blob: 61f654177deeb701c4131af0396702bbb8a6c6c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Logic for clustering similar symbols."""
import collections
import logging
import re
import function_signature
def _StripCloneSuffix(name):
# Multiple attributes could exist, so search from left-to-right.
idx = name.find(' [clone ')
if idx != -1:
return name[:idx]
return name
# Refer to models.SymbolGroup.Clustered() for pydoc
# TODO(agrieve): This logic should likely be combined with
# SymbolGroup.GroupedBy(), as it conceptually does the same thing.
# One could also thing of this as GroupedByFullName().
def ClusterSymbols(symbols):
# Example name suffixes:
# [clone .part.322] # GCC
# [clone .isra.322] # GCC
# [clone .constprop.1064] # GCC
# [clone .11064] # clang
# Step 1: Create name map, find clones, collect star syms into replacements.
logging.debug('Creating name -> symbol map')
clone_indices = []
indices_by_full_name = {}
# (section_name, full_name_no_attr) -> [(index, sym),...]
replacements_by_tup = collections.defaultdict(list)
for i, symbol in enumerate(symbols):
name = symbol.full_name
if not name:
if name.startswith('*'):
# "symbol gap 3" -> "symbol gaps"
name = re.sub(r'\s+\d+( \(.*\))?$', 's', name)
replacements_by_tup[(symbol.section_name, name)].append((i, symbol))
elif name.endswith(']') and ' [clone ' in name:
indices_by_full_name[name] = i
# Step 2: Collect same-named clone symbols.
logging.debug('Grouping all clones')
group_names_by_index = {}
for i in clone_indices:
symbol = symbols[i]
stripped_full_name = _StripCloneSuffix(symbol.full_name)
name_tup = (symbol.section_name, stripped_full_name)
replacement_list = replacements_by_tup[name_tup]
if not replacement_list:
# First occurance, check for non-clone symbol.
non_clone_idx = indices_by_full_name.get(stripped_full_name)
if non_clone_idx is not None:
non_clone_symbol = symbols[non_clone_idx]
replacement_list.append((non_clone_idx, non_clone_symbol))
group_names_by_index[non_clone_idx] = stripped_full_name
replacement_list.append((i, symbol))
group_names_by_index[i] = stripped_full_name
# Step 3: Undo clustering when length=1.
# Removing these groups means Diff() logic must know about [clone] suffix.
to_clear = []
for name_tup, replacement_list in replacements_by_tup.iteritems():
if len(replacement_list) == 1:
for name_tup in to_clear:
del replacements_by_tup[name_tup]
# Step 4: Replace first symbol from each cluster with a SymbolGroup.
before_symbol_count = sum(len(x) for x in replacements_by_tup.itervalues())
logging.debug('Creating %d symbol groups from %d symbols. %d clones had only '
'one symbol.', len(replacements_by_tup), before_symbol_count,
len_delta = len(replacements_by_tup) - before_symbol_count
grouped_symbols = [None] * (len(symbols) + len_delta)
dest_index = 0
src_index = 0
seen_tups = set()
index_and_name_tups = []
for name_tup, replacement_list in replacements_by_tup.iteritems():
for symbol_tup in replacement_list:
index_and_name_tups.append((symbol_tup[0], name_tup))
index_and_name_tups.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])
for index, name_tup in index_and_name_tups:
count = index - src_index
grouped_symbols[dest_index:dest_index + count] = (
symbols[src_index:src_index + count])
src_index = index + 1
dest_index += count
if name_tup not in seen_tups:
group_symbols = [tup[1] for tup in replacements_by_tup[name_tup]]
section_name, stripped_full_name = name_tup
if stripped_full_name.startswith('*'):
stripped_template_name = stripped_full_name
stripped_name = stripped_full_name
stripped_template_name = _StripCloneSuffix(
stripped_name = _StripCloneSuffix(group_symbols[0].name)
cluster = symbols._CreateTransformed(
group_symbols, full_name=stripped_full_name,
template_name=stripped_template_name, name=stripped_name,
grouped_symbols[dest_index] = cluster
dest_index += 1
assert len(grouped_symbols[dest_index:None]) == len(symbols[src_index:None])
grouped_symbols[dest_index:None] = symbols[src_index:None]
logging.debug('Finished clustering symbols.')
return grouped_symbols