blob: 38c0ed2e58aa0809f6eb9af4224ce2ad59843690 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree_node_blame_context.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_manager.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/content_security_policy/content_security_policy.h"
#include "content/common/frame_owner_properties.h"
#include "content/common/frame_replication_state.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebInsecureRequestPolicy.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace content {
class FrameTree;
class NavigationRequest;
class Navigator;
class RenderFrameHostImpl;
struct ContentSecurityPolicyHeader;
// When a page contains iframes, its renderer process maintains a tree structure
// of those frames. We are mirroring this tree in the browser process. This
// class represents a node in this tree and is a wrapper for all objects that
// are frame-specific (as opposed to page-specific).
class CONTENT_EXPORT FrameTreeNode {
class Observer {
// Invoked when a FrameTreeNode is being destroyed.
virtual void OnFrameTreeNodeDestroyed(FrameTreeNode* node) {}
// Invoked when a FrameTreeNode becomes focused.
virtual void OnFrameTreeNodeFocused(FrameTreeNode* node) {}
virtual ~Observer() {}
static const int kFrameTreeNodeInvalidId = -1;
// Returns the FrameTreeNode with the given global |frame_tree_node_id|,
// regardless of which FrameTree it is in.
static FrameTreeNode* GloballyFindByID(int frame_tree_node_id);
// Callers are are expected to initialize sandbox flags separately after
// calling the constructor.
FrameTreeNode(FrameTree* frame_tree,
Navigator* navigator,
RenderFrameHostDelegate* render_frame_delegate,
RenderWidgetHostDelegate* render_widget_delegate,
RenderFrameHostManager::Delegate* manager_delegate,
FrameTreeNode* parent,
blink::WebTreeScopeType scope,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& unique_name,
const FrameOwnerProperties& frame_owner_properties);
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
bool IsMainFrame() const;
FrameTreeNode* AddChild(std::unique_ptr<FrameTreeNode> child,
int process_id,
int frame_routing_id);
void RemoveChild(FrameTreeNode* child);
// Clears process specific-state in this node to prepare for a new process.
void ResetForNewProcess();
FrameTree* frame_tree() const {
return frame_tree_;
Navigator* navigator() {
return navigator_.get();
RenderFrameHostManager* render_manager() {
return &render_manager_;
int frame_tree_node_id() const {
return frame_tree_node_id_;
const std::string& frame_name() const {
const std::string& unique_name() const {
return replication_state_.unique_name;
size_t child_count() const {
return children_.size();
FrameTreeNode* parent() const { return parent_; }
FrameTreeNode* opener() const { return opener_; }
FrameTreeNode* original_opener() const { return original_opener_; }
// Assigns a new opener for this node and, if |opener| is non-null, registers
// an observer that will clear this node's opener if |opener| is ever
// destroyed.
void SetOpener(FrameTreeNode* opener);
// Assigns the initial opener for this node, and if |opener| is non-null,
// registers an observer that will clear this node's opener if |opener| is
// ever destroyed. The value set here is the root of the tree.
// It is not possible to change the opener once it was set.
void SetOriginalOpener(FrameTreeNode* opener);
FrameTreeNode* child_at(size_t index) const {
return children_[index].get();
// Returns the URL of the last committed page in the current frame.
const GURL& current_url() const {
return current_frame_host()->last_committed_url();
// Sets the last committed URL for this frame and updates
// has_committed_real_load accordingly.
void SetCurrentURL(const GURL& url);
// Returns true iff SetCurrentURL has been called with a non-blank URL.
bool has_committed_real_load() const {
return has_committed_real_load_;
// Returns the origin of the last committed page in this frame.
// WARNING: To get the last committed origin for a particular
// RenderFrameHost, use RenderFrameHost::GetLastCommittedOrigin() instead,
// which will behave correctly even when the RenderFrameHost is not the
// current one for this frame (such as when it's pending deletion).
const url::Origin& current_origin() const {
return replication_state_.origin;
// Set the current origin and notify proxies about the update.
void SetCurrentOrigin(const url::Origin& origin,
bool is_potentially_trustworthy_unique_origin);
// Set the current name and notify proxies about the update.
void SetFrameName(const std::string& name, const std::string& unique_name);
// Set the frame's feature policy header, clearing any existing header.
void SetFeaturePolicyHeader(const ParsedFeaturePolicyHeader& parsed_header);
// Clear any feature policy header associated with the frame.
void ResetFeaturePolicyHeader();
// Add CSP header to replication state, notify proxies about the update and
// enforce it on the browser.
void AddContentSecurityPolicy(
const ContentSecurityPolicyHeader& header,
const std::vector<ContentSecurityPolicy>& policies);
// Discards previous CSP headers and notifies proxies about the update.
