blob: 3c710076680d0e1fd93e325efd2964f4a9efa5ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/skia_color_space_util.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace gfx {
namespace {
// Evaluate the gradient of the linear component of fn
void SkTransferFnEvalGradientLinear(const SkColorSpaceTransferFn& fn,
float x,
float* d_fn_d_fC_at_x,
float* d_fn_d_fF_at_x) {
*d_fn_d_fC_at_x = x;
*d_fn_d_fF_at_x = 1.f;
// Solve for the parameters fC and fF, given the parameter fD.
void SkTransferFnSolveLinear(SkColorSpaceTransferFn* fn,
const float* x,
const float* t,
size_t n) {
// If this has no linear segment, don't try to solve for one.
if (fn->fD <= 0) {
fn->fC = 1;
fn->fF = 0;
// Let ne_lhs be the left hand side of the normal equations, and let ne_rhs
// be the right hand side. This is a 4x4 matrix, but we will only update the
// upper-left 2x2 sub-matrix.
SkMatrix44 ne_lhs;
SkVector4 ne_rhs;
for (int row = 0; row < 2; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < 2; ++col) {
ne_lhs.set(row, col, 0);
for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row)
ne_rhs.fData[row] = 0;
// Add the contributions from each sample to the normal equations.
float x_linear_max = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// Ignore points in the nonlinear segment.
if (x[i] >= fn->fD)
x_linear_max = std::max(x_linear_max, x[i]);
// Let J be the gradient of fn with respect to parameters C and F, evaluated
// at this point.
float J[2];
SkTransferFnEvalGradientLinear(*fn, x[i], &J[0], &J[1]);
// Let r be the residual at this point.
float r = t[i];
// Update the normal equations left hand side with the outer product of J
// with itself.
for (int row = 0; row < 2; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < 2; ++col) {
ne_lhs.set(row, col, ne_lhs.get(row, col) + J[row] * J[col]);
// Update the normal equations right hand side the product of J with the
// residual
ne_rhs.fData[row] += J[row] * r;
// If we only have a single x point at 0, that isn't enough to construct a
// linear segment, so add an additional point connecting to the nonlinear
// segment.
if (x_linear_max == 0) {
float J[2];
SkTransferFnEvalGradientLinear(*fn, fn->fD, &J[0], &J[1]);
float r = SkTransferFnEval(*fn, fn->fD);
for (int row = 0; row < 2; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < 2; ++col) {
ne_lhs.set(row, col, ne_lhs.get(row, col) + J[row] * J[col]);
ne_rhs.fData[row] += J[row] * r;
// Solve the normal equations.
SkMatrix44 ne_lhs_inv;
bool invert_result = ne_lhs.invert(&ne_lhs_inv);
SkVector4 solution = ne_lhs_inv * ne_rhs;
// Update the transfer function.
fn->fC = solution.fData[0];
fn->fF = solution.fData[1];
// Evaluate the gradient of the nonlinear component of fn
void SkTransferFnEvalGradientNonlinear(const SkColorSpaceTransferFn& fn,
float x,
float* d_fn_d_fA_at_x,
float* d_fn_d_fB_at_x,
float* d_fn_d_fE_at_x,
float* d_fn_d_fG_at_x) {
float base = fn.fA * x + fn.fB;
if (base > 0.f) {
*d_fn_d_fA_at_x = fn.fG * x * std::pow(base, fn.fG - 1.f);
*d_fn_d_fB_at_x = fn.fG * std::pow(base, fn.fG - 1.f);
*d_fn_d_fE_at_x = 1.f;
*d_fn_d_fG_at_x = std::pow(base, fn.fG) * std::log(base);
} else {
*d_fn_d_fA_at_x = 0.f;
*d_fn_d_fB_at_x = 0.f;
*d_fn_d_fE_at_x = 0.f;
*d_fn_d_fG_at_x = 0.f;
// Take one Gauss-Newton step updating fA, fB, fE, and fG, given fD.
bool SkTransferFnGaussNewtonStepNonlinear(SkColorSpaceTransferFn* fn,
float* error_Linfty_after,
const float* x,
const float* t,
size_t n) {
// Let ne_lhs be the left hand side of the normal equations, and let ne_rhs
// be the right hand side. Zero the diagonal of |ne_lhs| and all of |ne_rhs|.
