blob: 9d0d22c51d13b7fcefe9fd4efb26983ebdf868a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_entry_impl.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/url_formatter/url_formatter.h"
#include "content/common/content_constants_internal.h"
#include "content/common/navigation_params.h"
#include "content/common/page_state_serialization.h"
#include "content/common/resource_request_body_impl.h"
#include "content/common/site_isolation_policy.h"
#include "content/public/browser/reload_type.h"
#include "content/public/common/browser_side_navigation_policy.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_constants.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h"
using base::UTF16ToUTF8;
namespace content {
namespace {
// Use this to get a new unique ID for a NavigationEntry during construction.
// The returned ID is guaranteed to be nonzero (which is the "no ID" indicator).
int GetUniqueIDInConstructor() {
static int unique_id_counter = 0;
return ++unique_id_counter;
void RecursivelyGenerateFrameEntries(
const ExplodedFrameState& state,
const std::vector<base::NullableString16>& referenced_files,
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* node) {
node->frame_entry = new FrameNavigationEntry(
UTF16ToUTF8(, state.item_sequence_number,
state.document_sequence_number, nullptr, nullptr,
Referrer(GURL(state.referrer.string()), state.referrer_policy), "GET",
// Set a single-frame PageState on the entry.
ExplodedPageState page_state;
// Copy the incoming PageState's list of referenced files into the main
// frame's PageState. (We don't pass the list to subframes below.)
// TODO(creis): Grant access to this list for each process that renders
// this page, even for OOPIFs. Eventually keep track of a verified list of
// files per frame, so that we only grant access to processes that need it.
if (referenced_files.size() > 0)
page_state.referenced_files = referenced_files; = state;
std::string data;
EncodePageState(page_state, &data);
DCHECK(!data.empty()) << "Shouldn't generate an empty PageState.";
// Don't pass the file list to subframes, since that would result in multiple
// copies of it ending up in the combined list in GetPageState (via
// RecursivelyGenerateFrameState).
std::vector<base::NullableString16> empty_file_list;
for (const ExplodedFrameState& child_state : state.children) {
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* child_node =
new NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode(node, nullptr);
RecursivelyGenerateFrameEntries(child_state, empty_file_list, child_node);
void RecursivelyGenerateFrameState(
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* node,
ExplodedFrameState* state,
std::vector<base::NullableString16>* referenced_files) {
// The FrameNavigationEntry's PageState contains just the ExplodedFrameState
// for that particular frame.
ExplodedPageState exploded_page_state;
if (!DecodePageState(node->frame_entry->page_state().ToEncodedData(),
&exploded_page_state)) {
ExplodedFrameState frame_state =;
// Copy the FrameNavigationEntry's frame state into the destination state.
*state = frame_state;
// Copy the frame's files into the PageState's |referenced_files|.
referenced_files->reserve(referenced_files->size() +
for (auto& file : exploded_page_state.referenced_files)
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->children.size(); ++i) {
RecursivelyGenerateFrameState(node->children[i], &state->children[i],
// Walk the ancestor chain for both the |frame_tree_node| and the |node|.
// Comparing the inputs directly is not performed, as this method assumes they
// already match each other. Returns false if a mismatch in unique name or
// ancestor chain is detected, otherwise true.
bool InSameTreePosition(FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* node) {
FrameTreeNode* ftn = frame_tree_node->parent();
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* current_node = node->parent;
while (ftn && current_node) {
if (!current_node->MatchesFrame(ftn))
return false;
if ((!current_node->parent && ftn->parent()) ||
(current_node->parent && !ftn->parent())) {
return false;
ftn = ftn->parent();
current_node = current_node->parent;
return true;
} // namespace
int NavigationEntryImpl::kInvalidBindings = -1;
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode::TreeNode(TreeNode* parent,
FrameNavigationEntry* frame_entry)
: parent(parent), frame_entry(frame_entry) {}
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode::~TreeNode() {
bool NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode::MatchesFrame(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node) const {
// The root node is for the main frame whether the unique name matches or not.
if (!parent)
return frame_tree_node->IsMainFrame();
// Otherwise check the unique name for subframes.
return !frame_tree_node->IsMainFrame() &&
frame_tree_node->unique_name() == frame_entry->frame_unique_name();
FrameNavigationEntry* frame_navigation_entry,
bool clone_children_of_target,
FrameTreeNode* target_frame_tree_node,
FrameTreeNode* current_frame_tree_node,
TreeNode* parent_node) const {
// Clone this TreeNode, possibly replacing its FrameNavigationEntry.
