blob: 6308f426634a072c42a65b115abe72d98ae9fad1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains an implementation of VaapiWrapper, used by
// VaapiVideoDecodeAccelerator and VaapiH264Decoder for decode,
// and VaapiVideoEncodeAccelerator for encode, to interface
// with libva (VA-API library for hardware video codec).
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "media/base/video_decoder_config.h"
#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
#include "media/gpu/media_gpu_export.h"
#include "media/gpu/va_surface.h"
#include "media/video/jpeg_decode_accelerator.h"
#include "media/video/video_decode_accelerator.h"
#include "media/video/video_encode_accelerator.h"
#include "third_party/libva/va/va.h"
#include "third_party/libva/va/va_vpp.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#if defined(USE_X11)
#include "third_party/libva/va/va_x11.h"
#endif // USE_X11
#if defined(USE_OZONE)
namespace ui {
class NativePixmap;
namespace media {
// This class handles VA-API calls and ensures proper locking of VA-API calls
// to libva, the userspace shim to the HW codec driver. libva is not
// thread-safe, so we have to perform locking ourselves. This class is fully
// synchronous and its methods can be called from any thread and may wait on
// the va_lock_ while other, concurrent calls run.
// This class is responsible for managing VAAPI connection, contexts and state.
// It is also responsible for managing and freeing VABuffers (not VASurfaces),
// which are used to queue parameters and slice data to the HW codec,
// as well as underlying memory for VASurfaces themselves.
class MEDIA_GPU_EXPORT VaapiWrapper
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<VaapiWrapper> {
enum CodecMode {
// Return an instance of VaapiWrapper initialized for |va_profile| and
// |mode|. |report_error_to_uma_cb| will be called independently from
// reporting errors to clients via method return values.
static scoped_refptr<VaapiWrapper> Create(
CodecMode mode,
VAProfile va_profile,
const base::Closure& report_error_to_uma_cb);
// Create VaapiWrapper for VideoCodecProfile. It maps VideoCodecProfile
// |profile| to VAProfile.
// |report_error_to_uma_cb| will be called independently from reporting
// errors to clients via method return values.
static scoped_refptr<VaapiWrapper> CreateForVideoCodec(
CodecMode mode,
VideoCodecProfile profile,
const base::Closure& report_error_to_uma_cb);
// Return the supported video encode profiles.
static VideoEncodeAccelerator::SupportedProfiles GetSupportedEncodeProfiles();
// Return the supported video decode profiles.
static VideoDecodeAccelerator::SupportedProfiles GetSupportedDecodeProfiles();
// Return true when JPEG decode is supported.
static bool IsJpegDecodeSupported();
// Create |num_surfaces| backing surfaces in driver for VASurfaces of
// |va_format|, each of size |size|. Returns true when successful, with the
// created IDs in |va_surfaces| to be managed and later wrapped in
// VASurfaces.
// The client must DestroySurfaces() each time before calling this method
// again to free the allocated surfaces first, but is not required to do so
// at destruction time, as this will be done automatically from
// the destructor.
bool CreateSurfaces(unsigned int va_format,
const gfx::Size& size,
size_t num_surfaces,
std::vector<VASurfaceID>* va_surfaces);
// Free all memory allocated in CreateSurfaces.
void DestroySurfaces();
// Create a VASurface of |va_format|, |size| and using |va_attribs|
// attributes. The ownership of the surface is transferred to the
// caller. It differs from surfaces created using CreateSurfaces(),
// where VaapiWrapper is the owner of the surfaces.
scoped_refptr<VASurface> CreateUnownedSurface(
unsigned int va_format,
const gfx::Size& size,
const std::vector<VASurfaceAttrib>& va_attribs);
#if defined(USE_OZONE)
// Create a VASurface for |pixmap|. The ownership of the surface is
// transferred to the caller. It differs from surfaces created using
// CreateSurfaces(), where VaapiWrapper is the owner of the surfaces.
scoped_refptr<VASurface> CreateVASurfaceForPixmap(
const scoped_refptr<ui::NativePixmap>& pixmap);
// Use VPP to process |source_pixmap| to |target_pixmap| with scaling and
// color space conversion.
bool ProcessPixmap(const scoped_refptr<ui::NativePixmap>& source_pixmap,
scoped_refptr<ui::NativePixmap> target_pixmap);
// Submit parameters or slice data of |va_buffer_type|, copying them from
// |buffer| of size |size|, into HW codec. The data in |buffer| is no
// longer needed and can be freed after this method returns.