SkMatrix44 ne_lhs;
SkVector4 ne_rhs;
for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < 4; ++col) {
ne_lhs.set(row, col, 0);
ne_rhs.fData[row] = 0;
// Add the contributions from each sample to the normal equations.
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// Ignore points in the linear segment.
if (x[i] < fn->fD)
// Let J be the gradient of fn with respect to parameters A, B, E, and G,
// evaulated at this point.
float J[4];
SkTransferFnEvalGradientNonlinear(*fn, x[i], &J[0], &J[1], &J[2], &J[3]);
// Let r be the residual at this point;
float r = t[i] - SkTransferFnEval(*fn, x[i]);
// Update the normal equations left hand side with the outer product of J
// with itself.
for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < 4; ++col) {
ne_lhs.set(row, col, ne_lhs.get(row, col) + J[row] * J[col]);
// Update the normal equations right hand side the product of J with the
// residual
ne_rhs.fData[row] += J[row] * r;
// Note that if fG = 1, then the normal equations will be singular (because,
// when fG = 1, because fB and fE are equivalent parameters). To avoid
// problems, fix fE (row/column 3) in these circumstances.
float kEpsilonForG = 1.f / 1024.f;
if (std::abs(fn->fG - 1) < kEpsilonForG) {
for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {
float value = (row == 2) ? 1.f : 0.f;
ne_lhs.set(row, 2, value);
ne_lhs.set(2, row, value);
ne_rhs.fData[2] = 0.f;
// Solve the normal equations.
SkMatrix44 ne_lhs_inv;
if (!ne_lhs.invert(&ne_lhs_inv))
return false;
SkVector4 step = ne_lhs_inv * ne_rhs;
// Update the transfer function.
fn->fA += step.fData[0];
fn->fB += step.fData[1];
fn->fE += step.fData[2];
fn->fG += step.fData[3];
// fA should always be positive.
fn->fA = std::max(fn->fA, 0.f);
// Ensure that fn be defined at fD.
if (fn->fA * fn->fD + fn->fB < 0.f)
fn->fB = -fn->fA * fn->fD;
// Compute the Linfinity error.
*error_Linfty_after = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (x[i] >= fn->fD) {
float error = std::abs(t[i] - SkTransferFnEval(*fn, x[i]));
*error_Linfty_after = std::max(error, *error_Linfty_after);
return true;
// Solve for fA, fB, fE, and fG, given fD. The initial value of |fn| is the
// point from which iteration starts.
bool SkTransferFnSolveNonlinear(SkColorSpaceTransferFn* fn,
const float* x,
const float* t,
size_t n) {
// Take a maximum of 8 Gauss-Newton steps.
const size_t kNumSteps = 8;
// The L-infinity error after each step.
float step_error[kNumSteps] = {0};
size_t step = 0;
for (;; ++step) {
// If the normal equations are singular, we can't continue.
if (!SkTransferFnGaussNewtonStepNonlinear(fn, &step_error[step], x, t, n))
return false;
// If the error is inf or nan, we are clearly not converging.
if (std::isnan(step_error[step]) || std::isinf(step_error[step]))
return false;
// Stop if our error is tiny.
float kEarlyOutTinyErrorThreshold = (1.f / 16.f) / 256.f;
if (step_error[step] < kEarlyOutTinyErrorThreshold)
// Stop if our error is not changing, or changing in the wrong direction.
if (step > 1) {
// If our error is is huge for two iterations, we're probably not in the
// region of convergence.
