blob: 75542936c3111517d32d23b69a1824ac2ae60ee4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
class Profile;
namespace predictors {
struct LoadingPredictorConfig;
// Returns whether the predictor is enabled, and populates |config|, if not
// nullptr.
bool IsLoadingPredictortEnabled(Profile* profile,
LoadingPredictorConfig* config);
// Indicates what caused the page load hint.
enum class HintOrigin { NAVIGATION, EXTERNAL };
// Represents the config for the Loading predictor.
struct LoadingPredictorConfig {
// Initializes the config with default values.
LoadingPredictorConfig(const LoadingPredictorConfig& other);
// The mode the prefetcher is running in. Forms a bit map.
enum Mode {
LEARNING = 1 << 0,
PREFETCHING_FOR_NAVIGATION = 1 << 2, // Should also turn on LEARNING.
PREFETCHING_FOR_EXTERNAL = 1 << 3 // Should also turn on LEARNING.
int mode;
// Helpers to deal with mode.
bool IsLearningEnabled() const;
bool IsPrefetchingEnabledForSomeOrigin(Profile* profile) const;
bool IsPrefetchingEnabledForOrigin(Profile* profile, HintOrigin origin) const;
bool IsLowConfidenceForTest() const;
bool IsHighConfidenceForTest() const;
bool IsMoreResourcesEnabledForTest() const;
bool IsSmallDBEnabledForTest() const;
// If a navigation hasn't seen a load complete event in this much time, it
// is considered abandoned.
size_t max_navigation_lifetime_seconds;
// Size of LRU caches for the URL and host data.
size_t max_urls_to_track;
size_t max_hosts_to_track;
// The number of times we should have seen a visit to this URL in history
// to start tracking it. This is to ensure we don't bother with oneoff
// entries. For hosts we track each one.
size_t min_url_visit_count;
// The maximum number of resources to store per entry.
size_t max_resources_per_entry;
// The maximum number of origins to store per entry.
size_t max_origins_per_entry;
// The number of consecutive misses after which we stop tracking a resource
// URL.
size_t max_consecutive_misses;
// The number of consecutive misses after which we stop tracking a redirect
// endpoint.
size_t max_redirect_consecutive_misses;
// The minimum confidence (accuracy of hits) required for a resource to be
// prefetched.
float min_resource_confidence_to_trigger_prefetch;
// The minimum number of times we must have a URL on record to prefetch it.
size_t min_resource_hits_to_trigger_prefetch;
// Maximum number of prefetches that can be inflight for a single navigation.
size_t max_prefetches_inflight_per_navigation;
// Maximum number of prefetches that can be inflight for a host for a single
// navigation.
size_t max_prefetches_inflight_per_host_per_navigation;
// True iff the predictor could use a url-based database.
bool is_url_learning_enabled;
// True iff the predictor could use manifests.
bool is_manifests_enabled;
// True iff origin-based learning is enabled.
bool is_origin_learning_enabled;
} // namespace predictors