// Typically invoked after committing navigation to a new document (since the
// new document comes with a fresh set of CSP http headers).
void ResetContentSecurityPolicy();
// Sets the current insecure request policy, and notifies proxies about the
// update.
void SetInsecureRequestPolicy(blink::WebInsecureRequestPolicy policy);
// Returns the currently active sandbox flags for this frame. This includes
// flags inherited from parent frames and the currently active flags from the
// <iframe> element hosting this frame. This does not include flags that
// have been updated in an <iframe> element but have not taken effect yet;
// use pending_sandbox_flags() for those.
blink::WebSandboxFlags effective_sandbox_flags() const {
return replication_state_.sandbox_flags;
// Returns the latest sandbox flags for this frame. This includes flags
// inherited from parent frames and the latest flags from the <iframe>
// element hosting this frame. The returned flags may not yet have taken
// effect, since sandbox flag updates in an <iframe> element take effect on
// next navigation. To retrieve the currently active sandbox flags for this
// frame, use effective_sandbox_flags().
blink::WebSandboxFlags pending_sandbox_flags() const {
return pending_sandbox_flags_;
// Update this frame's sandbox flags. This is used when a parent frame
// updates sandbox flags in the <iframe> element for this frame. These flags
// won't take effect until next navigation. If this frame's parent is itself
// sandboxed, the parent's sandbox flags are combined with |sandbox_flags|.
void SetPendingSandboxFlags(blink::WebSandboxFlags sandbox_flags);
// Set any pending sandbox flags as active, and return true if the sandbox
// flags were changed.
bool CommitPendingSandboxFlags();
const FrameOwnerProperties& frame_owner_properties() {
return frame_owner_properties_;
void set_frame_owner_properties(
const FrameOwnerProperties& frame_owner_properties) {
frame_owner_properties_ = frame_owner_properties;
bool HasSameOrigin(const FrameTreeNode& node) const {
return replication_state_.origin.IsSameOriginWith(
const FrameReplicationState& current_replication_state() const {
return replication_state_;
RenderFrameHostImpl* current_frame_host() const {
return render_manager_.current_frame_host();
bool IsDescendantOf(FrameTreeNode* other) const;
// Return the node immediately preceding this node in its parent's
// |children_|, or nullptr if there is no such node.
FrameTreeNode* PreviousSibling() const;
// Return the node immediately following this node in its parent's
// |children_|, or nullptr if there is no such node.
FrameTreeNode* NextSibling() const;
// Returns true if this node is in a loading state.
bool IsLoading() const;
// Returns this node's loading progress.
double loading_progress() const { return loading_progress_; }
NavigationRequest* navigation_request() { return navigation_request_.get(); }
// PlzNavigate
// Takes ownership of |navigation_request| and makes it the current
// NavigationRequest of this frame. This corresponds to the start of a new
// navigation. If there was an ongoing navigation request before calling this
// function, it is canceled. |navigation_request| should not be null.
void CreatedNavigationRequest(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> navigation_request);
// PlzNavigate
// Resets the current navigation request. If |keep_state| is true, any state
// created by the NavigationRequest (e.g. speculative RenderFrameHost,
// loading state) will not be reset by the function.
void ResetNavigationRequest(bool keep_state);
// Returns true if this node is in a state where the loading progress is being
// tracked.
bool has_started_loading() const;
// Resets this node's loading progress.
void reset_loading_progress();
// A RenderFrameHost in this node started loading.
// |to_different_document| will be true unless the load is a fragment
// navigation, or triggered by history.pushState/replaceState.
// |was_previously_loading| is false if the FrameTree was not loading before.
// The caller is required to provide this boolean as the delegate should only
// be notified if the FrameTree went from non-loading to loading state.