if (step_error[step] > 1.f && step_error[step - 1] > 1.f)
return false;
// If our error didn't change by ~1%, assume we've converged as much as we
// are going to.
const float kEarlyOutByPercentChangeThreshold = 32.f / 256.f;
const float kMinimumPercentChange = 1.f / 128.f;
float percent_change =
std::abs(step_error[step] - step_error[step - 1]) / step_error[step];
if (percent_change < kMinimumPercentChange &&
step_error[step] < kEarlyOutByPercentChangeThreshold) {
if (step == kNumSteps - 1)
// Declare failure if our error is obviously too high.
float kDidNotConvergeThreshold = 64.f / 256.f;
if (step_error[step] > kDidNotConvergeThreshold)
return false;
// We've converged to a reasonable solution. If some of the parameters are
// extremely close to 0 or 1, set them to 0 or 1.
const float kRoundEpsilon = 1.f / 1024.f;
if (std::abs(fn->fA - 1.f) < kRoundEpsilon)
fn->fA = 1.f;
if (std::abs(fn->fB) < kRoundEpsilon)
fn->fB = 0;
if (std::abs(fn->fE) < kRoundEpsilon)
fn->fE = 0;
if (std::abs(fn->fG - 1.f) < kRoundEpsilon)
fn->fG = 1.f;
return true;
bool SkApproximateTransferFnInternal(const float* x,
const float* t,
size_t n,
SkColorSpaceTransferFn* fn) {
// First, guess at a value of fD. Assume that the nonlinear segment applies
// to all x >= 0.25. This is generally a safe assumption (fD is usually less
// than 0.1).
fn->fD = 0.25f;
// Do a nonlinear regression on the nonlinear segment. Use a number of guesses
// for the initial value of fG, because not all values will converge.
bool nonlinear_fit_converged = false;
const size_t kNumInitialGammas = 4;
float initial_gammas[kNumInitialGammas] = {2.2f, 1.f, 3.f, 0.5f};
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumInitialGammas; ++i) {
fn->fG = initial_gammas[i];
fn->fA = 1;
fn->fB = 0;
fn->fC = 1;
fn->fE = 0;
fn->fF = 0;
if (SkTransferFnSolveNonlinear(fn, x, t, n)) {
nonlinear_fit_converged = true;
if (!nonlinear_fit_converged)
return false;
// Now walk back fD from our initial guess to the point where our nonlinear
// fit no longer fits (or all the way to 0 if it fits).
// Find the L-infinity error of this nonlinear fit (using our old fD value).
float max_error_in_nonlinear_fit = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (x[i] < fn->fD)
float error_at_xi = std::abs(t[i] - SkTransferFnEval(*fn, x[i]));
max_error_in_nonlinear_fit =
std::max(max_error_in_nonlinear_fit, error_at_xi);
// Now find the maximum x value where this nonlinear fit is no longer
// accurate or no longer defined.
fn->fD = 0.f;
float max_x_where_nonlinear_does_not_fit = -1.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
bool nonlinear_fits_xi = true;
if (fn->fA * x[i] + fn->fB < 0) {
// The nonlinear segment is undefined when fA * x + fB is less than 0.
nonlinear_fits_xi = false;
} else {
// Define "no longer accurate" as "has more than 10% more error than
// the maximum error in the fit segment".
float error_at_xi = std::abs(t[i] - SkTransferFnEval(*fn, x[i]));
if (error_at_xi > 1.1f * max_error_in_nonlinear_fit)
nonlinear_fits_xi = false;
if (!nonlinear_fits_xi) {
max_x_where_nonlinear_does_not_fit =
std::max(max_x_where_nonlinear_does_not_fit, x[i]);
// Now let fD be the highest sample of x that is above the threshold where
// the nonlinear segment does not fit.
fn->fD = 1.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (x[i] > max_x_where_nonlinear_does_not_fit)
fn->fD = std::min(fn->fD, x[i]);
// Compute the linear segment, now that we have our definitive fD.
