blob: 2674d50fb96957295f7047c32a2281ccfcdae8ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/printing/ppd_cache.h"
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/json/json_parser.h"
#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "crypto/sha2.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/filter/gzip_header.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace printing {
namespace {
// Name of the file we use to cache the list of available printer drivers from
// QuirksServer. This file resides in the cache directory.
const char kAvailablePrintersFilename[] = "all_printers.json";
// Return true if it looks like contents is already gzipped, false otherwise.
bool IsGZipped(const std::string& contents) {
const char* ignored;
net::GZipHeader header;
return header.ReadMore(, contents.size(), &ignored) ==
class PpdCacheImpl : public PpdCache {
PpdCacheImpl(const base::FilePath& cache_base_dir,
const PpdCache::Options& options)
: cache_base_dir_(cache_base_dir),
options_(options) {}
~PpdCacheImpl() override {}
// Public API functions.
base::Optional<base::FilePath> Find(
const Printer::PpdReference& reference) const override {
base::AutoLock l(lock_);
base::Optional<base::FilePath> ret;
// We can't know here if we have a gzipped or un-gzipped version, so just
// look for both.
base::FilePath contents_path_base = GetCachePathBase(reference);
for (const std::string& extension : {".ppd", ".ppd.gz"}) {
base::FilePath contents_path = contents_path_base.AddExtension(extension);
if (base::PathExists(contents_path)) {
ret = contents_path;
return ret;
base::Optional<base::FilePath> Store(
const Printer::PpdReference& reference,
const std::string& ppd_contents) override {
base::AutoLock l(lock_);
if (!EnsureCacheDirectoryExists()) {
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<base::FilePath> ret;
base::FilePath contents_path =
if (IsGZipped(ppd_contents)) {
contents_path = contents_path.AddExtension(".gz");
if (base::WriteFile(contents_path,,
ppd_contents.size()) ==
static_cast<int>(ppd_contents.size())) {
ret = contents_path;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write " << contents_path.LossyDisplayName();
// Try to clean up the file, as it may have partial contents. Note that
// DeleteFile(nonexistant file) should return true, so failure here means
// something is exceptionally hosed.
if (!base::DeleteFile(contents_path, false)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to cleanup partially-written file "
<< contents_path.LossyDisplayName();
return ret;
return ret;
base::Optional<PpdProvider::AvailablePrintersMap> FindAvailablePrinters()
override {
base::AutoLock l(lock_);
if (available_printers_ != nullptr &&
base::Time::Now() - available_printers_timestamp_ <
options_.max_available_list_staleness) {
// Satisfy from memory cache.
return *available_printers_;
std::string buf;
if (!MaybeReadAvailablePrintersCache(&buf)) {
// Disk cache miss.
return base::nullopt;
auto dict = base::DictionaryValue::From(base::JSONReader::Read(buf));
if (dict == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to deserialize available printers cache";
return base::nullopt;
// Note if we got here, we've already set available_printers_timestamp_ to
// the mtime of the file we read from.
available_printers_ = base::MakeUnique<PpdProvider::AvailablePrintersMap>();
const base::ListValue* models;
std::string model;
for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*dict); !it.IsAtEnd();
it.Advance()) {
auto& out = (*available_printers_)[it.key()];
if (!it.value().GetAsList(&models)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Skipping malformed printer make: " << it.key();
for (const auto& model_value : *models) {
if (model_value->GetAsString(&model)) {
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Skipping malformed printer model in: " << it.key()
<< ". Expected a string, found a "
<< base::Value::GetTypeName(model_value->GetType());
return *available_printers_;
// Note we throw up our hands and fail (gracefully) to store if we encounter
// non-unicode things in the strings of |available_printers|. Since these
// strings come from a source we control, being less paranoid about these
// values seems reasonable.
void StoreAvailablePrinters(std::unique_ptr<PpdProvider::AvailablePrintersMap>
available_printers) override {
base::AutoLock l(lock_);
if (!EnsureCacheDirectoryExists()) {
available_printers_ = std::move(available_printers);
available_printers_timestamp_ = base::Time::Now();
// Convert the map to Values, in preparation for jsonification.
