstance.GetFileSize() instead.
[MinVersion=15] GetFileSizeDeprecated@11(string url) => (int64 size);
// Passes an intent to an activity.
[MinVersion=12] HandleIntent@10(IntentInfo intent, ActivityName activity);
// Handles the URL by sending an ACTION_VIEW intent to the package. The
// most suitable activity for the URL within the package will be started.
[MinVersion=2] HandleUrl@2(string url, string package_name);
// Handles the list of URLs by sending a specified intent to the handler.
[MinVersion=5] HandleUrlList@7(array<UrlWithMimeType> urls,
ActivityName activity,
ActionType action_type);
// Establishes full-duplex communication with the host.
Init@0(IntentHelperHost host_ptr);
// DEPRECATED. Use FileSystemInstance.OpenFileToRead() instead.
[MinVersion=15] OpenFileToReadDeprecated@12(string url) => (handle? fd);
// Requests 48dp * 48dp icons of the |activities| suitable for the
// |scale_factor|. An array of icon data will be returned.
[MinVersion=3] RequestActivityIcons@4(array<ActivityName> activities,
ScaleFactor scale_factor)
=> (array<ActivityIcon> icons);
// Requests a list of packages that can handle |intent|.
[MinVersion=12] RequestIntentHandlerList@9(IntentInfo intent)
=> (array<IntentHandlerInfo> handlers);
// Requests a list of packages that can handle the URL.
[MinVersion=2] RequestUrlHandlerList@3(string url)
=> (array<IntentHandlerInfo> handlers);
// Requests a list of packages that can handle the list of files.
[MinVersion=4] RequestUrlListHandlerList@6(array<UrlWithMimeType> urls)
=> (array<IntentHandlerInfo> handlers);
// Send an Android broadcast message to the Android package and class
// specified. Data can be sent as extras by including a JSON map string which
// will be automatically converted to a bundle accessible by the receiver.
// Note: Broadcasts can only be sent to whitelisted packages. Packages can be
// added to the whitelist in in the Android source.
[MinVersion=1] SendBroadcast@1(string action,
string package_name,
string cls,
string extras);