SkTransferFnSolveLinear(fn, x, t, n);
return true;
} // namespace
float SkTransferFnEval(const SkColorSpaceTransferFn& fn, float x) {
if (x < 0.f)
return 0.f;
if (x < fn.fD)
return fn.fC * x + fn.fF;
return std::pow(fn.fA * x + fn.fB, fn.fG) + fn.fE;
SkColorSpaceTransferFn SkTransferFnInverse(const SkColorSpaceTransferFn& fn) {
SkColorSpaceTransferFn fn_inv = {0};
if (fn.fA > 0 && fn.fG > 0) {
double a_to_the_g = std::pow(fn.fA, fn.fG);
fn_inv.fA = 1.f / a_to_the_g;
fn_inv.fB = -fn.fE / a_to_the_g;
fn_inv.fG = 1.f / fn.fG;
fn_inv.fD = fn.fC * fn.fD + fn.fF;
fn_inv.fE = -fn.fB / fn.fA;
if (fn.fC != 0) {
fn_inv.fC = 1.f / fn.fC;
fn_inv.fF = -fn.fF / fn.fC;
return fn_inv;
bool SkTransferFnsApproximatelyCancel(const SkColorSpaceTransferFn& a,
const SkColorSpaceTransferFn& b) {
const float kStep = 1.f / 8.f;
const float kEpsilon = 2.5f / 256.f;
for (float x = 0; x <= 1.f; x += kStep) {
float a_of_x = SkTransferFnEval(a, x);
float b_of_a_of_x = SkTransferFnEval(b, a_of_x);
if (std::abs(b_of_a_of_x - x) > kEpsilon)
return false;
return true;
bool SkTransferFnIsApproximatelyIdentity(const SkColorSpaceTransferFn& a) {
const float kStep = 1.f / 8.f;
const float kEpsilon = 2.5f / 256.f;
for (float x = 0; x <= 1.f; x += kStep) {
float a_of_x = SkTransferFnEval(a, x);
if (std::abs(a_of_x - x) > kEpsilon)
return false;
return true;
bool SkApproximateTransferFn(const float* x,
const float* t,
size_t n,
SkColorSpaceTransferFn* fn) {
if (SkApproximateTransferFnInternal(x, t, n, fn))
return true;
fn->fA = 1;
fn->fB = 0;
fn->fC = 1;
fn->fD = 0;
fn->fE = 0;
fn->fF = 0;
fn->fG = 1;
return false;
bool GFX_EXPORT SkApproximateTransferFn(sk_sp<SkICC> sk_icc,
float* max_error,
SkColorSpaceTransferFn* fn) {
SkICC::Tables tables;
bool got_tables = sk_icc->rawTransferFnData(&tables);
if (!got_tables)
return false;
// Merge all channels' tables into a single array.
SkICC::Channel* channels[3] = {&tables.fGreen, &tables.fRed, &tables.fBlue};
std::vector<float> x;
std::vector<float> t;
for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
SkICC::Channel* channel = channels[c];
const float* data = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(
tables.fStorage->bytes() + channel->fOffset);
for (int i = 0; i < channel->fCount; ++i) {
float xi = i / (channel->fCount - 1.f);
float ti = data[i];
// Approximate the transfer function.
bool converged =
SkApproximateTransferFnInternal(,, x.size(), fn);
if (!converged)
return false;
// Compute the error among all channels.
*max_error = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) {
float fn_of_xi = gfx::SkTransferFnEval(*fn, x[i]);
float error_at_xi = std::abs(t[i] - fn_of_xi);
*max_error = std::max(*max_error, error_at_xi);
return true;
bool SkMatrixIsApproximatelyIdentity(const SkMatrix44& m) {
const float kEpsilon = 1.f / 256.f;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
float identity_value = i == j ? 1 : 0;
float value = m.get(i, j);
if (std::abs(identity_value - value) > kEpsilon)
return false;
return true;
} // namespace gfx