// Data submitted via this method awaits in the HW codec until
// ExecuteAndDestroyPendingBuffers() is called to execute or
// DestroyPendingBuffers() is used to cancel a pending job.
bool SubmitBuffer(VABufferType va_buffer_type, size_t size, void* buffer);
// Submit a VAEncMiscParameterBuffer of given |misc_param_type|, copying its
// data from |buffer| of size |size|, into HW codec. The data in |buffer| is
// no longer needed and can be freed after this method returns.
// Data submitted via this method awaits in the HW codec until
// ExecuteAndDestroyPendingBuffers() is called to execute or
// DestroyPendingBuffers() is used to cancel a pending job.
bool SubmitVAEncMiscParamBuffer(VAEncMiscParameterType misc_param_type,
size_t size,
void* buffer);
// Cancel and destroy all buffers queued to the HW codec via SubmitBuffer().
// Useful when a pending job is to be cancelled (on reset or error).
void DestroyPendingBuffers();
// Execute job in hardware on target |va_surface_id| and destroy pending
// buffers. Return false if Execute() fails.
bool ExecuteAndDestroyPendingBuffers(VASurfaceID va_surface_id);
#if defined(USE_X11)
// Put data from |va_surface_id| into |x_pixmap| of size
// |dest_size|, converting/scaling to it.
bool PutSurfaceIntoPixmap(VASurfaceID va_surface_id,
Pixmap x_pixmap,
gfx::Size dest_size);
#endif // USE_X11
// Get a VAImage from a VASurface and map it into memory. The size and format
// are derived from the surface. Use GetVaImage() instead if |format| or
// |size| are different from surface internal representation. The VAImage
// should be released using the ReturnVaImage function. Returns true when
// successful.
bool GetDerivedVaImage(VASurfaceID va_surface_id, VAImage* image, void** mem);
// Get a VAImage from a VASurface |va_surface_id| and map it into memory with
// given |format| and |size|. The output is |image| and the mapped memory is
// |mem|. If |format| doesn't equal to the internal format, the underlying
// implementation will do format conversion if supported. |size| should be
// smaller than or equal to the surface. If |size| is smaller, the image will
// be cropped. The VAImage should be released using the ReturnVaImage
// function. Returns true when successful.
bool GetVaImage(VASurfaceID va_surface_id,
VAImageFormat* format,
const gfx::Size& size,
VAImage* image,
void** mem);
// Release the VAImage (and the associated memory mapping) obtained from
// GetVaImage() or GetDerivedVaImage().
void ReturnVaImage(VAImage* image);
// Upload contents of |frame| into |va_surface_id| for encode.
bool UploadVideoFrameToSurface(const scoped_refptr<VideoFrame>& frame,
VASurfaceID va_surface_id);
// Create a buffer of |size| bytes to be used as encode output.
bool CreateCodedBuffer(size_t size, VABufferID* buffer_id);
// Download the contents of the buffer with given |buffer_id| into a buffer of
// size |target_size|, pointed to by |target_ptr|. The number of bytes
// downloaded will be returned in |coded_data_size|. |sync_surface_id| will
// be used as a sync point, i.e. it will have to become idle before starting
// the download. |sync_surface_id| should be the source surface passed
// to the encode job.
bool DownloadAndDestroyCodedBuffer(VABufferID buffer_id,
VASurfaceID sync_surface_id,
uint8_t* target_ptr,
size_t target_size,
size_t* coded_data_size);
// Destroy all previously-allocated (and not yet destroyed) coded buffers.
void DestroyCodedBuffers();
// Blits a VASurface |va_surface_src| into another VASurface
// |va_surface_dest| applying pixel format conversion and scaling
// if needed.
bool BlitSurface(const scoped_refptr<VASurface>& va_surface_src,
const scoped_refptr<VASurface>& va_surface_dest);
// Initialize static data before sandbox is enabled.
static void PreSandboxInitialization();
// Get the created surfaces format.
unsigned int va_surface_format() const { return va_surface_format_; }
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<VaapiWrapper>;
struct ProfileInfo {
VAProfile va_profile;
gfx::Size max_resolution;
class LazyProfileInfos {
std::vector<ProfileInfo> GetSupportedProfileInfosForCodecMode(
CodecMode mode);
bool IsProfileSupported(CodecMode mode, VAProfile va_profile);
std::vector<ProfileInfo> supported_profiles_[kCodecModeMax];
class VADisplayState {
// |va_lock_| must be held on entry.
bool Initialize();
void Deinitialize(VAStatus* status);
base::Lock* va_lock() { return &va_lock_; }
VADisplay va_display() const { return va_display_; }
#if defined(USE_OZONE)
void SetDrmFd(base::PlatformFile fd);
#endif // USE_OZONE
// Returns true if the VAAPI version is less than the specified version.
bool VAAPIVersionLessThan(int major, int minor);
// Protected by |va_lock_|.
int refcount_;
// Libva is not thread safe, so we have to do locking for it ourselves.