bool is_target_frame =
target_frame_tree_node && MatchesFrame(target_frame_tree_node);
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode> copy(
new NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode(
is_target_frame ? frame_navigation_entry : frame_entry->Clone()));
// Recursively clone the children if needed.
if (!is_target_frame || clone_children_of_target) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* child = children[i];
// Don't check whether it's still in the tree if |current_frame_tree_node|
// is null.
if (!current_frame_tree_node) {
frame_navigation_entry, clone_children_of_target,
target_frame_tree_node, nullptr, copy.get()));
// Otherwise, make sure the frame is still in the tree before cloning it.
// This is O(N^2) in the worst case because we need to look up each frame
// (and since we want to avoid a map of unique names, which can be very
// long). To partly mitigate this, we add an optimization for the common
// case that the two child lists are the same length and are likely in the
// same order: we pick the starting offset of the inner loop to get O(N).
size_t ftn_child_count = current_frame_tree_node->child_count();
for (size_t j = 0; j < ftn_child_count; j++) {
size_t index = j;
// If the two lists of children are the same length, start looking at
// the same index as |child|.
if (children.size() == ftn_child_count)
index = (i + j) % ftn_child_count;
if (current_frame_tree_node->child_at(index)->unique_name() ==
child->frame_entry->frame_unique_name()) {
// Found |child| in the tree. Clone it and break out of inner loop.
frame_navigation_entry, clone_children_of_target,
target_frame_tree_node, current_frame_tree_node->child_at(index),
return copy;
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntry> NavigationEntry::Create() {
return base::WrapUnique(new NavigationEntryImpl());
NavigationEntryImpl* NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(
NavigationEntry* entry) {
return static_cast<NavigationEntryImpl*>(entry);
const NavigationEntryImpl* NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(
const NavigationEntry* entry) {
return static_cast<const NavigationEntryImpl*>(entry);
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntry> entry) {
return base::WrapUnique(FromNavigationEntry(entry.release()));
: NavigationEntryImpl(nullptr, GURL(), Referrer(), base::string16(),
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> instance,
const GURL& url,
const Referrer& referrer,
const base::string16& title,
ui::PageTransition transition_type,
bool is_renderer_initiated)
: frame_tree_(new TreeNode(nullptr,
new FrameNavigationEntry("",
ssl_error_(false) {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
has_user_gesture_ = false;
NavigationEntryImpl::~NavigationEntryImpl() {
int NavigationEntryImpl::GetUniqueID() const {
return unique_id_;
PageType NavigationEntryImpl::GetPageType() const {
return page_type_;
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetURL(const GURL& url) {
const GURL& NavigationEntryImpl::GetURL() const {
return frame_tree_->frame_entry->url();
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetBaseURLForDataURL(const GURL& url) {
base_url_for_data_url_ = url;
const GURL& NavigationEntryImpl::GetBaseURLForDataURL() const {
return base_url_for_data_url_;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetDataURLAsString(
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedString> data_url) {
if (data_url) {
// A quick check that it's actually a data URL.
DCHECK(base::StartsWith(data_url->front_as<char>(), url::kDataScheme,
data_url_as_string_ = data_url;
const scoped_refptr<const base::RefCountedString>
NavigationEntryImpl::GetDataURLAsString() const {
return data_url_as_string_;
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetReferrer(const Referrer& referrer) {
const Referrer& NavigationEntryImpl::GetReferrer() const {
return frame_tree_->frame_entry->referrer();
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetVirtualURL(const GURL& url) {
virtual_url_ = (url == GetURL()) ? GURL() : url;
const GURL& NavigationEntryImpl::GetVirtualURL() const {
return virtual_url_.is_empty() ? GetURL() : virtual_url_;
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetTitle(const base::string16& title) {
title_ = title;
const base::string16& NavigationEntryImpl::GetTitle() const {
return title_;
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetPageState(const PageState& state) {
// SetPageState should only be called before the NavigationEntry has been
// loaded, such as for restore (when there are no subframe
// FrameNavigationEntries yet). However, some callers expect to call this
// after a Clone but before loading the page. Clone will copy over the
// subframe entries, and we should reset them before setting the state again.
// TODO(creis): It would be good to verify that this NavigationEntry hasn't
// been loaded yet in cases that SetPageState is called while subframe
// entries exist, but there's currently no way to check that.
if (!frame_tree_->children.empty())
// If the PageState can't be parsed or has no children, just store it on the
// main frame's FrameNavigationEntry without recursively creating subframe
// entries.
