blob: 84323dea64e450754b36f9c7cd00e35678164442 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/tiles/decoded_image_tracker.h"
namespace cc {
namespace {
const int kNumFramesToLock = 2;
} // namespace
DecodedImageTracker::DecodedImageTracker() = default;
DecodedImageTracker::~DecodedImageTracker() {
for (auto& pair : locked_images_)
void DecodedImageTracker::QueueImageDecode(
const PaintImage& image,
const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback) {
// Queue the decode in the image controller, but switch out the callback for
// our own.
// TODO(ccameron): The target color space specified here should match the
// target color space that will be used at rasterization time. Leave this
// unspecified now, since that will match the rasterization-time color
// space while color correct rendering is disabled.
gfx::ColorSpace target_color_space;
auto image_bounds = image.sk_image()->bounds();
// TODO(khushalsagar): Eliminate the use of an incorrect id here and have all
// call-sites provide PaintImage to the ImageController.
DrawImage draw_image(image, image_bounds, kNone_SkFilterQuality,
SkMatrix::I(), target_color_space);
draw_image, base::Bind(&DecodedImageTracker::ImageDecodeFinished,
base::Unretained(this), callback));
void DecodedImageTracker::NotifyFrameFinished() {
// Go through the images and if the frame ref count goes to 0, unlock the
// image in the controller.
for (auto it = locked_images_.begin(); it != locked_images_.end();) {
auto id = it->first;
int& ref_count = it->second;
if (--ref_count != 0) {
it = locked_images_.erase(it);
void DecodedImageTracker::ImageDecodeFinished(
const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback,
ImageController::ImageDecodeRequestId id,
ImageController::ImageDecodeResult result) {
if (result == ImageController::ImageDecodeResult::SUCCESS)
locked_images_.push_back(std::make_pair(id, kNumFramesToLock));
bool decode_succeeded =
result == ImageController::ImageDecodeResult::SUCCESS ||
result == ImageController::ImageDecodeResult::DECODE_NOT_REQUIRED;
} // namespace cc