blob: afc8beb798ef28d2e7301c3065c0f1ff8ae14bf8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "device/gamepad/gamepad_pad_state_provider.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "device/gamepad/gamepad_data_fetcher.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebGamepads.h"
using blink::WebGamepad;
using blink::WebGamepads;
namespace device {
namespace {
const float kMinAxisResetValue = 0.1f;
} // namespace
GamepadPadStateProvider::GamepadPadStateProvider() {
pad_states_.reset(new PadState[WebGamepads::kItemsLengthCap]);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < WebGamepads::kItemsLengthCap; ++i)
GamepadPadStateProvider::~GamepadPadStateProvider() {}
PadState* GamepadPadStateProvider::GetPadState(GamepadSource source,
int source_id) {
// Check to see if the device already has a reserved slot
PadState* empty_slot = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WebGamepads::kItemsLengthCap; ++i) {
PadState& state = pad_states_.get()[i];
if (state.source == source && state.source_id == source_id) {
// Retrieving the pad state marks this gamepad as active.
state.active_state = GAMEPAD_ACTIVE;
return &state;
if (!empty_slot && state.source == GAMEPAD_SOURCE_NONE)
empty_slot = &state;
if (empty_slot) {
empty_slot->source = source;
empty_slot->source_id = source_id;
empty_slot->active_state = GAMEPAD_NEWLY_ACTIVE;
return empty_slot;
void GamepadPadStateProvider::ClearPadState(PadState& state) {
memset(&state, 0, sizeof(PadState));
void GamepadPadStateProvider::InitializeDataFetcher(
GamepadDataFetcher* fetcher) {
void GamepadPadStateProvider::MapAndSanitizeGamepadData(PadState* pad_state,
WebGamepad* pad,
bool sanitize) {
if (!pad_state->data.connected) {
memset(pad, 0, sizeof(WebGamepad));
// Copy the current state to the output buffer, using the mapping
// function, if there is one available.
if (pad_state->mapper)
pad_state->mapper(pad_state->data, pad);
*pad = pad_state->data;
pad->connected = true;
if (!sanitize)
// About sanitization: Gamepads may report input event if the user is not
// interacting with it, due to hardware problems or environmental ones (pad
// has something heavy leaning against an axis.) This may cause user gestures
// to be detected erroniously, exposing gamepad information when the user had
// no intention of doing so. To avoid this we require that each button or axis
// report being at rest (zero) at least once before exposing its value to the
// Gamepad API. This state is tracked by the axis_mask and button_mask
// bitfields. If the bit for an axis or button is 0 it means the axis has
// never reported being at rest, and the value will be forced to zero.
// We can skip axis sanitation if all available axes have been masked.
uint32_t full_axis_mask = (1 << pad->axes_length) - 1;
if (pad_state->axis_mask != full_axis_mask) {
for (size_t axis = 0; axis < pad->axes_length; ++axis) {
if (!(pad_state->axis_mask & 1 << axis)) {
if (fabs(pad->axes[axis]) < kMinAxisResetValue) {
pad_state->axis_mask |= 1 << axis;
} else {
pad->axes[axis] = 0.0f;
// We can skip button sanitation if all available buttons have been masked.
uint32_t full_button_mask = (1 << pad->buttons_length) - 1;
if (pad_state->button_mask != full_button_mask) {
for (size_t button = 0; button < pad->buttons_length; ++button) {
if (!(pad_state->button_mask & 1 << button)) {
if (!pad->buttons[button].pressed) {
pad_state->button_mask |= 1 << button;
} else {
pad->buttons[button].pressed = false;
pad->buttons[button].value = 0.0f;
} // namespace device