ExplodedPageState exploded_state;
if (!DecodePageState(state.ToEncodedData(), &exploded_state) || == 0U) {
RecursivelyGenerateFrameEntries(, exploded_state.referenced_files, frame_tree_.get());
PageState NavigationEntryImpl::GetPageState() const {
// Just return the main frame's state if there are no subframe
// FrameNavigationEntries.
if (frame_tree_->children.size() == 0U)
return frame_tree_->frame_entry->page_state();
// When we're using subframe entries, each FrameNavigationEntry has a
// frame-specific PageState. We combine these into an ExplodedPageState tree
// and generate a full PageState from it.
ExplodedPageState exploded_state;
RecursivelyGenerateFrameState(frame_tree_.get(), &,
std::string encoded_data;
EncodePageState(exploded_state, &encoded_data);
return PageState::CreateFromEncodedData(encoded_data);
void NavigationEntryImpl::set_site_instance(
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> site_instance) {
// TODO(creis): Update all callers and remove this method.
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetBindings(int bindings) {
// Ensure this is set to a valid value, and that it stays the same once set.
CHECK_NE(bindings, kInvalidBindings);
CHECK(bindings_ == kInvalidBindings || bindings_ == bindings);
bindings_ = bindings;
const base::string16& NavigationEntryImpl::GetTitleForDisplay() const {
// Most pages have real titles. Don't even bother caching anything if this is
// the case.
if (!title_.empty())
return title_;
// More complicated cases will use the URLs as the title. This result we will
// cache since it's more complicated to compute.
if (!cached_display_title_.empty())
return cached_display_title_;
// Use the virtual URL first if any, and fall back on using the real URL.
base::string16 title;
if (!virtual_url_.is_empty()) {
title = url_formatter::FormatUrl(virtual_url_);
} else if (!GetURL().is_empty()) {
title = url_formatter::FormatUrl(GetURL());
// For file:// URLs use the filename as the title, not the full path.
if (GetURL().SchemeIsFile()) {
// It is necessary to ignore the reference and query parameters or else
// looking for slashes might accidentally return one of those values. See
base::string16::size_type refpos = title.find('#');
base::string16::size_type querypos = title.find('?');
base::string16::size_type lastpos;
if (refpos == base::string16::npos)
lastpos = querypos;
else if (querypos == base::string16::npos)
lastpos = refpos;
lastpos = (refpos < querypos) ? refpos : querypos;
base::string16::size_type slashpos = title.rfind('/', lastpos);
if (slashpos != base::string16::npos)
title = title.substr(slashpos + 1);
} else if (base::i18n::StringContainsStrongRTLChars(title)) {
// Wrap the URL in an LTR embedding for proper handling of RTL characters.
// (RFC 3987 Section 4.1 states that "Bidirectional IRIs MUST be rendered in
// the same way as they would be if they were in a left-to-right
// embedding".)
gfx::ElideString(title, kMaxTitleChars, &cached_display_title_);
return cached_display_title_;
bool NavigationEntryImpl::IsViewSourceMode() const {
return virtual_url_.SchemeIs(kViewSourceScheme);
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetTransitionType(
ui::PageTransition transition_type) {
transition_type_ = transition_type;
ui::PageTransition NavigationEntryImpl::GetTransitionType() const {
return transition_type_;
const GURL& NavigationEntryImpl::GetUserTypedURL() const {
return user_typed_url_;
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetHasPostData(bool has_post_data) {
frame_tree_->frame_entry->set_method(has_post_data ? "POST" : "GET");
bool NavigationEntryImpl::GetHasPostData() const {
return frame_tree_->frame_entry->method() == "POST";
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetPostID(int64_t post_id) {
int64_t NavigationEntryImpl::GetPostID() const {
return frame_tree_->frame_entry->post_id();
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetPostData(
const scoped_refptr<ResourceRequestBody>& data) {
post_data_ = static_cast<ResourceRequestBodyImpl*>(data.get());
scoped_refptr<ResourceRequestBody> NavigationEntryImpl::GetPostData() const {
return post_data_.get();
const FaviconStatus& NavigationEntryImpl::GetFavicon() const {
return favicon_;
FaviconStatus& NavigationEntryImpl::GetFavicon() {
return favicon_;
const SSLStatus& NavigationEntryImpl::GetSSL() const {
return ssl_;
SSLStatus& NavigationEntryImpl::GetSSL() {
return ssl_;
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetOriginalRequestURL(const GURL& original_url) {
original_request_url_ = original_url;
const GURL& NavigationEntryImpl::GetOriginalRequestURL() const {
return original_request_url_;
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetIsOverridingUserAgent(bool override) {