base::DictionaryValue top_level;
for (const auto& entry : *available_printers_) {
auto printers = base::MakeUnique<base::ListValue>();
top_level.Set(entry.first, std::move(printers));
std::string contents;
if (!base::JSONWriter::Write(top_level, &contents)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to generate JSON";
if (contents.size() > options_.max_available_list_cached_size) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Serialized available printers list too large (size is "
<< contents.size() << " bytes)";
if (base::WriteFile(available_printers_file_,,
contents.size()) != static_cast<int>(contents.size())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write available printers cache to "
<< available_printers_file_.MaybeAsASCII();
// Create the cache directory if it doesn't already exist. Returns true
// on success.
bool EnsureCacheDirectoryExists() {
if (base::PathExists(cache_base_dir_) ||
base::CreateDirectory(cache_base_dir_)) {
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create ppd cache directory "
<< cache_base_dir_.MaybeAsASCII();
return false;
// Get the file path at which we expect to find a PPD if it's cached.
// This is, ultimately, just a hash function. It's extremely infrequently
// used (called once when trying to look up information on a printer or store
// a PPD), and should be stable, as changing the function will make previously
// cached entries unfindable, causing resolve logic to be reinvoked
// unnecessarily.
// There's also a faint possibility that a bad actor might try to do something
// nefarious by intentionally causing a cache collision that makes the wrong
// PPD be used for a printer. There's no obvious attack vector, but
// there's also no real cost to being paranoid here, so we use SHA-256 as the
// underlying hash function, and inject fixed field prefixes to prevent
// field-substitution spoofing. This also buys us hash function stability at
// the same time.
// Also, care should be taken to preserve the existing hash values if new
// fields are added to PpdReference -- that is, if a new field F is added
// to PpdReference, a PpdReference with a default F value should hash to
// the same thing as a PpdReference that predates the addition of F to the
// structure.
// Note this function expects that the caller will append ".ppd", or ".ppd.gz"
// to the output as needed.
base::FilePath GetCachePathBase(const Printer::PpdReference& ref) const {
std::vector<std::string> pieces;
if (!ref.user_supplied_ppd_url.empty()) {
} else if (!ref.effective_manufacturer.empty() &&
!ref.effective_model.empty()) {
} else {
NOTREACHED() << "PpdCache hashing empty PpdReference";
// The separator here is not needed, but makes debug output more readable.
std::string full_key = base::JoinString(pieces, "|");
std::string hashed_key = crypto::SHA256HashString(full_key);
std::string ascii_hash =
base::HexEncode(, hashed_key.size());
VLOG(3) << "PPD Cache key is " << full_key << " which hashes to "
<< ascii_hash;
return cache_base_dir_.Append(ascii_hash);
// Try to read the available printers cache. Returns true on success. On
// success, |buf| will contain the contents of the file, otherwise it will be
// cleared.
bool MaybeReadAvailablePrintersCache(std::string* buf) {
base::File cache_file(available_printers_file_,
base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ);
base::File::Info info;
if (cache_file.IsValid() && cache_file.GetInfo(&info) &&
(base::Time::Now() - info.last_modified <=
options_.max_available_list_staleness)) {
// We have a file that's recent enough to use.
if (!base::ReadFileToStringWithMaxSize(
available_printers_file_, buf,
options_.max_available_list_cached_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read printer cache from "
<< available_printers_file_.MaybeAsASCII();
return false;
available_printers_timestamp_ = info.last_modified;
return true;
// Either we don't have an openable file, or it's too old.
// If we have an invalid file and it's not valid for reasons other than
// NOT_FOUND, that's unexpected and worth logging. Otherwise this is
// a normal cache miss.
if (!cache_file.IsValid() &&
cache_file.error_details() != base::File::FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected result when attempting to open printer cache: "
<< base::File::ErrorToString(cache_file.error_details());
return false;
// In-memory copy of the available printers map, null if we don't have an
// in-memory copy yet. Filled in the first time the map is fetched from
// disk or stored.
std::unique_ptr<PpdProvider::AvailablePrintersMap> available_printers_;
// Timestamp for the in-memory copy of the cache. (The on-disk version uses
// the file mtime).
base::Time available_printers_timestamp_;
const base::FilePath cache_base_dir_;
const base::FilePath available_printers_file_;
const PpdCache::Options options_;
mutable base::Lock lock_;
} // namespace
// static
std::unique_ptr<PpdCache> PpdCache::Create(const base::FilePath& cache_base_dir,
const PpdCache::Options& options) {
return base::MakeUnique<PpdCacheImpl>(cache_base_dir, options);
} // namespace printing
} // namespace chromeos