// However, when it is called, the FrameTree should be in a loading state.
void DidStartLoading(bool to_different_document, bool was_previously_loading);
// A RenderFrameHost in this node stopped loading.
void DidStopLoading();
// The load progress for a RenderFrameHost in this node was updated to
// |load_progress|. This will notify the FrameTree which will in turn notify
// the WebContents.
void DidChangeLoadProgress(double load_progress);
// Called when the user directed the page to stop loading. Stops all loads
// happening in the FrameTreeNode. This method should be used with
// FrameTree::ForEach to stop all loads in the entire FrameTree.
bool StopLoading();
// Returns the time this frame was last focused.
base::TimeTicks last_focus_time() const { return last_focus_time_; }
// Called when this node becomes focused. Updates the node's last focused
// time and notifies observers.
void DidFocus();
// Called when the user closed the modal dialogue for BeforeUnload and
// cancelled the navigation. This should stop any load happening in the
// FrameTreeNode.
void BeforeUnloadCanceled();
// Returns the BlameContext associated with this node.
FrameTreeNodeBlameContext& blame_context() { return blame_context_; }
void OnSetHasReceivedUserGesture();
class OpenerDestroyedObserver;
FrameTreeNode* GetSibling(int relative_offset) const;
// The next available browser-global FrameTreeNode ID.
static int next_frame_tree_node_id_;
// The FrameTree that owns us.
FrameTree* frame_tree_; // not owned.
// The Navigator object responsible for managing navigations at this node
// of the frame tree.
scoped_refptr<Navigator> navigator_;
// Manages creation and swapping of RenderFrameHosts for this frame. This
// must be declared before |children_| so that it gets deleted after them.
// That's currently necessary so that RenderFrameHostImpl's destructor can
// call GetProcess.
RenderFrameHostManager render_manager_;
// A browser-global identifier for the frame in the page, which stays stable
// even if the frame does a cross-process navigation.
const int frame_tree_node_id_;
// The parent node of this frame. |nullptr| if this node is the root.
FrameTreeNode* parent_;
// The frame that opened this frame, if any. Will be set to null if the
// opener is closed, or if this frame disowns its opener by setting its
// window.opener to null.
FrameTreeNode* opener_;
// An observer that clears this node's |opener_| if the opener is destroyed.
// This observer is added to the |opener_|'s observer list when the |opener_|
// is set to a non-null node, and it is removed from that list when |opener_|
// changes or when this node is destroyed. It is also cleared if |opener_|
// is disowned.
std::unique_ptr<OpenerDestroyedObserver> opener_observer_;
// The frame that opened this frame, if any. Contrary to opener_, this
// cannot be changed unless the original opener is destroyed.
FrameTreeNode* original_opener_;
// An observer that clears this node's |original_opener_| if the opener is
// destroyed.
std::unique_ptr<OpenerDestroyedObserver> original_opener_observer_;
// The immediate children of this specific frame.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameTreeNode>> children_;
// Whether this frame has committed any real load, replacing its initial
// about:blank page.
bool has_committed_real_load_;
// Track information that needs to be replicated to processes that have
// proxies for this frame.
FrameReplicationState replication_state_;
// Track the pending sandbox flags for this frame. When a parent frame
// dynamically updates sandbox flags in the <iframe> element for a child
// frame, these updated flags are stored here and are transferred into
// replication_state_.sandbox_flags when they take effect on the next frame
// navigation.
blink::WebSandboxFlags pending_sandbox_flags_;
// Tracks the scrolling and margin properties for this frame. These
// properties affect the child renderer but are stored on its parent's
// frame element. When this frame's parent dynamically updates these
// properties, we update them here too.
// Note that dynamic updates only take effect on the next frame navigation.
FrameOwnerProperties frame_owner_properties_;
// Used to track this node's loading progress (from 0 to 1).
double loading_progress_;
// PlzNavigate
// Owns an ongoing NavigationRequest until it is ready to commit. It will then
// be reset and a RenderFrameHost will be responsible for the navigation.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> navigation_request_;
// List of objects observing this FrameTreeNode.
base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
base::TimeTicks last_focus_time_;
// A helper for tracing the snapshots of this FrameTreeNode and attributing
// browser process activities to this node (when possible). It is unrelated
// to the core logic of FrameTreeNode.
FrameTreeNodeBlameContext blame_context_;
// A set of Content-Security-Policies to enforce on the browser-side.
std::vector<ContentSecurityPolicy> csp_policies_;
} // namespace content