blob: 93d17bd269da8081419d5da6f2336e027f78715b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements mock GL Interface for unit testing. The interface
// corresponds to the set of functionally distinct GL functions defined in
//, which may originate from either desktop GL or GLES.
#ifndef UI_GL_GL_MOCK_H_
#define UI_GL_GL_MOCK_H_
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_bindings.h"
namespace gl {
using GLFunctionPointerType = void (*)();
class MockGLInterface {
virtual ~MockGLInterface();
// Set the functions called from the mock GL implementation for the purposes
// of testing.
static void SetGLInterface(MockGLInterface* gl_interface);
// Find an entry point to the mock GL implementation.
static GLFunctionPointerType GL_BINDING_CALL
GetGLProcAddress(const char* name);
// Include the auto-generated parts of this class. We split this because
// it means we can easily edit the non-auto generated parts right here in
// this file instead of having to edit some template or the code generator.
// Member functions
#include "gl_mock_autogen_gl.h"
// TODO(zmo):
// Functions that cannot be mocked because they have more than 10 args.
void CompressedTexSubImage3D(
GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLint /*xoffset*/, GLint /*yoffset*/,
GLint /*zoffset*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/,
GLsizei /*depth*/, GLenum /*format*/, GLsizei /*imageSize*/,
const void* /*data*/) {
void CompressedTexSubImage3DRobustANGLE(GLenum /*target*/,
GLint /*level*/,
GLint /*xoffset*/,
GLint /*yoffset*/,
GLint /*zoffset*/,
GLsizei /*width*/,
GLsizei /*height*/,
GLsizei /*depth*/,
GLenum /*format*/,
GLsizei /*imageSize*/,
GLsizei /*dataSize*/,
const void* /*data*/) {
void CopySubTextureCHROMIUM(GLuint /*sourceId*/,
GLint /*sourceLevel*/,
GLenum /*destTarget*/,
GLuint /*destId*/,
GLint /*destLevel*/,
GLint /*xoffset*/,
GLint /*yoffset*/,
GLint /*x*/,
GLint /*y*/,
GLsizei /*width*/,
GLsizei /*height*/,
GLboolean /*unpackFlipY*/,
GLboolean /*unpackPremultiplyAlpha*/,
GLboolean /*unpackUnmultiplyAlpha*/) {
void TexImage3DRobustANGLE(GLenum target,
GLint level,
GLint internalformat,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth,
GLint border,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
GLsizei bufSize,
const void* pixels) {
void TexSubImage3D(
GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset,
GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type,
const void* pixels) {
if (pixels == nullptr) {
TexSubImage3DNoData(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset,
width, height, depth, format, type);
} else {
void TexSubImage3DRobustANGLE(GLenum target,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset,
GLint zoffset,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
GLsizei bufSize,
const void* pixels) {
void(GLenum target,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset,
GLint zoffset,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth,
GLenum format,
GLenum type));
void ReadPixelsRobustANGLE(GLint /*x*/,
GLint /*y*/,
GLsizei /*width*/,
GLsizei /*height*/,
GLenum /*format*/,
GLenum /*type*/,
GLsizei /*bufSize*/,
GLsizei* /*length*/,
GLsizei* /*columns*/,
GLsizei* /*rows*/,
void* /*pixels*/) {
void ReadnPixelsRobustANGLE(GLint /*x*/,
GLint /*y*/,
GLsizei /*width*/,
GLsizei /*height*/,
GLenum /*format*/,
GLenum /*type*/,
GLsizei /*bufSize*/,
GLsizei* /*length*/,
GLsizei* /*columns*/,
GLsizei* /*rows*/,
void* /*data*/) {
static MockGLInterface* interface_;
// Static mock functions that invoke the member functions of interface_.
#include "gl_bindings_autogen_mock.h"
static void GL_BINDING_CALL Mock_glTexSubImage3DNoData(
GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset,
GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type);
} // namespace gl
#endif // UI_GL_GL_MOCK_H_