blob: 0def51dbbd72f2a4e072b70e2b48de52517cdd4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
class Profile;
// This service is responsible for evaluating whether a profile reset trigger
// has been set and not yet consumed by |profile_|. If it has, the profile is
// eligible for reset and a profile reset UI will be shown to the user. The
// intended use case for this is to provide a sanctioned profile reset API for
// third party tools (anti-virus or cleaner tools) that wish to reset users'
// profiles as part of their cleanup flow.
// To use this mechanism from a third party tool, perform the following steps:
// 1) Create (or open) the registry key
// HKCU\Software\$PRODUCT_NAME\TriggeredReset where $PRODUCT_NAME is one
// of the values "Google\\Chrome" or "Chromium".
// 2) Set a REG_SZ value called "ToolName" to the localized name of the tool.
// This string (truncated to kMaxToolNameLength) will be displayed in a
// notification UI. The "ToolName" should be just the name of the tool,
// e.g. "AwesomeAV".
// 3) Set a REG_QWORD value called "Timestamp" with a timestamp for the reset
// event. This value should be obtained from a call to
// ::GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() at the time the reset is requested. This
// value will be persisted in the profile when it is reset and will be used
// to avoid multiple resets.
// Some considerations:
// * Chrome supports multiple profiles. When the above steps are followed,
// each profile will enter the reset flow as it is opened.
// * New profiles created while any timestamp is present will not get the reset
// flow.
class TriggeredProfileResetter : public KeyedService {
enum : size_t { kMaxToolNameLength = 100 };
explicit TriggeredProfileResetter(Profile* profile);
~TriggeredProfileResetter() override;
// Causes the TriggeredProfileResetter to look for the presence of a trigger.
// If a trigger is found, it is disarmed so that future instances of the
// service will no longer trigger a reset. Subsequent calls to HasResetTrigger
// will return whether |profile_| is subject to a reset.
virtual void Activate();
// Returns true iff the given profile has a trigger set for a reset UI flow
// according to the description in the class comment. Must call Activate()
// first.
virtual bool HasResetTrigger();
// Clears the reset trigger such that subsequent calls to |HasResetTrigger|
// will return false.
virtual void ClearResetTrigger();
// Returns the name of the tool that performed the reset. This string will be
// truncated to a length of |kMaxToolNameLength|.
virtual base::string16 GetResetToolName();
Profile* profile_;
bool has_reset_trigger_ = false;
bool activate_called_ = false;
base::string16 tool_name_;
// Exposed for testing.
extern const wchar_t kTriggeredResetRegistryPath[];
extern const wchar_t kTriggeredResetToolName[];
extern const wchar_t kTriggeredResetTimestamp[];