is_overriding_user_agent_ = override;
bool NavigationEntryImpl::GetIsOverridingUserAgent() const {
return is_overriding_user_agent_;
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetTimestamp(base::Time timestamp) {
timestamp_ = timestamp;
base::Time NavigationEntryImpl::GetTimestamp() const {
return timestamp_;
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetHttpStatusCode(int http_status_code) {
http_status_code_ = http_status_code;
int NavigationEntryImpl::GetHttpStatusCode() const {
return http_status_code_;
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetRedirectChain(
const std::vector<GURL>& redirect_chain) {
const std::vector<GURL>& NavigationEntryImpl::GetRedirectChain() const {
return root_node()->frame_entry->redirect_chain();
bool NavigationEntryImpl::IsRestored() const {
return restore_type_ != RestoreType::NONE;
std::string NavigationEntryImpl::GetExtraHeaders() const {
return extra_headers_;
void NavigationEntryImpl::AddExtraHeaders(
const std::string& more_extra_headers) {
if (!extra_headers_.empty())
extra_headers_ += "\r\n";
extra_headers_ += more_extra_headers;
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetCanLoadLocalResources(bool allow) {
can_load_local_resources_ = allow;
bool NavigationEntryImpl::GetCanLoadLocalResources() const {
return can_load_local_resources_;
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetExtraData(const std::string& key,
const base::string16& data) {
extra_data_[key] = data;
bool NavigationEntryImpl::GetExtraData(const std::string& key,
base::string16* data) const {
std::map<std::string, base::string16>::const_iterator iter =
if (iter == extra_data_.end())
return false;
*data = iter->second;
return true;
void NavigationEntryImpl::ClearExtraData(const std::string& key) {
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> NavigationEntryImpl::Clone() const {
return NavigationEntryImpl::CloneAndReplace(nullptr, false, nullptr, nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> NavigationEntryImpl::CloneAndReplace(
FrameNavigationEntry* frame_navigation_entry,
bool clone_children_of_target,
FrameTreeNode* target_frame_tree_node,
FrameTreeNode* root_frame_tree_node) const {
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> copy =
base::WrapUnique(new NavigationEntryImpl());
// TODO(creis): Only share the same FrameNavigationEntries if cloning within
// the same tab.
copy->frame_tree_ = frame_tree_->CloneAndReplace(
frame_navigation_entry, clone_children_of_target, target_frame_tree_node,
root_frame_tree_node, nullptr);
// Copy most state over, unless cleared in ResetForCommit.
// Don't copy unique_id_, otherwise it won't be unique.
copy->bindings_ = bindings_;
copy->page_type_ = page_type_;
copy->virtual_url_ = virtual_url_;
copy->update_virtual_url_with_url_ = update_virtual_url_with_url_;
copy->title_ = title_;
copy->favicon_ = favicon_;
copy->ssl_ = ssl_;
copy->transition_type_ = transition_type_;
copy->user_typed_url_ = user_typed_url_;
copy->restore_type_ = restore_type_;
copy->original_request_url_ = original_request_url_;
copy->is_overriding_user_agent_ = is_overriding_user_agent_;
copy->timestamp_ = timestamp_;
copy->http_status_code_ = http_status_code_;
// ResetForCommit: post_data_
copy->screenshot_ = screenshot_;
copy->extra_headers_ = extra_headers_;
copy->base_url_for_data_url_ = base_url_for_data_url_;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
copy->data_url_as_string_ = data_url_as_string_;
// ResetForCommit: is_renderer_initiated_
copy->cached_display_title_ = cached_display_title_;
// ResetForCommit: transferred_global_request_id_
// ResetForCommit: should_replace_entry_
// ResetForCommit: should_clear_history_list_
// ResetForCommit: frame_tree_node_id_
// ResetForCommit: intent_received_timestamp_
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
copy->has_user_gesture_ = has_user_gesture_;
// ResetForCommit: reload_type_
copy->extra_data_ = extra_data_;
return copy;
CommonNavigationParams NavigationEntryImpl::ConstructCommonNavigationParams(
const FrameNavigationEntry& frame_entry,
const scoped_refptr<ResourceRequestBodyImpl>& post_body,
const GURL& dest_url,
const Referrer& dest_referrer,
FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::Value navigation_type,
PreviewsState previews_state,
const base::TimeTicks& navigation_start) const {
FrameMsg_UILoadMetricsReportType::Value report_type =
base::TimeTicks ui_timestamp = base::TimeTicks();
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
if (!intent_received_timestamp().is_null())
report_type = FrameMsg_UILoadMetricsReportType::REPORT_INTENT;
ui_timestamp = intent_received_timestamp();
std::string method;
// TODO(clamy): Consult the FrameNavigationEntry in all modes that use
// subframe navigation entries.