// This lock is to be taken for the duration of all VA-API calls and for
// the entire job submission sequence in ExecuteAndDestroyPendingBuffers().
base::Lock va_lock_;
#if defined(USE_OZONE)
// Drm fd used to obtain access to the driver interface by VA.
base::ScopedFD drm_fd_;
#endif // USE_OZONE
// The VADisplay handle.
VADisplay va_display_;
// The VAAPI version.
int major_version_, minor_version_;
// True if vaInitialize has been called successfully.
bool va_initialized_;
bool Initialize(CodecMode mode, VAProfile va_profile);
void Deinitialize();
bool VaInitialize(const base::Closure& report_error_to_uma_cb);
bool GetSupportedVaProfiles(std::vector<VAProfile>* profiles);
// Check if |va_profile| supports |entrypoint| or not. |va_lock_| must be
// held on entry.
bool IsEntrypointSupported_Locked(VAProfile va_profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint);
// Return true if |va_profile| for |entrypoint| with |required_attribs| is
// supported. |va_lock_| must be held on entry.
bool AreAttribsSupported_Locked(
VAProfile va_profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
const std::vector<VAConfigAttrib>& required_attribs);
// Get maximum resolution for |va_profile| and |entrypoint| with
// |required_attribs|. If return value is true, |resolution| is the maximum
// resolution. |va_lock_| must be held on entry.
bool GetMaxResolution_Locked(VAProfile va_profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
std::vector<VAConfigAttrib>& required_attribs,
gfx::Size* resolution);
// Destroys a |va_surface| created using CreateUnownedSurface.
void DestroyUnownedSurface(VASurfaceID va_surface_id);
// Initialize the video post processing context with the |size| of
// the input pictures to be processed.
bool InitializeVpp_Locked();
// Deinitialize the video post processing context.
void DeinitializeVpp();
// Execute pending job in hardware and destroy pending buffers. Return false
// if vaapi driver refuses to accept parameter or slice buffers submitted
// by client, or if execution fails in hardware.
bool Execute(VASurfaceID va_surface_id);
// Attempt to set render mode to "render to texture.". Failure is non-fatal.
void TryToSetVADisplayAttributeToLocalGPU();
// Get supported profile infos for |mode|.
std::vector<ProfileInfo> GetSupportedProfileInfosForCodecModeInternal(
CodecMode mode);
// Lazily initialize static data after sandbox is enabled. Return false on
// init failure.
static bool PostSandboxInitialization();
// Map VideoCodecProfile enum values to VaProfile values. This function
// includes a workaround for If va_profile is h264 baseline
// and it is not supported, we try constrained baseline.
static VAProfile ProfileToVAProfile(VideoCodecProfile profile,
CodecMode mode);
// Singleton accessors.
static VADisplayState* GetDisplayState();
static LazyProfileInfos* GetProfileInfos();
// Pointer to VADisplayState's member |va_lock_|. Guaranteed to be valid for
// the lifetime of VaapiWrapper.
base::Lock* va_lock_;
// Allocated ids for VASurfaces.
std::vector<VASurfaceID> va_surface_ids_;
// VA format of surfaces with va_surface_ids_.
unsigned int va_surface_format_;
// VA handles.
// All valid after successful Initialize() and until Deinitialize().
VADisplay va_display_;
VAConfigID va_config_id_;
// Created for the current set of va_surface_ids_ in CreateSurfaces() and
// valid until DestroySurfaces().
VAContextID va_context_id_;
// Data queued up for HW codec, to be committed on next execution.
std::vector<VABufferID> pending_slice_bufs_;
std::vector<VABufferID> pending_va_bufs_;
// Bitstream buffers for encode.
std::set<VABufferID> coded_buffers_;
// Called to report codec errors to UMA. Errors to clients are reported via
// return values from public methods.
base::Closure report_error_to_uma_cb_;
// VPP (Video Post Processing) context, this is used to convert
// pictures used by the decoder to RGBA pictures usable by GL or the
// display hardware.
VAConfigID va_vpp_config_id_;
VAContextID va_vpp_context_id_;
VABufferID va_vpp_buffer_id_;
} // namespace media