blob: ed3d40539a499f3014f275a2e3dac7ee9a4aecc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/laser/laser_pointer_view.h"
#include <memory>
#include "ash/laser/laser_pointer_points.h"
#include "ash/laser/laser_segment_utils.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/shell_window_ids.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPaint.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// Variables for rendering the laser. Radius in DIP.
const float kPointInitialRadius = 5.0f;
const float kPointFinalRadius = 0.25f;
const int kPointInitialOpacity = 200;
const int kPointFinalOpacity = 10;
const SkColor kPointColor = SkColorSetRGB(255, 0, 0);
float DistanceBetweenPoints(const gfx::Point& point1,
const gfx::Point& point2) {
return (point1 - point2).Length();
float LinearInterpolate(float initial_value,
float final_value,
float progress) {
return initial_value + (final_value - initial_value) * progress;
} // namespace
// The laser segment calcuates the path needed to draw a laser segment. A laser
// segment is used instead of just a regular line segments to avoid overlapping.
// A laser segment looks as follows:
// _______ _________ _________ _________
// / \ \ / / / / \ |
// | A | 2|. B .|1 2|. C .|1 2|. D \.1 |
// | | | | | | | / |
// \_____/ /_______\ \_________\ \_________/ |
// Given a start and end point (represented by the periods in the above
// diagrams), we create each segment by projecting each point along the normal
// to the line segment formed by the start(1) and end(2) points. We then
// create a path using arcs and lines. There are three types of laser segments:
// head(B), regular(C) and tail(D). A typical laser is created by rendering one
// tail(D), zero or more regular segments(C), one head(B) and a circle at the
// end(A). They are meant to fit perfectly with the previous and next segments,
// so that no whitespace/overlap is shown.
// A more detailed version of this is located at
class LaserSegment {
LaserSegment(const std::vector<gfx::PointF>& previous_points,
const gfx::PointF& start_point,
const gfx::PointF& end_point,
float start_radius,
float end_radius,
bool is_last_segment) {
DCHECK(previous_points.empty() || previous_points.size() == 2u);
bool is_first_segment = previous_points.empty();
// Calculate the variables for the equation of the lines which pass through
// the start and end points, and are perpendicular to the line segment
// between the start and end points.
float slope, start_y_intercept, end_y_intercept;
ComputeNormalLineVariables(start_point, end_point, &slope,
&start_y_intercept, &end_y_intercept);
// Project the points along normal line by the given radius.
gfx::PointF end_first_projection, end_second_projection;
ComputeProjectedPoints(end_point, slope, end_y_intercept, end_radius,
&end_first_projection, &end_second_projection);
// Create a collection of the points used to create the path and reorder
// them as needed.
std::vector<gfx::PointF> ordered_points;
if (!is_first_segment) {
} else {
// We push two of the same point, so that for both cases we have 4 points,
// and we can use the same indexes when creating the path.
// Push the projected points so that the the smaller angle relative to the
// line segment between the two data points is first. This will ensure there
// is always a anticlockwise arc between the last two points, and always a
// clockwise arc for these two points if and when they are used in the next
// segment.
if (IsFirstPointSmallerAngle(start_point, end_point, end_first_projection,
end_second_projection)) {
} else {
// Create the path. The path always goes as follows:
// 1. Move to point 0.
// 2. Arc clockwise from point 0 to point 1. This step is skipped if it
// is the tail segment.
// 3. Line from point 1 to point 2.
// 4. Arc anticlockwise from point 2 to point 3. Arc clockwise if this is
// the head segment.
// 5. Line from point 3 to point 0.
// 2 1
// *---------* |
// / / |
// | | |
// | | |
// \ \ |
// *--------*
// 3 0
DCHECK_EQ(4u, ordered_points.size());
path_.moveTo(ordered_points[0].x(), ordered_points[0].y());
if (!is_first_segment) {
path_.arcTo(start_radius, start_radius, 180.0f, gfx::Path::kSmall_ArcSize,
gfx::Path::kCW_Direction, ordered_points[1].x(),
path_.lineTo(ordered_points[2].x(), ordered_points[2].y());
end_radius, end_radius, 180.0f, gfx::Path::kSmall_ArcSize,
is_last_segment ? gfx::Path::kCW_Direction : gfx::Path::kCCW_Direction,
ordered_points[3].x(), ordered_points[3].y());
path_.lineTo(ordered_points[0].x(), ordered_points[0].y());
// Store data to be used by the next segment.