if (IsBrowserSideNavigationEnabled())
method = frame_entry.method();
method = (post_body.get() || GetHasPostData()) ? "POST" : "GET";
return CommonNavigationParams(
dest_url, dest_referrer, GetTransitionType(), navigation_type,
!IsViewSourceMode(), should_replace_entry(), ui_timestamp, report_type,
GetBaseURLForDataURL(), GetHistoryURLForDataURL(), previews_state,
navigation_start, method, post_body ? post_body : post_data_);
StartNavigationParams NavigationEntryImpl::ConstructStartNavigationParams()
const {
return StartNavigationParams(extra_headers(),
RequestNavigationParams NavigationEntryImpl::ConstructRequestNavigationParams(
const FrameNavigationEntry& frame_entry,
const GURL& original_url,
const std::string& original_method,
bool is_history_navigation_in_new_child,
const std::map<std::string, bool>& subframe_unique_names,
bool has_committed_real_load,
bool intended_as_new_entry,
int pending_history_list_offset,
int current_history_list_offset,
int current_history_list_length) const {
// Set the redirect chain to the navigation's redirects, unless returning to a
// completed navigation (whose previous redirects don't apply).
std::vector<GURL> redirects;
if (ui::PageTransitionIsNewNavigation(GetTransitionType())) {
redirects = frame_entry.redirect_chain();
int pending_offset_to_send = pending_history_list_offset;
int current_offset_to_send = current_history_list_offset;
int current_length_to_send = current_history_list_length;
if (should_clear_history_list()) {
// Set the history list related parameters to the same values a
// NavigationController would return before its first navigation. This will
// fully clear the RenderView's view of the session history.
pending_offset_to_send = -1;
current_offset_to_send = -1;
current_length_to_send = 0;
bool user_gesture = false;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
user_gesture = has_user_gesture();
RequestNavigationParams request_params(
GetIsOverridingUserAgent(), redirects, original_url, original_method,
GetCanLoadLocalResources(), frame_entry.page_state(), GetUniqueID(),
is_history_navigation_in_new_child, subframe_unique_names,
has_committed_real_load, intended_as_new_entry, pending_offset_to_send,
current_offset_to_send, current_length_to_send, IsViewSourceMode(),
should_clear_history_list(), user_gesture);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
if (GetDataURLAsString() &&
GetDataURLAsString()->size() <= kMaxLengthOfDataURLString) {
// The number of characters that is enough for validating a data: URI. From
// the GURL's POV, the only important part here is scheme, it doesn't check
// the actual content. Thus we can take only the prefix of the url, to avoid
// unneeded copying of a potentially long string.
const size_t kDataUriPrefixMaxLen = 64;
GURL data_url(std::string(
std::min(GetDataURLAsString()->size(), kDataUriPrefixMaxLen)));
if (data_url.is_valid() && data_url.SchemeIs(url::kDataScheme))
request_params.data_url_as_string = GetDataURLAsString()->data();
return request_params;
void NavigationEntryImpl::ResetForCommit(FrameNavigationEntry* frame_entry) {
// Any state that only matters when a navigation entry is pending should be
// cleared here.
// TODO(creis): This state should be moved to NavigationRequest once
// PlzNavigate is enabled.
if (frame_entry)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Reset the time stamp so that the metrics are not reported if this entry is
// loaded again in the future.
void NavigationEntryImpl::AddOrUpdateFrameEntry(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
int64_t item_sequence_number,
int64_t document_sequence_number,
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> source_site_instance,
const GURL& url,
const Referrer& referrer,
const std::vector<GURL>& redirect_chain,
const PageState& page_state,
const std::string& method,
int64_t post_id) {
// If this is called for the main frame, the FrameNavigationEntry is
// guaranteed to exist, so just update it directly and return.
if (frame_tree_node->IsMainFrame()) {
// If the document of the FrameNavigationEntry is changing, we must clear
// any child FrameNavigationEntries.
if (root_node()->frame_entry->document_sequence_number() !=
frame_tree_node->unique_name(), item_sequence_number,
document_sequence_number, site_instance,
std::move(source_site_instance), url, referrer, redirect_chain,
page_state, method, post_id);
// We should already have a TreeNode for the parent node by the time this node
// commits. Find it first.