SkPath path() const { return path_; }
std::vector<gfx::PointF> path_points() const { return path_points_; }
SkPath path_;
std::vector<gfx::PointF> path_points_;
// LaserPointerView
LaserPointerView::LaserPointerView(base::TimeDelta life_duration,
aura::Window* root_window)
: laser_points_(life_duration) {
widget_.reset(new views::Widget);
views::Widget::InitParams params;
params.type = views::Widget::InitParams::TYPE_WINDOW_FRAMELESS; = "LaserOverlay";
params.accept_events = false;
params.activatable = views::Widget::InitParams::ACTIVATABLE_NO;
params.ownership = views::Widget::InitParams::WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET;
params.opacity = views::Widget::InitParams::TRANSLUCENT_WINDOW;
params.parent =
Shell::GetContainer(root_window, kShellWindowId_OverlayContainer);
LaserPointerView::~LaserPointerView() {}
void LaserPointerView::Stop() {
void LaserPointerView::AddNewPoint(const gfx::Point& new_point) {
void LaserPointerView::UpdateTime() {
// Do not add the point but advance the time if the view is in process of
// fading away.
void LaserPointerView::OnPointsUpdated() {
// The bounding box should be relative to the screen.
gfx::Point screen_offset =
// Expand the bounding box so that it includes the radius of the points on the
// edges.
gfx::Rect bounding_box;
bounding_box = laser_points_.GetBoundingBox();
bounding_box.Offset(-kPointInitialRadius, -kPointInitialRadius);
bounding_box.Offset(screen_offset.x(), screen_offset.y());
bounding_box.set_width(bounding_box.width() + (kPointInitialRadius * 2));
bounding_box.set_height(bounding_box.height() + (kPointInitialRadius * 2));
void LaserPointerView::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
if (laser_points_.IsEmpty())
SkPaint paint;
// Compute the offset of the current widget.
gfx::Vector2d widget_offset(
int num_points = laser_points_.GetNumberOfPoints();
DCHECK(num_points > 0);
LaserPointerPoints::LaserPoint previous_point = laser_points_.GetOldest();
previous_point.location -= widget_offset;
LaserPointerPoints::LaserPoint current_point;
std::vector<gfx::PointF> previous_segment_points;
float previous_radius;
int current_opacity;
for (int i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) {
current_point = laser_points_.laser_points()[i];
current_point.location -= widget_offset;
// Set the radius and opacity based on the distance.
float current_radius = LinearInterpolate(
kPointInitialRadius, kPointFinalRadius, current_point.age);
current_opacity = int{LinearInterpolate(
kPointInitialOpacity, kPointFinalOpacity, current_point.age)};
// If we draw laser_points_ that are within a stroke width of each other,
// the result will be very jagged, unless we are on the last point, then we
// draw regardless.
float distance_threshold = current_radius * 2.0f;
if (DistanceBetweenPoints(previous_point.location,
current_point.location) <= distance_threshold &&
i != num_points - 1) {
LaserSegment current_segment(
previous_segment_points, gfx::PointF(previous_point.location),
gfx::PointF(current_point.location), previous_radius, current_radius,
i == num_points - 1);
SkPath path = current_segment.path();
paint.setColor(SkColorSetA(kPointColor, current_opacity));
canvas->DrawPath(path, paint);
previous_segment_points = current_segment.path_points();
previous_radius = current_radius;
previous_point = current_point;
// Draw the last point as a circle.
paint.setColor(SkColorSetA(kPointColor, current_opacity));
canvas->DrawCircle(current_point.location, kPointInitialRadius, paint);
} // namespace ash