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* parent_node =
if (!parent_node) {
// The renderer should not send a commit for a subframe before its parent.
// TODO(creis): Kill the renderer if we get here.
// Now check whether we have a TreeNode for the node itself.
const std::string& unique_name = frame_tree_node->unique_name();
for (TreeNode* child : parent_node->children) {
if (child->frame_entry->frame_unique_name() == unique_name) {
// If the document of the FrameNavigationEntry is changing, we must clear
// any child FrameNavigationEntries.
if (child->frame_entry->document_sequence_number() !=
// Update the existing FrameNavigationEntry (e.g., for replaceState).
unique_name, item_sequence_number, document_sequence_number,
site_instance, std::move(source_site_instance), url, referrer,
redirect_chain, page_state, method, post_id);
// No entry exists yet, so create a new one.
// Unordered list, since we expect to look up entries by frame sequence number
// or unique name.
FrameNavigationEntry* frame_entry = new FrameNavigationEntry(
unique_name, item_sequence_number, document_sequence_number,
site_instance, std::move(source_site_instance), url, referrer, method,
new NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode(parent_node, frame_entry));
FrameNavigationEntry* NavigationEntryImpl::GetFrameEntry(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node) const {
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* tree_node = FindFrameEntry(frame_tree_node);
return tree_node ? tree_node->frame_entry.get() : nullptr;
std::map<std::string, bool> NavigationEntryImpl::GetSubframeUniqueNames(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node) const {
std::map<std::string, bool> names;
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* tree_node = FindFrameEntry(frame_tree_node);
if (tree_node) {
// Return the names of all immediate children.
for (TreeNode* child : tree_node->children) {
// Keep track of whether we would be loading about:blank, since the
// renderer should be allowed to just commit the initial blank frame if
// that was the default URL. PageState doesn't matter there, because
// content injected into about:blank frames doesn't use it.
// Be careful not to rely on FrameNavigationEntry's URLs in this check,
// because the committed URL in the browser could be rewritten to
// about:blank.
// See RenderProcessHostImpl::FilterURL to know which URLs are rewritten.
// See for details.
bool is_about_blank = false;
ExplodedPageState exploded_page_state;
if (DecodePageState(child->frame_entry->page_state().ToEncodedData(),
&exploded_page_state)) {
ExplodedFrameState frame_state =;
if (UTF16ToUTF8(frame_state.url_string.string()) == url::kAboutBlankURL)
is_about_blank = true;
names[child->frame_entry->frame_unique_name()] = is_about_blank;
return names;
void NavigationEntryImpl::ClearStaleFrameEntriesForNewFrame(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node) {
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* node = nullptr;
std::queue<NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode*> work_queue;
int count = 0;
while (!work_queue.empty()) {
node = work_queue.front();
// Enqueue any children and keep looking if the current node doesn't match.
if (!node->MatchesFrame(frame_tree_node)) {
for (auto* child : node->children) {
// Remove the node from the tree if it is not in the same position in the
// tree of FrameNavigationEntries and the FrameTree.
if (!InSameTreePosition(frame_tree_node, node)) {
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* parent_node = node->parent;
auto it = std::find(parent_node->children.begin(),
parent_node->children.end(), node);
CHECK(it != parent_node->children.end());
// At most one match is expected, since it is based on unique frame name.
DCHECK_LE(count, 1);
void NavigationEntryImpl::SetScreenshotPNGData(
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedBytes> png_data) {
screenshot_ = png_data;
if (screenshot_.get())
UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_KB("Overscroll.ScreenshotSize", screenshot_->size());
GURL NavigationEntryImpl::GetHistoryURLForDataURL() const {
return GetBaseURLForDataURL().is_empty() ? GURL() : GetVirtualURL();
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* NavigationEntryImpl::FindFrameEntry(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node) const {
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* node = nullptr;
std::queue<NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode*> work_queue;
while (!work_queue.empty()) {
node = work_queue.front();
if (node->MatchesFrame(frame_tree_node))
return node;
// Enqueue any children and keep looking.
for (auto* child : node->children)
return nullptr;
} // namespace content